知名商标,trademark with reputation
1)trademark with reputation知名商标
1.For unregistered trademark with reputation, England, the United States, Germany, Japan and other countries are given right of priority to register the right to trademark with reputation, the right of the register in bad faith to revoke the right to use and Prior use rights.知名商标是指声誉介于普通商标与驰名商标之间,经过使用,在一定区域范围内的市场上享有较高声誉并为相关公众熟知的商标。
2)unregistered famous trademark未注册知名商标
1.In this paper, \'the unregistered famous trademarks\' is defined a kind of unregistered trademark between the unregistered well-known trademark and the unregistered general category, especially for reputation and influence, which not only has been used but have a certain extent of influence.本文将声誉和影响介于未注册驰名商标和未注册普通商标之间的一类“已经使用并有一定影响”的未注册商标称为“未注册知名商标”。
3)Specific Marks for Famous Goods知名商品特有标记
4)well-known commodity知名商品
1.The special name belonging to a well-known commodity is a new type of intellectual property which is protected by Law Against Unfair Competition.知名商品特有名称是适用《反不正当竞争法》保护的一种新型知识产权。

1.Study on Conflict between Right of Trademark and Specific Names of Famous Goods;商标权与知名商品的特有名称冲突问题研究
2.On the Protection of the Particular Name,Packing and Decoration of Well-known Brands;浅谈知名商品特有名称、包装、装潢的保护问题
3.Article Seven. Operators shall not use at discretion the exclusive names, packages and decorations of a well-known commodity,第七条 经营者不得擅自使用知名商品特有的名称、包装、装潢,
4.The Research on Conterfeiting the Particular Package and Decoration of Famous Merchandise;仿冒知名商品特有包装装潢不正当竞争行为研究
5.Cited for such a well-known name, but the football games and would only gorgeous little correlation.虽然引用了这样的知名商品作名字,不过游戏和那只绚烂的足球没有多大关联。
6.Reflections on the Authentication and Protection of Specific Packaging and Decorating of the First Well-known Commodities在先知名商品特有名称、包装、装潢的认定与保护——费列罗案引发的思考
7.Commoditized Right of Famous Athletes Image and Balance of Its Related Benefits;知名运动员形象的商品化权及其相关利益平衡
8.branded merchandise is that bearing a standard brand name.品牌商品是具有标准商标名称的商品。
9.On Parody of Merchandising Famous Image and Its Legal System--An Analysis of Profit Balance Mechanism;论知名形象商品化的滑稽模仿及其立法规制——利益平衡机制的分析
10.Orlon fiber聚丙烯腈纤维(商品名)
11.Name of Commodity ,Specifications and Packing商品名称、规格及包装
12.Commodity and Quantity or Amount商品名称及数量或金额
13.Its trade name is Roundup.商品名字是让达普(Roundup)。
14.Centrum Informatyki HTS-ComArch SA - over the sales management you can receive offers and prices by telephone on Production, costs, and pricing, Electronic, Consultancy in addition to Software, Mathematics, Development and/or on Sales.是一家可靠的、知名的生产商和服务商,该公司提供很多令人震惊的产品,例如数学,研发,机械。
15.It is the fact that more and more prestigious international luxury retailers are finding a fertile market in China; the international real estate developers are favoring China, developing and constructing shopping centers.国际知名奢侈品零售商纷纷进驻中国,国际房地产开发商也瞄准中国,开发建造购物中心。
16.Starbucks Coffee is the leading retailer and roaster of specialty coffee in the world, with more than10,000 retail locations around the globe.星巴克咖啡是全球知名的咖啡零售商、焙商及咖啡品牌,现已遍及全球开设逾10,000间分店。
17.the best known variety of brant goose.黑雁中最知名的品种。
18.The brand is named after Li Nine.就是用李宁的名字命名的商标品牌。

unregistered famous trademark未注册知名商标
1.In this paper, \'the unregistered famous trademarks\' is defined a kind of unregistered trademark between the unregistered well-known trademark and the unregistered general category, especially for reputation and influence, which not only has been used but have a certain extent of influence.本文将声誉和影响介于未注册驰名商标和未注册普通商标之间的一类“已经使用并有一定影响”的未注册商标称为“未注册知名商标”。
3)Specific Marks for Famous Goods知名商品特有标记
4)well-known commodity知名商品
1.The special name belonging to a well-known commodity is a new type of intellectual property which is protected by Law Against Unfair Competition.知名商品特有名称是适用《反不正当竞争法》保护的一种新型知识产权。
5)famous merchandise知名商品
1.The imitation of the particular package and decoration of the famous merchandise without authorization is more than often the observable unfair competition which poses the fiercest damage.擅自使用知名商品的包装、装潢的行为就是一种在市场上普遍出现的、危害巨大的不正当竞争行为。
6)famous brand驰名商标
1.A famous brand as a trademark which has good reputation and credit standing in the market is familiar with public.驰名商标作为在市场上具有很高知名度和信誉、并为公众所熟知的商标,它的保护状况如何,在一定程度上反映了一个国家的法制状况和经济实力,历来受到世界各国的广泛重视。
2.Itis a tendency for each country in the world to provide famous brands with special law protection whenrelated law is made and enforced.给予驰名商标以特殊法律保护是世界各国相关立法和司法的趋势。
3.The famous brand has great commercial value.驰名商标具有巨大的商业价值 ,是企业开拓市场、占领市场的最有效的武器之一。
