1.Discussion on the nature of reality and urgency of deepening CME;试论深化继续医学教育的现实性和迫切性
2.On the Practicality and Reality of Ideological and Political Theory Teaching in Higher Vocational Schools;论高职思想政治理论课教学的实践性与现实性
3.Teaching the course "Outline of China’s Modern History" should highlight reality;“中国近现代史纲要”课教学应凸显现实性

1.On the Reality and Unreality of the Kantian Culture of Anarchy;论康德无政府文化实现的现实性与非现实性
2.change of possibility to actuality可能性向现实性的转化
3.Thisness in Philosophy: The Directness and Indirectness and the Conditions for Their Realization;论哲学直接、间接的现实性及实现条件
4.Study of the Contemporary Return of the Medicine to Humanism at Academic and Realistic Levels现代医学人文回归的学术性与现实性
5.Lacking practicality or the possibility of realization.假设的,虚幻的缺少现实性或实现的可能性的
6.Human Existence--the Unity of Supposition and Realistics;人的存在——虚拟和现实的统一——兼谈“现实性实践与虚拟性实践”
7.Enhancing The Efficacy of Teaching "Principle of Marxism":Realization of the Interaction Between"Academicality"and"Reality";提高马克思主义基本原理课的实效性:实现“学术性”与“现实性”的互动
8.Unity of reality and ideality is of the stability feature.现实性与理想性的统一具有稳定性。
9.Actualization, scientificity and feasibility of Marx s view on history;马克思历史观的现实性、科学性、可行性
10.Realization of Faithfulness in Translation: Feasibilities and Limitations;忠实性原则的实现:可行性与局限性
11.The Connotation, Actuality and Realization of the Practicalness of Philosophy of Education;教育哲学实践性的涵义、现状及其实现
12.Design and Implementation of WSDL ICS ProformaWSDL实现一致性声明文稿的设计与实现
13.Design and Realization of Multi-relationship Virtual Reality Systems多关联性虚拟现实系统的设计与实现
14."The Authenticity of Realism" and "the Truth of Matter s Inherent Law";“现实主义的真实性”与“本质真实”
15.M: I am neither the potentiality nor the actualisation, nor the actuality of things.我不是物件的潜在性,现实化或实在性。
16.The Tendentiousness and Authenticity of Socialist Realism社会主义现实主义的倾向性与真实性
17.ease of implementation实现的简易性 -电路等的
18.physically realizable linear system物理可实现线性系统

1.On Realism and Idealism of Morals Content——also on the expanlsion of ideal ism in the Confucianism morals content;论道德内涵的现实性与理想性——兼论儒家道德内涵在现实社会中理想性成份的扩张
2.Transplantation of realism and poetry ——tentative research into the translation of dramatic dialogues;现实性与诗性的移植——戏剧对话翻译初探
3.He persevered with exploring the root of human being s emotion and wisdom in poetry writing,which was to be released from the "poetic conception" surrounded by realism,utilitarianism and timeliness,and extended to the space as far as only people s soul can travel to.他在其诗歌写作中执著于追索人类的"情绪与智慧之根",将被"现实性功利性"与"即时性"所缠绕的"诗意"释放出来,伸展到人的心灵才能抵达的领空。
1.The essential tension:on the distinction of ideality and actuality in marxist philosophy;必要的张力——马克思主义哲学中理想性与现实性的界分问题(英文)
2.The splitting of actuality in the systematization period in Greece take a key step to the advancing of the basic categories of science.古希腊哲学体系化时期,"现实性概念的分裂"对于自然科学基本范畴的确立具有至关重要的意义。
3.The actuality exists in the fairy tales in nearly every period and every country,combining the forms of life with forms that don t exist in the life.不同的历史时期、不同国度的童话幻想中都存在着现实性的踪影,体现为生活本身形式与非生活本身形式的结合。
1.It is of realistic value to consider and understand the law enforcement from the view of practice.马列主义是关于实践的科学,从实践的角度来认识与思考依法行政,对提高依法行政水平更具有现实性
2.Compared with artificial neural networks, realistic neural networks are much closer to real biological neural networks.现实性神经网络是相对人工神经网络而言的 ,它与人工神经网络相比 ,更接近真实的生物神经网络。
3.It is realistic to construct eco-tax-system and eco-tax-law based on the theories of taxation reforming and the analysis the current facts combined with the state of the development of tax system both at home and abroad.从国内外税制发展的现状,并结合我国的税收现实来分析费改税的理论研究进程,对构建我国生态税收体系和生态税法律制度均有一定的现实性
1.Discussion on Feasibility of Multiple Cropping of Feed Rape after Reaping Wheat;浅议麦后复种饲料油菜的现实性
2.Sun Yat-sen possess new and higher feasibility in the early 21 century.浙江北部海域正具备超级枢纽港的理想条件,这使得孙中山先生在20世纪初所提出的“东方大港”,在21世纪具有了新的和更高层次上的现实性
3.The feasibility of Golden mean is an important in the Confucius s thought,specially the "using intermediate"that manifested feasibility of the Golden mean.孔子中庸思想中的现实性是一个重要的内容,特别是中庸的“用中”思想中最能体现中庸的现实性
6)Realis and Irrealis现实和非现实性
