1)egoism[英]['eɡ???z?m][美]['?go'?z?m; 'ig-]利己主义
1.Egoism in Traditional Chinese ethics;中国伦理学中的利己主义
2.Augustin s criticism on self respect ——An attempt to surmount egoism;奥古斯丁对“自爱”的批判——超越利己主义的一个尝试
3.Rational egoism in modern China:its theoretical vagueness and reasons;中国近代合理利己主义的理论模糊性及其根源

1.Boundary between Altruism and Egoism in Market Economy;市场经济与利他主义、利己主义的界限
2.I was stubborn and egocentric,我是顽固的利己主义者。
3.Recommended episode: Ego: The Current State of Humanity.推荐播客:利己主义:人性现状
4.That is the perfect Egoist.这是一个彻头彻尾的利己主义者。
5.individualism untempered by social responsibilities.利己主义与社会责任不可调和。
6.Egoists are inclined to take a pessimistic view of life.利己主义者往往对生活持 悲观态度.
7.An Analysis on Symptom of Egoism and a Juristic Approach of Remedy利己主义症状分析及矫治的法律途径
8.Henry Fielding's Arguments for Rational Egoism in His Novels论菲尔丁小说中的合理利己主义思想
9.The Colonial and Anti-colonial Consciousness of Meredith in the Egoist;《利己主义者》中梅瑞狄斯的殖民主义与反殖民主义意识
10.It represented a remarkable triumph of reason over selfish nationalism.它表明理智对民族利己主义的显著胜利。
11.The money worship, hedonism, egoism all there is development with pragmatism in the social each realm.拜金主义、享乐主义、利己主义和实用主义在社会的各个领域都有发展。
12.principled pragmatism and unprincipled expediency; a principled person.道德实用主义和不道德的利己主义;一个有原则的人。
13.He qualified his friend as an ambitious self-seeker.他把他的朋友说成是野心勃勃的利己主义者。
14.Mitch is a self-centered egomaniac.米奇是一个以自我为中心的极端利己主义者。
15.This new generation seems egotistical, without restrictions.这新的一代看上去好像是利己主义的、不受约束。
16.Reflection on Pure Self-interest and Dualism of Economics Methodology;纯粹利己主义反思与经济学方法论的二重性
17.Taking about egoistical thought in Chinese traditional ethical culture;论中国传统伦理文化中的利己主义思想
18.Rational egoism in modern China:its theoretical vagueness and reasons;中国近代合理利己主义的理论模糊性及其根源

1.The rational egotism is a theory pursues the personal interests under the premise of "no harm to social and other people s benefit",and guarantees the personal interests from consistence of individual and social benefits.合理利己主义是在不损害社会和他人利益的前提下追求个人利益,从个人和社会利益的一致中确保个人利益的利己主义理论。
2.Speech conflict is an inevitable social-cultural phenomenon at school and its nature is egotism.言语冲突是校园中不可回避的一种社会文化现象,其实质是利己主义
3.In a sense, enterprise s nature of making profits can be traced back to the inborn egotism in biology.从发展过程上看,企业社会责任经历了利己主义、理性主义和伦理主义阶段,从内容上分析,企业社会责任包括经济责任、法律责任和道德责任。
1.Due to bounded retionality in decision-making, transaction cost in actuality selfishness during this process, contract is incomplete and these factors composes the risk cause of contract process.本文认为,由于决策思维的有限理性、现实中存在的交易成本和交易中的利己主义行为,合同是不完全的,这些因素构成了合同过程中的风险成因。
2.Being one of the fullest_developed images in the Dreams of the Red Mansion, Xi_ren is characterized by her strong selfishness. 花袭人是《红楼梦》众奴婢中最丰满的典型形象之一,就其最本质的思想性格特征而言,则是强烈的利己主义
3.Using the past to disparage the present, his works lash at the prevailing selfishness and give expression to his views about art and life.他的前期创作以历史题材为主 ,其旨趣在于借古喻今 ,针砭时弊 ,揭露风行于世的利己主义 ,表述他对人生、艺术的见解 ;后期创作转向现实题材 ,抨击资本主义制度的罪恶 ,反映了他对社会现实的幻灭情绪 ,由揭露他人的利己主义进而剖析自己的灵魂。
4)self-interest[英]['self'?ntr?st, -'?nt?r?st][美]['s?lf'?ntr?st, -'?nt?r?st]利己主义
1.Based on experiments research evidences and theoretical logic, this paper tries to rethink the pure self-interest assumption in economics and discuss how to deal with the problem of pure self-interest assumption in economics (studying).对纯粹利己主义假设的批评在经济学中早有传统,但系统地拒绝纯粹利己主义的证据来自近年来的实验经济研究。
1.A pair of utter egoists——A comparison of Xue Baochai and Wang Xifeng in A Dream of Red Mansions一对彻底的利己主义者——《红楼梦》薛宝钗、王熙凤比较谈

利己主义  个人主义的表现形式之一。其基本特点是以自我为中心,以个人利益作为思想、行为的原则和道德评价的标准。利己主义一词源于拉丁语ego,意为"我"。利己主义思想产生于私有制社会,有些学者认为中国先秦时期(前21世纪~前 221年)的杨朱"拔一毛而利天下不为也"的主张,是古代利己主义思想的典型。近代西方资产阶级革命时期,利己主义被发展成为一种系统完整的道德学说。资产阶级的思想家T.霍布斯、B.孟德维尔、C.A.爱尔维修等人,从抽象的人性论出发,把几千年来剥削阶级信奉的"人不为己,天诛地灭"的道德观念,看作是人的不变的利己本性,并作为一种普遍的道德原则。    利己主义是一种公开形式的个人主义,它曾经被资产阶级作为反对封建道德和宗教禁欲主义的思想武器,在资本主义上升时期起过积极的作用。其目的在于使资产阶级损人利己的剥削本性合理化,使资产阶级个人主义合法化。在资产阶级成为统治阶级之后,特别是在现代资本主义社会,利己主义的主要作用在于为资本主义剥削制度辩护。