多元化企业,multiplex enterprise
1)multiplex enterprise多元化企业
1.The traditional multiplication has many kinds of malpractice,the multiplex enterprises develop the market through the hypothesized management in the new service domain,not only may overcome the malpractice of the traditional multiplication,moreover its compatibility and the reaction rate to the market can enhance greatly.传统多元化具有多种弊端,多元化企业通过虚拟经营在新的业务领域开拓市场,不但可以克服传统多元化的弊端,而且它的适应性和对市场的反应速度都会大大提高。

1.The Multiplication Enterprise Group Produces Melts the Union Management Pattern;多元化企业集团的产融结合模式研究
2.Entrepreneur Backgrounds,Diversification,and Firm Performance;私营企业的企业家背景、多元化战略与企业业绩
3.Diversification and Diversification Discount--New Development of Corporate Diversification Research;多元化经营与多元化折价——企业多元化研究的新进展
4.The Analysis on Diversification Strategy and Corporate Performance in China;我国企业多元化战略与经营业绩分析
5.Analysis on the Incentives and Motives of Business Group Diversification in China;我国企业集团行业多元化动因的分析
6.Study on the Construction of Industrial Chain in the Railway Diversified Enterprices铁路多元化经营企业产业链构建研究
7.Research on Diversification Strategy and Selection of Target Industry for Corporation企业多元化战略与目标行业选择研究
8.The just negative effect of diversity the influence for that enterprise group melts to develop;多元化效应对企业集团化发展的影响
9.Thinking of the Pluralistic Reforms of Property Right in China s Petroleum and Chemical Industry;我国石化企业的产权多元化改造思路
10.Case Research about Enterprise Informationization of the Diversified Group Enterprise多元化集团型企业信息化的实践研究
12.Enterprises diversified management and performance analysis model企业多元化经营与企业绩效关系分析模型
13.Workforce diversity is the primary characteristic of the modern enterprise.现代企业的主要特征是劳动力多元化。
14.Diversification Select Baned on the Competence Theory of the Firm;基于企业能力理论的多元化战略选择
15.Study on Diversification Development Strategies from a Perspective of Knowledge of Enterprise;基于知识的企业多元化发展战略研究
16.A Research into Core Competence of the Exhibition Enterprises and Their Multiple Development Concerned;会展企业核心能力与多元化发展研究
17.Study of Enterprise s Competitive Advantage Based on Moderate Diversification;基于适度多元化的企业竞争优势研究
18.Option Plan and Property Right Structure of Chinese State-Owned Enterprise Diversification;期权计划与国有企业产权结构多元化

1.Optional Assessment Model of Business Diversification and its Appliance in Enterprise;企业多元化业务的选择评估模型及实例应用
2.Study on Core Competence-based Diversification Strategy of Company Management;基于核心竞争力的企业多元化经营战略
3.Diversification plays an important role in economic development in many countries.本文在回顾相关文献的基础上诠释了企业多元化并购的相关概念,归纳了公司多元化并购的动因理论,综述了国内外利用事件研究法和会计指标法进行公司并购绩效实证检验,并探讨出适合我国并购绩效研究的方法。
3)Corporate diversification企业多元化
1.Lots of academic and positive researches indicate that corporate diversification must base on the core competence to gain outstanding achievements.大量理论及实证研究表明,企业多元化经营必须基于核心能力才能取得良好业绩,但是核心能力的普遍模糊使企业很难以组合多业务实现核心能力的共享。
4)diversified business groups多元化企业集团
1.This analyzes the Chinese business groups by 333 samples from 2004~2006 listed companies with SPSS software to find out the influence the M-form on the performance of diversified business groups.通过对2003年12月31日以前在深沪两市A股上市的333个多元化企业集团样本进行统计分析,得出了事业部制与多元化企业集团的绩效存在显著的正相关关系,事业部制是一种能为多元化企业集团带来良好管理效果的组织结构。
5)enterprises pluralistic operation企业多元化经营
6)enterprise diversification企业经营多元化
1.On the base of analyzing efficiency of financial market and motivation of enterprise diversification, this article studies the efficiency of the different evolution forms in financial market and its impact on social resource distribution function.在分析金融市场有效性和企业经营多元化动机的基础上 ,研究了金融市场演变不同形态的有效程度以及其对社会资源的分配功能的影响 ,分析了企业经营多元化和金融市场有效程度的内在关系 ,以及我国企业多元化的问题和对策。

多元化普通股资金 Diversified Common Stock Fund