融合战略,integration strategy
1)integration strategy融合战略

1.The Trend of Technology Convergence and the Tactics of Technology Convergence in Our Country;技术融合趋势及我国的技术融合战略
2.Corporate Strategy and Competitive Strategy: From Separation to Integrity;公司战略与竞争战略:从分离到融合
3.On the Integration of Strategic Networks and Classic Strategic Management;简论企业网络理论的战略观与经典战略的融合
4.On the Content Integration and Channel Integration of Digital Newspaper Industry--The Development Strategy of Newspaper Industry in the Age of Media Integration数字报业的内容融合与渠道融合——媒介融合时代的报业发展战略
5.A Probe into Firm Growth Based on Mixing Entrepreneurship and Strategy;基于创业与战略融合的企业成长研究
6.Enterprise Cultrue Merging with CRM Strategy;浅议企业文化与CRM战略实施的融合
7.A Probe into the Cultural Difference and Amalgamationin in Strategic Alliance;战略联盟的文化差异与文化融合探析
8.To Develop for Integration, to Integrate for Development -Strategic thinking over the combination of the two colleges;以发展促融合 以融合求发展——关于学校合并问题的战略思考
9.The Development of East-Asian Financial Cooperation and China s Choice of Strategies;东亚金融合作的发展及中国的战略选择
10.The Study on the Development Strategy of E-bank in the Trend of Industrial Convergence;产业融合趋势下网络银行的发展战略研究
11.Mass Customization Strategy:Synthesizing Overall Cost Leadership and Differentiation;大规模定制战略:低成本与差异化的有效融合
12.Research on the Development Strategy of Convergence of Service and Manufacturing Industry of Changsha;长沙市制造业与现代服务业融合发展战略研究
13.Trategic Choice on Greater Mekong Subregion Cooperation of Financial Industry in China;中国在大湄公河次区域金融合作中的战略选择
14.Strategic Thinking of Fusion Development about Seabuckthorn Industry in Karamay City;新疆克拉玛依沙棘产业融合发展战略思路
15.The Strategic Choice about Boosting Chinese New Industrialization by Industrial Convergence;产业融合:信息化推动新型工业化的战略选择
16.Organizational Mechanism for Enterprise Information System Strategic Planning in Fit Mode;融合模式下企业信息系统战略规划的组织机制
17.Development Direction of Public Crisis Management:Fusion of the Strategic Management;公共危机管理的发展方向:与战略管理相融合
18.The Illegibility of Industrial Boundary and Industrial Convergence;基于产业融合视角的文化创意产业发展战略

comprehensive financial strategy金融综合战略
3)struggling against terrorism反恐融合战略
1.A Study on the Integration Modes of Technology and Corporate Strategy in High-tech Enterprises;高技术企业技术与战略融合研究
5)financial strategy融资战略
1.On the basis of summarizing the history of being listed in Hong Kong stock market of the non-governmental enterprises in Fujian Province, this pape r analyzes on and probes into the reasons and problems of the financial strategy of being listed in Hong Kong stock market.福建省民营企业争相在中国香港上市已引起人们的关注,为此,在概述福建民营企业在香港上市历程的基础上,探讨和分析了福建民营企业在香港上市融资战略的动因及存在的问题。
6)financing strategy融资战略
1.Study of the Development Startegy and Financing Strategy Based on It for YF Pulp and Paper Corporation;YF纸业公司发展战略及其框架内的融资战略研究
2.Through the in-depth interview of 21 laid-off women entrepreneurs in Wuhan city,this study explores the motivation,effecting factors,financing strategy and appeals of the laid-off women s entrepreneuring.通过对武汉市21位下岗女性创业者的深度访谈,对中国下岗女性的创业动机、创业发展影响因素、融资战略的选择及创业发展的诉求进行了探索性研究,得出结论:(1)中国下岗女性的创业动机以推动式为主,拉动式为辅,其中政府组织的推动和家庭/社会责任感的拉动不容忽视;(2)中国下岗女性创业者的人力资本及社会资本水平阻碍了企业的发展;(3)中国下岗女性创业者融资风格保守,融资渠道不畅;(4)中国下岗女性创业者在创业发展进程中对资金和政策落实的诉求最甚。

Hibbs脊柱融合术Hibbs脊柱融合术〗Hibbs脊柱融合术】〓〖WTBZ〗〖HT5”SS〗(Hibbs spine fusion 主要是融合后侧的椎板及关节突,局麻或全麻,俯卧位。后正中切口,显露棘突、椎板、小关节。吸去棘突,将椎板表面骨质凿去薄层,小关节软骨及坚实骨少许亦凿去,再取髂骨植入上述骨及小关节面表面。