公务用车,Government Public Vehicle-using System (GPVS)
1)Government Public Vehicle-using System (GPVS)公务用车
1.The existing Government Public Vehicle-using System (GPVS) was born in the planned economy times, and had once produced many positive effects.产生于计划经济时代的政府公务用车制度,曾经起到过很多积极的作用。

1.Analysis on Reform of Service Car System;公务用车制度改革应注意的几个问题
2.Introduce the Market Mechanism and Reform the System of the Car for Public Affairs;引入市场机制实行公务用车制度改革
3.Clean and maintain car. Park the car in the given place in the company.负责清洁、保管及保养公司车辆.除公务用车在外,车辆应停放在公司指定地点。
4.Studys on Capitalized Reformation of Business Cars for Government in Party and Politics Institution of China;我国党政机关公务用车货币化改革研究
5.Analysis of Currency Reform in Jiangsu Changshu Official Vehicle-Using System;江苏省常熟市公务用车货币化改革分析
6.Exploration of Reform on Official-Business-Car-Using System in Party and Government Offices;关于党政机关推行公务用车制度改革的探讨
7.Research of System Reform in the Official Busisness Vehicles under the Market Economy;市场经济条件下政府机关公务用车制度改革的研究
8.The company serves light vehicle, commercial truck, trailer and specialty original equipment manufacturers and certain aftermarket.公司服务于轻型车辆、商用卡车、拖车和特种车辆及部分售后市场。
9.The Preliminary Discussion of the Passenger Car Bussiness Unit of Dongfeng Motor Corporation;东风汽车公司乘用车业务单元国际化战略初探
10."Automobile Assistance Service Co., Ltd."汽车救援服务有限公司
11.LGOC (London General Omnibus Company)伦敦通用公共汽车公司
12.A parking or service area next to a highway.服务区公路旁停车或服务的区域
13.public netfind server公用NETFIND服务器
14.public Archie server公用Archie服务器
15.Research on Automobile Financial Company Comparing with Automobile Finance Company in Our Country Current Phrase;我国汽车财务公司与汽车金融公司的比较
16.We are mostly in supply of group transporting, business transporting, conference transporting, movement transporting, travel transport, airport transport and employee transporting.公司的服务范围为:团体包车、务包车、议租车、动租车、游租车、场接送租车、工接送租车。
17.utilities services公用服务事业,提供劳务
18.Oil is burnt in cars,trucks and buses.小汽车、卡车和公共汽车用油做燃料。

official vehicle-using system公务用车制度
1.Reform on official vehicle-using system has become a hot issue that arouses great concern in today s society.公务用车制度改革是我国当前社会普遍关注的热点问题。
3)Official vehicle-using system reform公务用车改革
1.Official vehicle-using system reform has become a hot issue that arouses great concern in today\'s society.公务用车改革已成为人们普遍关注的热点问题。
4)reform of official vehicles system公务用车制度改革
5)0fficial vehicle公务车辆
6)Public Service公用服务
1.Constructing a Public Service Quality Evaluation Model: Evidence from Chinese Public Service Industry;一个公用服务质量测评模型的构建和分析:来自中国公用服务业的证据
