社会责任国际标准,International standards of social responsibility
1)International standards of social responsibility社会责任国际标准
1.In the competition of the international market, the "outside" codes of social responsibility which is carried out is various, all of which is called "international standards of social responsibility".在国际市场竞争中,被推行适用的社会责任“外部”守则各式各样,都被称为“社会责任国际标准”。

1.Construction of Corporate Social Responsibilitiy Management System in China s Construction Industry Based on SA8000;从社会责任国际标准看我国建筑企业社会责任管理体系的构建
2.Studies on the Implementing SA8000 Standard in Chinese Enterprises;在中国企业实施SA8000社会责任国际标准之研究
3.Research on the Stimulative Function of SA8000 to the Sustainable Development of a Corporation;SA8000社会责任国际标准与企业可持续发展
4.International Standards of Corporate Social Responsibility Arising from the Legal Analysis公司社会责任国际标准产生的法理分析
5.The Discussion of Carrying Out SRTP International Standardization in Tobacco Production烟草生产过程中实施社会责任国际标准的探讨
6.Reflections and Countermeasures on the Effect of SA8000 on Foreign Trade Enterprises in China;社会责任国际标准(SA8000)对我国外贸企业的影响及其对策思考
7.International Standard of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Implementation-On the Protection of Labor Rights in China企业社会责任国际标准及其实施——兼论我国劳工权益的保护
8.Nature and Legal Effect of Standards of Corporate Social Responsibility;企业社会责任国际标准的性质和效力——兼议ISO26000制定中的法律问题
9.The International Enterprises Social Responsibility Standard Movement and its Implications for China;国际企业社会责任标准运动及其对我国的启示
10.Corporate Social Accountability and Protection of Labor s Rights and Interests from the Perspective of International Law-On Social Accountability Criteria in China;国际法视野下的企业社会责任与劳工权益保护——兼论社会责任标准在我国的实施
11.Index series for socially responsible investors本指数用于衡量达到国际认可的社会责任标准的投资者状况
12.The Influence of SA8000 on Our Foreign Trade Enterprises;社会责任标准对我国外贸企业的影响
14.Strengthening Social Responsibility of Enterprises and Enhancing Their International Competitiveness;增强企业社会责任 提高国际竞争力——基于国际认证标准的“人文化”趋势
15.Meet social Accountability Standard,and Promote the Building of a Harmonious Society;迎接社会责任标准促进和谐社会建设
16.Social Accountability with a View to Harmonious Society;和谐社会视野下的企业社会责任标准
17.international standardization of social accounting社会会计的国际标准化
18.Effect on Our Export Trade by Social Accountability 8000;社会责任标准SA8000对我国出口贸易的影响

international standard of corporate social responsibility企业社会责任国际标准
1.Although the international standard of corporate social responsibility is a voluntary choice for corporates and has no enforceability,it has special advantages in regulating corporate responsibility and protecting labor interests.虽然企业社会责任国际标准的实施只是企业出于自愿原则的一种选择,其责任承担形式也不具有强制执行力,但其在规范公司责任,保护劳工权益方面有其独到之处。
3)International standards of corporate social responsibility公司社会责任国际标准
1.International standards of corporate social responsibility had a strong impact on export trade of China.公司社会责任国际标准对我国的出口贸易产生了强烈的冲击。
4)Social Accountability International (SAI)社会责任国际
5)Social responsibility standard社会责任标准
1.The influence of the implement of the social responsibility standard upon the business enterprise and economy society is increasingly obvious.社会责任标准的实施对企业和经济社会的影响日益张显。
6)standard of social responsibility社会责任标准
1.Facing the standard of social responsibility,processing trade should positively search for countermeasures and adapt to it as soon as possible.企业社会责任标准近年来对我国加工贸易造成了负面影响。
