唐胥铁路,Tangshan-Xugezhuang Railway
1)Tangshan-Xugezhuang Railway唐胥铁路
2)Tangshan steel唐山钢铁

1.The Development Strategy Research of Non-Steel Industry of Tangshan Iron & Steel Group CO.,LTD.;唐山钢铁公司非钢产业发展战略研究
2.Analysis on the Reality and Issues of Steel Industrial Structure in Tangshan and the Countermeasures;唐山钢铁产业结构的现状、问题及对策
3.Study on Human Resource Management of Tangshan Iron & Steel Group Co., LTD;唐山钢铁集团有限责任公司人力资源管理研究
4.The Analysis of Tangshan Steel s Outer and Environment and its Developing Path;唐山钢铁集团的内外环境分析及发展路径
5.The Analysis of Tangshan Steel’s Outer and Inner Environment and Its Developing path;唐山钢铁集团的内外环境分析及发展路径选择
6.On the Competitiveness of Industrial Clusters and Its Implications on Tangshan Iron & Steel Industry;产业集群竞争力及其对唐山钢铁产业的启示
7.The Tangshan steel plant raises the further issue of how the government manages the economy.这家唐山钢铁厂引发了更为深远的问题,即政府如何管理经济。
8.Research on the Development and Structure Pattern of Steel Industrial Innovation Network in Tangshan;唐山钢铁产业创新网络发展演化与结构模式研究
9.The Characteristic and Mechanism of the Iron and Steel Industry in Tangshan City, Hebei Province;唐山市钢铁工业发展特征及动力机制分析
10.Reactive Power Compensation and Harmonic Harnessing in Tangshanruifeng Iron and Steel Company唐山瑞丰钢铁公司无功补偿及谐波治理
11.Special Evaluation Research of Safe Production Permit for Tangshan Capital Iron and Steel Co. Ma Lan Iron Ore;唐山首钢马兰庄铁矿安全生产许可专项评价研究
12.Research on the Program for Line Trend in Section between Chengde and Tangshan of Zhangjiakou-Tangshan Railway张唐铁路承德至唐山段线路走向方案研究
13.Wrapper Roll AJC Control Function of Tangshan Stainless Steel 1580mm Hot Strip Mill唐山不锈钢1580mm热轧助卷辊AJC控制功能
15.We have placed or order for some steel with Anshan Iron and Steel Factory.我们已向鞍山钢铁厂订购了一些钢材。
16.The Optimization of Steel Distribution Logistics and Its Applications to Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation鞍山钢铁公司钢铁销售物流的优化与应用研究
17.Study on Improvement of Granulating Efficiency of Sinter Mixture of Tangshan I&S Co.;改善唐钢二铁烧结混合料制粒效果的研究
18.A study of the sintering characters and application of imported iron ores at Tangsteel唐钢进口铁矿烧结性能研究及生产应用

Tangshan steel唐山钢铁
3)Tang Poetry Road唐诗之路
1.The Post-roads Between Two Capital in Tang Dynasty——A True Tang Poetry Road;唐代两京驿道——真正的“唐诗之路”
2.Tang Poetry Road and Products in the East Area of Zhejiang;唐诗之路与浙东经济物产
4)Yamen runner胥役
1.Research on the Chinese Initial Grandmother Huaxu——the Historical Exploration of Taihao Fuxi and Nuwa s Mother;中华始祖母华胥考——太昊伏羲氏和女娲氏生母的主要史迹探寻
2.A Study of the Former Home of Huaxu Family,Fuxi and Nüwa;华胥氏与伏羲、女娲故里考
6)Petty officials胥吏
1.The petty officials are the personnel who deal with concrete affairs in administration of ancient China.胥吏是中国古代各级行政机构中的具体办事人员。
