区域性物流公司,regional logistics companies
1)regional logistics companies区域性物流公司
2)regional branch line company区域性干线公司

1.Reflections upon Setting up a Regional Branch Line Company in Da-Qin Line;关于组建大秦铁路区域性干线公司的思考
2.Study on Evaluation Methods for the Arterial Highway Network Planning;区域干线公路网规划布局方案评价方法研究
3.The Harmonization Study of Relationship between District Subsidiaries and Professional Companies;集团公司内区域性子公司和专业公司之间关系协调研究
4.They are regional depart policy, price policy and product line policy.公司区域分隔政策、价格政策和产品线政策;
5.Make Breakthrough in Keen Competition--Strategic Development Proposition for Regional Radio and TV Cable Network Companies在激烈竞争中实现重大突破——区域性广电有线网络公司的发展战略构想
6.Regional Documentation Unit on Transnational Corporations跨国公司区域文件股
7.European Regional Airlines Organization欧洲区域航空公司组织
8.Corporation for Regional and Enterprise Networking区域和企业网络公司
9.An Equity Evaluation of Urban Park Location-Allocation--A Case Study Within the Outer Ring of Shanghai City城市公园区位分配公平性评价研究——以上海市外环线以内区域为例
10.Wen Hu has been working for Eco-Jet, a regional air line, for the last six years.胡文给生态型喷气式飞机公司(一个区域航线)工作六年之久。
11.The cargo will be used to supply new and existing customers via GDLNG's trunkline in the Pearl River Delta region.该船现货将通过大鹏公司的干线,供给珠三角地区新老客户。
12.fringe area【无】线条区, 电视接收边缘区;散乱边纹区;干扰区域
13.Regional Administrative Radio Conference区域性无线电行政大会
14.To strengthen the financial management and standardize the account through the GL.统一区域整体财务核算的规范性、法性,加强对分公司的财务管理。
15.Setting and Planning of Service Facilities on Provincial Arterial Highway省域干线公路服务设施的设置与规划
16.Coexistence of Wpan_ZigBee and WiFi无线个人区域网ZigBee与WiFi的干扰分析
17.Research on the Role of Regional Economic about Highway Traffic and the Adaptation Extensive of Link Freeway Development in Jilin Province;公路交通的区域经济发展作用与吉林省干线高速公路发展适应规模的研究
18.Characteristics of Floristic Diversity in Eco-restoration Projects of Expressway Reach in Semi-arid Area半干旱区高速公路路域生态恢复工程植物多样性特征

regional branch line company区域性干线公司
3)regional agency区域性广告公司
4)Zone company区域公司
5)logistics companies物流公司
1.The developing of current logistics impels some industrial and commercial enterprises to estabilish or participate in logistics companies by shares.现代物流的发展促使一些工商企业自行组建 或参股物流公司,本文分析了此类物流公司发展过程中的 优劣势,从其与工商企业、公司内部以及外部企业的关系 考虑,建立起“分权一整合一扩张”的经营模式,对物流 公司的经营模式研究能起到一定的参考作用。
2.This paper probes into differences in supply chain, product development to destroyment process, special process and key process, measuring equipment between logistics companies and general enterprises when they advance ISO9001:2000 certification.本文探讨了物流公司在进行ISO9001:2000标准认证中,其在供应链以及产品的形成至销毁过程、特殊过程与关键过程、测量装置等方面与一般企业的区别所在。
6)regional distribution center区域性物流中心
1.Analyzing the present condition of economy and distribution, this paper discusses the necessity, superiority and challenge of constructing regional distribution center in Chongqing, points out the developed measures.本文分析了重庆经济和物流业现状,论述了重庆建设成区域性物流中心城市的必要性、优势和挑战,提出了发展措施。
