环境会计核算,environmental accounting checking
1)environmental accounting checking环境会计核算

1.Research on the recognitions of the environmental assets;论环境会计核算中的环境资产确认问题
2.The Construction of Environmental Accounting System State-Owned Coal Enterprises国有煤炭企业环境会计核算体系构建
3.Research of Establishing Environmental Accounting System in Heilongjiang Land-reclamation Area;黑龙江垦区建立环境会计核算体系研究
4.Study on Establishing the Accounting System for Environmental Accounting in the Tourism Enterprise;旅游企业建立环境会计核算体系的研究
5.Research on Establishing Enterprise Environmental Accounting Checking System of China;我国企业环境会计核算体系构建的研究
6.Research on the Account of Environmental Accounting and the Release of Environmental Accounting Information;企业环境会计核算及信息披露问题研究
7.Environmental Accounting System and Information Disclosure for Petroleum Enterprises;我国油气企业环境会计核算及信息披露的探讨
9.The Study on Establishment and Applications of Calculation System of Environmental Accounting for Oil Companies in Our Country;我国油田企业环境会计核算体系的建立及应用研究
10.Studying on the Framework about Resources-Environment Accounting System of the Forestry-paper Integration Enterprise;环境会计核算体系总体框架研究——基于林纸一体化企业资源的视角
11.Environmental Information Disclosure and Accounting of Pulp and Paper Industry;从林纸一体化看造纸行业环境会计核算及信息披露
12.the Difference of the Perspectives Between Green GDP And Corporate Environmental Accounting;论绿色GDP与企业环境会计核算不同视角的差异及相互借鉴
13.A Desing on Checking System and Demonstration of Environmental Accounting;环境会计的核算体系设计与实证分析
14.On Accounting Calculation of the Environmental Cost and Its Trend of Development;浅谈环境成本的会计核算与发展趋势
15.Discussion about the Postulate and Calculating Principles of Environmental Accounting;试论环境会计的基本假设和核算原则
16.New Thoughts of Forest Resource Asset Business Accounting--Environmental Accounting;森林资源资产核算的新思潮──环境会计
17.First Study about Resource-Environment in the Enterprises of the Integrated of Forest-Paper (I)The Accounting about Assets of Forest Resources;林纸一体化企业的资源—环境核算研究 (I)森林资源资产会计核算
18.The Cost Accounting System of Environmental Management Accounting and Its Applicatin in the Enterprise;环境管理会计的成本核算体系在企业中的应用

accounting principle of environment accounting环境会计核算原则
1.Logistics Management in China Businesses and how to implement in Cost Accounting;我国企业的物流管理及其在会计核算中的实现
2.On how to strengthen the accounting and its supervising of industries under medium-sized scale;谈如何对中小企业加强会计核算和监督
3.Brief discussion on network accounting system;浅谈网络化会计核算体系
4)Business Accounting会计核算
1.Reflecting on standardizing the business accounting of little enterprise;规范小企业会计核算之思考
2.Discussion of simulation market accounting and business accounting;模拟市场核算与会计核算
3.Firstly derivative financial instruments are introduced, then the influence about business accounting from this new type of financial instruments.本文主要从介绍衍生金融工具入手,继而阐述这种新型的金融工具在企业会计核算中的影响,其目的是为了在理论上正确认识、在实务中准确运用这种金融工具。
5)accounting calculation会计核算
1.The Problems of Accounting Calculation in Institutes of Higher Education and Suggestions for their improvement;高校会计核算存在的问题和改进建议
2.Exploration of capital accounting calculation incorporated into financial calculation system at colleges and universities;基建会计核算并入高校财务核算体系探析
3.On Accounting Calculation of the Environmental Cost and Its Trend of Development;浅谈环境成本的会计核算与发展趋势
6)accounting examination会计核算
1.The paper explains an important significance of related part relation and trade to accounting examination and supervision.本文主要阐述了关联方关系及其交易对企业会计核算、监督的重要意义。
2.Through discriminating fundamental rule of the contingent proceeding,affirmation and calculation of the contingent proceeding as well as accounting examination of the main contingent proceeding and so on three respects,combining of a great deal instances,the accounting examination emphases of the contingent proceeding below the new accountancy norm were analyzed in this article.从甄别或有事项的基本原则、或有事项的确认及计量、主要或有事项的会计核算三个方面,结合大量实例,叙述了新会计准则下或有事项的会计核算重点。
3.Its subject refers to the national standard system of accounting examination, and includes the accounting certificates, accounting vouchers and financial account reports that should be legally reserved.《中华人民共和国刑法修正案》第 1条增加了隐匿、销毁会计资料罪 ,该罪的犯罪客体为国家统一的会计核算制度 ,犯罪对象为依法应保存的会计凭证、会计账簿、财务会计报告。
