1.A Process to Repair the Worn Main Shaft for 380kW Motor by Composite Ni-diamond Coating;镍-金刚石复合镀层修复磨损电动机主轴工艺
2.The selection and application of motor starting methods in synthetic fiber production;合纤生产中电动机启动方式的选择及应用
3.Eliminating trouble methods about motor of chief pump burns out;主排水泵电动机烧毁故障排除方法

1.Servo motor(operating motor)伺服电动机(执行电动机)
2.generator-motor system发电机-电动机系统
3.Leonard system steering发电机电动机系统操舵
4.leonard control发电机电动机组控制
5.capacitor start run motor电容启动及运行电动机
6.condenser-start induction motor电容起动感应电动机
7.independent motor drive独立电动机传动独立电动机传动装置
8.motor efficiency发动机效率电动机效率
9.syn-drive electric motor自整角机驱动电动机
10.exciter set driving motor励磁机组驱动电动机
11.self-starting synchronous motor自动起动同步电动机
12.series connected starting motor starting串联起动电动机起动
13.commutator motor整流式[子]电动机
14.Synchronous Converter;Generator;Synchronous Generator;Motor;Motor Generator;Synchronous Motor;Hand Generator;None同步转换器;发电机;同步发电机;电动机;电动机发电机;同步电动机;手摇发电机;无
15.repulsion motor with double set of brushes具两组电刷推斥电动机
16.motor winding type elctro-clock用电动机上弦的电钟
17.induction motor meter感应电动机式电度表
18.commutating electromotive force(电机)整流电动势

electric motor电动机
1.Working parameters of electric motor on beamm pumping units;游梁抽油机电动机工作参数的研究
2.Design of power distribution protection for starting circuit of marine electric motor;船舶电动机直接起动回路的配电保护设计方法
3.Using Alternating Electric Welder to Dry Electric Motor of Low Voltage;用交流电焊机干燥低压电动机
1.Application of electromotor frequency speed control units in brine process;电动机变频调速装置在盐水工序的应用
2.Reasonable match of the mechanical characteristic of electromotor with the load property of the pumping unit;电动机的机械特性与抽油机载荷特性的合理匹配
3.A brief discussion on the merits and faults of electromotor starting form;浅谈电动机启动方式的优缺点
4)Electric motors电动机
1.Application prospect of the coiled stators of small-size electric motors was introduced.介绍了小型电动机定子铁心卷叠加工的应用前景,分析了卷绕成形的特点和技术关键,提出"三段成形法",始段以小曲率全扶持预弯成形防止起皱,末段以大曲率推弯变形控制回弹值。
5)dynamo-electric machine电动发电机,电机
6)motor shell电动机机壳,电动机机座
