1.In his later years,Engels revised the method of struggle of Europe proletariat according to the social condition,used legal struggle in place of violent revolution.晚年恩格斯根据当时的社会历史条件把欧洲无产阶级的斗争方式由暴力革命修改为合法斗争,是用唯物主义方法解决无产阶级革命问题的重要体现。
2.Retrospecting the development process of Chinese proletariat press cause,we need to survey its inherent news ideology and aesthetics spirit.回顾中国无产阶级新闻事业至今近百年的发展历程,需要客观审视其内在的新闻思想与美学精华。
3.In modern society, to the proletariat governing party, to maintain the long-term government, the legitimacy sources should be enriched continously, which is specifically: to greatly carry on the economic construction which is the primary foundation for governing legitimacy; to seriously take the society situation and pe.当今时代,对于无产阶级执政党而言,要想确保长期执政,应当不断丰富执政的合法性资源,具体做法是:首先要大力进行经济建设这是执政合法性最重要的基础;其次,注重执政过程的社情民意这是执政合法性的关键;再次,不断创新执政理论这是执政合法性的不竭动力。

1.belonging to or characteristic of the proletariat.属于无产阶级或者有无产阶级的特点。
2.Which leads which -- the proletariat the bourgeoisie, or vice versa?无产阶级领导资产阶级,还是资产阶级领导无产阶级
3.The proletariat or the bourgeoisie?是无产阶级领导,还是资产阶级领导?
4.The vernacular is used by the proletariat and also by the bourgeoisie.无产阶级讲白话,资产阶级也讲白话。
5.proletarian internationalist principles无产阶级国际主义原则
6.proletarian political economics无产阶级政治经济学
7.He is not one of the proletariat.他不是无产阶级的一员。
8.the dictatorship of the proletariat无产阶级独裁 [专政]
9.relative pauperization of the proletariat无产阶级相对贫困化
10.absolute pauperization of the proletariat无产阶级绝对贫困化
11.Of, relating to, or characteristic of the proletariat.无产阶级无产阶级的,与之有关的或其特征的
12.For the proletariat must rely on its broad allies to exercise dictatorship, it cannot do so all by itself.因为无产阶级专政要靠广大的同盟军,单是无产阶级一个阶级不行。
13.If the bourgeoisie and the proletariat cannot transform themselves into each other, how come that through revolution the proletariat becomes the ruler and the bourgeoisie the ruled?资产阶级与无产阶级不能转化,为什么经过革命,无产阶级变为统治者,资产阶级变为被统治者?
14.Now the democratic parties and the bourgeoisie are against the great democracy of the proletariat.现在,民主党派、资产阶级反对无产阶级的大民主。
15.They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat.他们愿意要资产阶级,但是不要无产阶级
16.The Contemporary Perspective on the Theory of Proletariat being the Gravedigger for Bourgeoisie;无产阶级是资产阶级掘墓人理论的当代视角
17.On the Realization of the Transformation from Antagonism to Collaboration between the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie;实现无产阶级和资产阶级由对抗到合作的转化
18.conflict between social or economic classes (especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes).社会或经济阶级间的冲突(尤其是资产阶级与无产阶级间)。

the proletariat无产阶级
1.The view that the proletariat is the gravedigger of the capitalist society occupies a very important place in the theory of Marxism.无产阶级作为资本主义社会的掘墓人 ,在马克思的学说中占有十分重要的地位。
2.Undoubtedly it plays a vital role in the process of striying for victories by the proletariat.马克思主义平等观在马克思主义思想体系中占有重要位置 ,它在无产阶级夺取胜利过程中无疑起着十分重要的作用。
3.The era Marx lived is serious uneaqual,some people\'s development are at the expense of the development of the broad masses of the proletariat,broad masses of working people is in a state of non-human and alienation,which is the times background of Marx\'s humanism thoughts.马克思人本思想是在继承和发展前人关于人的研究成果的基础上产生的,古希腊文明丰富的人文思想、文艺复兴及其后启蒙运动时期的人性的回归和高扬、三大空想社会主义家对人的关注和德国古典哲学中深厚的人文精神是马克思人本思想的思想渊源;马克思所生活的时代是严重的不平等的时代,一部分人的发展是以牺牲广大无产阶级的发展为基础的,广大劳动人民处于非人、异化的生存状态,这是马克思人本思想产生的时代背景;马克思为广大无产阶级解放而奋斗的高尚精神和崇高人格是马克思人本思想产生的个人特质。
1.But after 1960s, with the proletarianization of the western academic profession s economic -societal status, union organization was gradually used by academic profession as an important tool to protect its own rights and interests.但1960年之后,随着西方学术专业经济-社会地位的"无产阶级化",工会逐渐成为学术专业维护自身权益的重要斗争工具。
6)The semi-proletariat.半无产阶级。
