倒票,scalping train tickets
1)scalping train tickets倒票
1.It is an important duty of the railway police departments to attack the offence of scalping train tickets.结合当前铁路公安机关打击倒卖车票违法犯罪活动的工作实际,就倒票现状、原因进行深入的分析和研究,并就预防和打击倒卖车票违法犯罪活动提出操作性较强的对策,就具有重大的实践意义。
2)scalp train tickets倒卖车票

1.Another Attack against the Persistent Problem--The Situation,Causes and Countermeasures of Scalping Train Tickets;再攻顽症——倒卖车票的现状、原因及防控对策
2.Whoever profiteers from train and ship tickets, when the circumstances are serious, is to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention or control倒卖车票、船票,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制
3.Reselling of passenger tickets or other railway transport certificates for profit shall be prohibited.禁止倒卖旅客车票和其他铁路运输票证。
4.Whoever forges or profiteers from forged train and ship tickets, stamps, or other valuable coupons, which involve a relatively large amount of money,伪造或者倒卖伪造的车票、船票、邮票或者其他有价票证,数额较大的,
5.The Ways of Attacking and Prohibiting the Crime of Scalping Train Tickets打击和杜绝倒卖火车票违法犯罪活动的途径和方法
6.scalping tickets to a popular sports event.倒卖热门运动竞赛的黄牛票
7.Article66 Any person who resells railway passenger ticket for profit involving relatively large quantity or value shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with Article117 of the Criminal Law.第六十六条倒卖旅客车票数额较大的,依照刑法第一百一十七条的规定追究刑事责任。
8.Judicial Identification on the Crime of Forging and Reselling Forged Valuable Ticket伪造、倒卖伪造的有价票证罪的司法认定
9.Train tickets to Dalian are sold at that window.去大连的火车票在那个窗口卖。
10.One hundred of the stamps sold to the public became know as" inverts", for the plane was printed upside down.因为蓝色的飞机因颠倒了,仅仅有一百枚这种“倒转”邮票卖给工种。
11.The governors are expected to sign a bill that would lift the current ban on tickets scalping at internet ticket sales.政府将要签署一项议案解除当前网上倒卖门票的禁令。
12.Shanghai police seized a hang of scalpers of train tickets at Shanghai railway station yesterday上海警方昨日在火车站抓住了一伙贩卖火车票的黄牛
13.convert(property,shares,etc)into money by selling变卖(财产、股票等)
14.Pulling was a straightforward business of getting fares or not, whereas peddling was tricky and he didn't know the ropes.拉车是一冲一撞的事,成就成,不成就拉倒; 做小买卖得苦对付,他不会。
15.A box - office is a place where tickets are sold .票房是卖票的地方。
16.John stood the curator's argument on its head, saying that charging admission to museums would attract more, not fewer people to them.约翰把馆长的论据颠倒过来,认为博物馆卖门票会吸引更多的人,而不是更少的人。
17.Kevin: I know, but I left it too late. Now nobody wants them. Just my luck.凯文:不错,但我要卖的时候已太迟了。现在没有人要这类股票。我真是倒楣。
18.Back out and turn the car round!"还不打倒车么? 打倒车

scalp train tickets倒卖车票
3)Tete Beche Pair对倒票
4)ticket scalping倒卖船票
5)speculative reselling of tickets倒票现象
1.The paper analyzes the impact of speculative reselling of ticket on social welfare, and proves that in general circumstance, the phenomenon of speculative reselling of tickets could improve the social welfare.对"倒票现象"对社会福利的影响进行了分析,证明不考虑社会公平,一般情况下"倒票现象"增加社会福利;但是当社会存在过度"倒票现象"时,"倒票现象"就会损害社会福利。
6)switching orders倒闸操作票
1.The paper mainly searches how to confirm the steps of the switching operations correctly and provide a convenient interface for viewing and editing the switching orders for operators utilizing expert system of intelligent reasoning, in the instance of the various switching operations, which the substations apply to the inner equipments.本文主要研究怎样运用智能推理型的专家系统实现变电站对变电站内各设备在各种运行方式下进行倒闸操作时,能够正确确定倒闸操作票的步骤,并提供方便的界面供运行操作人员浏览和编辑操作票。
