1.The moral decay ofh humanistic intellectuals in urban culture——The research about arguments of The Deserted City;城市文化中人文知识分子的沦落——贾平凹《废都》争鸣研究
2.This paper sums up the actuality and argument of the research on the process of ideological and political education.对理论界近几年关于思想政治教育过程研究的现状和争鸣进行了梳理。

1.We now have the policy of "letting a hundred schools of thought contend".现在“百家争鸣”。
2.Let a hundred flowers blossom, let a hundred school+[ 1 ] s of thought contend.百花齐放, 百家争鸣
3.How can that be called letting a hundred schools of thought contend?这还叫什么百家争鸣
4.let a hundred flowers Blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend"百花齐放,百家争鸣"
5.let a hundred fflowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend百花齐放,百家争鸣
6.Historical Study From The Policy Of "Letting A Hundred Flowers Bloom,A Hundred Schools Of Thought Contend" To "Airing Of Views"从“百花齐放、百家争鸣”到“鸣放”的历史考察
7.We must adhere to the policy of "letting a hundred schools of thought contend", and promote debate.我们要坚持百家争鸣的方针,允许争论。
8.Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing,天虽清冷不觉寒,百鸟争鸣音婉转:
9.Fourth, let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend.第四点,百花齐放,百家争鸣
10.The Caste System of Ancient India and Letting a Hundred Schools of Thought Contend古印度的种姓制与百家争鸣的出现
11.Here is a review of this book and wewelcome any opinions and response.这里刊登读后感一篇,欢迎大家争鸣
12.Contend Testify Correctly Naming--Differentiate and analyse the relation between Choir and horse-head musical instrument;争鸣 证明 正名——抄儿与马头琴关系辨析
13.The Actuality and Arguments of the Research on the Process of Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育过程研究的现状及争鸣
14."Orthodoxy" or "Unorthodoxy":the Diversity of Works and Contention;“正统”或“异类”:《作品与争鸣》的多样面孔
15.The Debate Over the Concealment from Kin and Varying Love According to Kinship;关于“亲亲互隐”、“爱有差等”的争鸣
16.Taking Human Beings as the Essential: A General Review on the Academic Argument at Home and Abroad;以人为本:国内外有关学术争鸣述评
17.The Topic Arguments on Studying A Dream of Red Mansions in the 20th Century(B);20世纪《红楼梦》研究学术争鸣述要(下篇)
18.The Topic Arguments on Studying A Dream of Red Mansions in 20th Century (A);20世纪《红楼梦》研究学术争鸣述要(上篇)

1.By using the method of literature, the article focuses on sports social problems, discusses the research perspective, concept definitions, method and characteristic of classify, and research significances in the field sports social sciences, aims to arose academic contend, as well as supply the theoretical references for the study of sports social problems.运用文献综述的方法,对我国体育社会学科中的体育社会问题的研究视角、概念界定、分类方法与特点、以及研究的意义进行理论探讨,旨在通过理论研讨,引起体育学术界争鸣,为体育社会题研究提供理论参考。
2.What s more, different schools of thoughts must be allowed to contend with each other scientifically and rigorously .为了更好地发展与繁荣我国的哲学社会科学 ,必须坚持在马克思主义指导下进行理论创新 ;坚持和发展马克思主义 ,需要首先按照原创涵义来准确理解和把握马克思的理论思想 ;提倡用科学的态度和严谨的学风展开百家争鸣 ;落实四个“同样重要”。
1.Although the emperor Hanwen abolished corporal punishment, the contending did not fade away from Han Dynasty to Tang Dynasty.汉文帝废除肉刑后,历代兴废之争此起彼伏,通过对汉魏晋及后世法学家对肉刑废立争鸣的探讨,指出立 法与用法应随时而作,刑罚体系也是随着社会的发展而变化并与时代特征紧密相联的,以肉刑为代表的集原始性、野 蛮性、残酷性为一体的刑罚体系的废除并向文明化、人道化、轻刑化方向的演变是历史发展的必然趋势。
1.It gone hand in hand with scholar s free debate through speaking and writing.在魏晋南北朝,之所以会出现哲学人才辈出的局面,与当时的士人通过口与笔自由争鸣有着密切的关系。
2.Grounded in voluminous literature review, this paper gives a summary and reorganization of the debate on whether distance education was a discipline, which occurred in the late 1980s involving several important figures in this field from different countries.文章采用文献研究法对上个世纪80年代国外远程教育学术界出现的学科论争鸣作了系统的描述 和梳理。
1.The paper discusses the contention on the study object of library science in the past 60 years in China from the angle of "Knowledge Theory".文章从"知识说"的视角对我国60年来图书馆学研究对象的争鸣概况进行了综述。
