企业资源观,Resource-based View
1)Resource-based View企业资源观
1.Analysis on How to Apply the Financial Resource in the Corporate Strategic Management According to Resource-based View;基于企业资源观试论财务资源在企业战略管理中的应用问题

1.IT resources and sustainable competitive advantage:From the firm resource-based view;IT资源与持续竞争优势——基于企业资源观的述评
2.On the FOB Succession from a Resource-Based View;基于企业资源观视角的家族企业继任研究展望
3.Empirical Research of Private Small Enterprises Innovativeness based on the Resource-based View;基于企业资源观点的民营小企业创新实证研究
4.Analysis on How to Apply the Financial Resource in the Corporate Strategic Management According to Resource-based View;基于企业资源观试论财务资源在企业战略管理中的应用问题
5.Organizational Slack and Its Forming Process;企业的冗余资源及其有限理性来源观
6.A Study on Firm IT Capacity and Firm Performance:A Resource-based View;基于资源观的企业IT能力与企业绩效研究
7.A Study of the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Performane资源观视角下企业社会责任与企业绩效研究
8.An Analysis of the IT Capability of Enterprises Based on the Consideration of Resources基于资源观的企业信息技术能力分析
9.Research on the Financial Control of Enterprise Group-A Resource Perspective;基于资源观的企业集团财务控制研究
10.A Resource-based Analysis on the Motivation of Enterprise Outsourcing Strategy;基于资源观的企业外包战略动因分析
11.Resource-based Study of Innovation in University-Industry Collaborations;基于资源观的大学-企业合作创新研究
12.Research on the New Venture's Financing Process Based on Resource Viewpoint基于资源观的新创企业创业融资过程研究
13.Research on Difference in Policy-Choosing between the Two Partners in Sino-foreign Alliance Based on Resource View and Risk View;基于资源观与风险观的中外联盟企业策略差异
14.Enterprise Resource Planning & Business Process Reengineering企业资源计划与企业流程重组——现代企业信息管理观的变革
15.Research on Knowledge Resource Acquisition Methods of Enterprises Based on Knowledge Strategy;基于资源理论观点的企业知识资源获取方法研究
16.Scientific Talent Ideology and Human Resource of Medium Sized Enterprise;科学人才观与中小型企业的人力资源管理
17.Enterprise Human Resource Strategy Research Based on New Human Resource Sight;基于“新”人才观的企业人才资源战略研究
18.Research on Entrepreneurial Creative Decision Making Based on Cognitive Resource View;基于认知资源观的企业家创造性决策研究

enterprise resources企业资源
1.Design and implement the analysis and solving system of enterprise resources problems;企业资源矛盾问题分析与求解系统设计与实现
2.Enterprise resources are the basis of the survival and development of enterprise, while strategic resources is a source of core competence, and also is the key elements to maintain gaining access to sustainable competitive advantage.企业资源是企业生存和发展的基础,而战略性资源是企业核心竞争力的来源,是维持企业获取持续竞争优势的关键要素。
3)firm resource企业资源
1.The resource-based view is an important part in the field of strategic management, but as to the conception and type of firm resource, there is no united idea.但是,对于企业资源的定义与分类,资源论没有一个统一的标准。
2.Taking the resource-based theory of the firm as theoretical instrument,this paper decomposes firm resource system into two layers: Supportive resources and primary resources,and proposes direct and indirect models which differently elaborate influencing paths from firm resources and capabilities to competitive advantage.本文以企业资源理论为基础,将企业资源体系分为支持性资源和主导性资源两个层面,建立了企业资源、能力与竞争优势之间影响关系的直接模型和间接模型。
3.The firm resource is the foundation and source of the competitive advantage,the competitive advantage is the footstone of firm survival and development.企业资源是竞争优势的基础和源泉,竞争优势是企业生存发展的基石。
4)firm resources企业资源
1.Based on the resource-based view and the agency theory, this article analyzes the impacts of firm resources on internationalization, and further analyzes the moderating effects of ownership property.基于资源基础理论和代理理论,本文探讨了企业资源对国际化程度的影响,并进一步分析了股权性质的调节作用。
5)resources enterprise资源企业
1.Obstacle analysis on development of Chinese resources enterprise我国资源企业发展障碍分析
6)enterprise resource企业资源
1.Research of Enterprise Resource Management Supporting Network Manufacturing;支持网络化制造的企业资源管理的研究
2.The Application of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) in the Enterprise Resource Planning (BRP) Solving Project;业务流程重组(BPR)在企业资源计划(ERP)解决方案中的应用
3.Research on Enterprise Resources Integration and Integrative Capability企业资源集成及其能力研究

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。