顶点着色,vertex coloring
1)vertex coloring顶点着色
1.Mind evolutionary computation is used in solving vertex coloring problem.应用思维进化计算求解顶点着色问题,给出求解给定图的色数、最小着色的算法。
2.Based on the principle of graph theory, the paper transforms the matching/storing problem of railway dangerous goods into vertex coloring problem.应用图论的原理将危险货物的配放问题转化为对图的顶点着色问题。

1.You can create your vertex shader in two ways (that I know).创建顶点着色程序你可有两种方法。
2.Study on Storage of Railway Dangerous Goods Based on Vertex Coloring基于顶点着色的铁路危险货物储存问题研究
3.The following three lines from the vertex shader code determine the absolute offset into the matrix array which is stored as constants.下列三行顶点着色代码,求出矩阵数组里存储的常量的绝对偏移量。
4.Then it is substituted in Burnside formula,all vertex-coloring formulas of the regular polyhedron are determined.然后代入伯恩塞德公式,求得所有正多面体的顶点着色公式.
5.With her head bent back, she was gazing up at the sky and singing, while one of her little hands was pointing to a tiny cloud that hovered like a golden feather above her head.她仰着头,望着天空,唱着歌儿,她的小手指点着一朵飘浮在她头顶的金色羽毛般的小彩云。
6.Houses bearded the top of the heights.房屋装饰着高低的顶点。
7.Bounds for two multicolor vertex Folkman numbers两个多色顶点Folkman数的界
8.Have golden casques to crown them gloriously.戴着金色的头盔,顶着光荣的冠冕。
9."No," he said, nodding, his tongue pressing against his cheek.“不,”他说,点了点头,舌头顶着腮帮子。
10.There were patches of old snow under the crest.山顶下星星点点还残存着积雪。
11.Vertex lighting: Light intensity is calculated for every vertex. The intensities will be interpolated linearly across the polygon by the Gouraud shader.顶点光照:光照强度是通过计算每个顶点而得的。其强度将按照高德洛着色进行线性内插运算处理。
12.He wears a bowler to go to his office.他上班总是戴着一顶黑色硬礼帽。
13.They had on faded derby hats with dents in them.他们戴着皱巴巴褪了色的圆顶礼帽。
14.In a lilac sun bonnet she was it.她戴着一顶紫色遮阳帽,漂亮极了。
15.rain lashing on the roof, against the windows, etc猛烈敲打着屋顶、 窗户等的雨点
16.Jack the car up a bit more. The wheels are still touching the ground.把车再顶起一点,轮子仍然着地呢。
17.She wore a faded black bonnet garnished with faded artificial flowers.她戴着一顶褪了色的黑色无边帽,帽上缀着褪了色的假花。
18.She wore a floppy straw hat, tricked out with a yellow ribbon.她戴着一顶装饰着黄色花边的松软草帽。

vertex shader顶点着色
1.Based on current computer graphics hardware a technique is proposed for calculating irradiance environmental maps using vertex shader.为了实现动态光照环境下辐照度环境纹理图的实时绘制,基于当前的通用图形硬件,提出了一种采用顶点着色器快速计算辐照度环境纹理图的方法。
2.Facial behavior for ANPC is implemented by blending morph vertex shader(BMVS) technique in which the meshes of previously created animations,such as blinking,smile and visemes,can be blended to form new and unique animations on the fly and in real time.用一种混合变形顶点着色(BMVS)技术实现ANPC的面部行为,该技术可以把各个行为动画,如眨眼、微笑、视位(visemes),混合形成整个面部行为动画。
1.Then it is substituted in Burnside formula,all vertex-coloring formulas of the regular polyhedron are determined.然后代入伯恩塞德公式,求得所有正多面体的顶点着色公式。
4)vertex-coloring of graph图顶点着色
5)vertex shader顶点着色器
1.Further,the speed of lake wave simulation is improved by the vertex shader and pixel shader(GPU-based programming).同时利用顶点着色器和像素着色器(基于GPU的编程)强大的图形处理功能,极大地提高了太湖湖面波浪的生成速度,在网格为256*256,图像大小为1024*768的情况下,刷新频率达到了80帧以上,满足了实时性的要求。
6)k-vertex coloringk-顶点着色
