评估机制,evaluation mechanism
1)evaluation mechanism评估机制
1.The specialty evaluation mechanism of architecture differs from the undergraduate education evaluation in terms of emphasis,content,method,means,scale and term of evaluation as well as governing body.建筑学专业教育评估机制在评价侧重点、内容、方法、手段、评价等级与周期、管理主体上与普通本科教育评估都存在差异,可与本科教育评估机制相借鉴,建立完善的建筑学专业评估机制,增强专业教育评估与专业认证的协调性、评估周期与专业培养周期的适应性,调动院校参与建筑学专业教育水平评价的积极性,并结合以量化指标为特点的数理逻辑方法,增强评价结论的客观性,以提高评估体系的创新性。
2.Establishing the internal evaluation mechanism in universities is the effective method to strengthen their “autonomy”.教学评估是提高高等学校教学质量的有效手段,建立校内评估机制是加强高校“自律”的有效手段。
3.In the light of the defects of the traditional managerial system of university reference room, this paper puts forward the conceptions and operation models of the "centralized" managerial model, and points out that the successful practice of the "centralized" managerial model is an important guarantee for establishing the evaluation mechanism.针对高校资料室的传统管理体制的弊端,提出了“集中型”管理模式的概念和运作方式,指出建立评估机制是成功实施“集中型”管理模式的重要保障。

1.Research on Monitoring and Evaluation of the Reward and Assistance System for Families that Comply with Family Planning Regulations;奖励扶助制度监督与评估机制的研究
2.Initiating Dynamic Evaluation System to Perfect Bonds Credit Ratings of Listed Companies in China;完善公司债券评级制度 建立动态评估机制
3.The Perfection of the Performance Evaluation Mechanism in the Process of Constructing Responsible Government;责任政府构建中绩效评估机制的完善
4.Creating the Double Evaluating Systems in Cultivating the Cadres;建立健全干部教育内外双重评估机制
5.Reflections on the Contemporary Academic Evaluating Mechanism of Art Institutes;对当代艺术院校学术评估机制的思考
6.Reflection on Innovating the Performance Evaluation Mechanism of Chinese Civil Servants;创新我国公务员绩效评估机制的思考
7.A Study on the Performance Evaluation Mechanism of County-Level Governments县级政府运行中的绩效评估机制研究
8.P2P Reputation Estimation Based on Statistic Inference基于统计推断的P2P信誉评估机制
9.Establishment of a Mechanism for Evaluation of Graduate Supervisors' Ability of Training建立研究生导师培养能力的评估机制
10.Reputation-based on trust evaluation mechanism for P2P systemP2P系统中基于声誉的信任评估机制
11.Analyses and Reflections on the Risk Assessment Mechanism in Community Correction社区矫正风险评估机制的分析与思考
12.A trusted reputation algorithm for Ad hoc networks一种ad hoc网信任声誉评估机制
13.The Construction of Training Evaluation Cycle Mode and the Reconstruction of China s Civil Servant Training Evaluation System;培训评估圈模式构建与我国公务员培训评估机制再造
14.Investigation on Assessing Practical Achievements and Construction Assessable Mechanism of Police Affairs in China;我国警务绩效评估实践的调查与评估机制的构建
15.Study on Inside Quality Control System of Asset Appraisal Agency;资产评估机构内部质量控制制度研究
16.Monitoring, Evaluating and Institution Building in Regional Financial Stability;区域金融稳定的监测评估及机制建设
17.The Establishment of the Long-term System of Local Government Performance Evaluation;论地方政府绩效评估长效机制的建设
18.The Mechanism Research of the Evaluation and Transformation of University Scientific and Technical Achievements;高校科技成果评估与转化机制的研究

Appraisal mechanism评估机制
3)assessment mechanism评估机制
1.This paper analyzed the difficulties of the assessment mechanism institutionalization of junior sports clubs in China and proposed countermeasures from a sociological perspective.通过完善法律法规、加大宣传力度、推行独立的第三方评估,以及加强自身组织建设等途径可以促进青少年体育俱乐部评估机制实现制度化。
4)Post-project Analysis Mechanism后续评估机制
5)quantity evaluation stimulative mechanism评估激励机制
1.This interaction can be advanced through dynamical mechanism,goal leading mechanism,safeguard mechanism and quantity evaluation stimulative mechanism.通过对学校与社区互动的动力机制、目标导向机制、保障机制和评估激励机制的分析,可以促进学校与社区的互动。
6)offenders assessment system犯罪人评估机制

地价评估趋势评估法地价评估趋势评估法 【地价评估趋势评估法】土地价格在一定的时间内由于受诸多因素影响,呈周期性的波动,但总趋势是上升的,因此,利用一定的数学模型,就可以求算出地价,一般要通过回归分析,找出土地价格与时间变量之间的函数关系,画出地价发展变化趋势图形,然后建立数学模型,进而推算出地价。若以Y代表历年地价,X代表时间,丫代表地价,其关系式为:y‘=a+bx(a、b为常数)。采用这一方法,需以长年积累起来的地价变动资料作为分析依据。地价的时间序列最好在ro年以上。因为时间序列愈长,愈能排除偶然因素和短期因素对趋势值的异常干扰。另外,用地价长期趋势图可比较两个地段地价_L涨的强弱程度,如果长期趋线越陡,则表明该地段地价升值性越强;反之,则表明该地价的升值性越弱。