1.The premise that Marxist theory control the masses is to maintain the thoroughness of theory so as to have the persuasion.马克思主义理论掌握群众的前提是保持理论的彻底性进而具有说服力。
2.To have a correct fully understanding the thoroughness of the May Fourth Movement is very important to scientifically evaluate the historical significance of the May Fourth Movement and to carry through the incomplete historical task of anti feudalism of the May Fourth Movement.正确而全面地认识五四运动反帝反封建的“彻底性”,对科学地评价五四运动的历史意义和继续五四运动未能完成的反封建的历史任务有着极为重要的作用。

1.(4) There is the difference in revolutionary thoroughness.(四)革命彻底性的不同。
2.Appalled by the totality of the destruction.对于破坏的彻底性感到震惊
3.The Influence Created on Japanese Society Which Was Due to Unthorough Japan Reforms after World War Two;论战后日本改革的不彻底性及其影响
4.The Exhaustiveness of Theory and the Mission of Theorectical Workers论理论的彻底性与理论工作者的使命
5.Without a confrontation of ideas no clarity and thoroughness can be attained, and that's not good.思想不交锋,就缺乏明确性和彻底性,这个不好。
6.From the Theory Degree of Thoroughness and the Critique Looking at Marx’s Practice Philosophy;从理论的彻底性、批判性看马克思的实践哲学
7.EI AI'sthoroughness sometimes infuriates passengers.EI AI公司安全检查的彻底性有时会激怒乘客们。
8.Correct Understanding the Thoroughness of Anti-imperialism and Anti-feudalism of the May Fourth Movement正确认识“五四”运动反帝反封建的彻底性
9.The Cultural Tradition of Gründlichkeit in Marxist Philosophy;论马克思主义哲学蕴含的“彻底性”文化传统
10.At this session we have had confrontation, thus attaining clarity and thoroughness in our thinking.在这一次会议上,我们就在思想上交锋了,有明确性了,有彻底性了。
11.The airplane revolutionized both peace and war.飞机彻底改变了和平和战争的性质。
12.She played it frank and honest to the end.她索性来个彻底坦率、恳切,把问题挑透。
13.The best way to avoid pregnancy was total abstinence from sex.最好的避孕办法就是彻底戒除性生活。
14.(of sleep) deep and complete.(指睡眠)深沉、彻底。
15.an exhaustive enquiry, search彻底的调查、 搜查
16.Her loss of reason ruined her happiness.由于失去理性, 她彻底葬送了自己的幸福。
17.Let's settle this matter once and for all.让我们来把这个问题一次性彻底解决掉。
18.She said that lines must be drawn for once and for all between the present and the possible.她说必须彻底划清现在与可能性之间的界限。

1.The complex of patricide is just from being infatuated with father and father-like man,so Chen s feminine consciousness owns the feature of unthoroughness and flaccidness,which shows the pain of survival of female.在父爱缺席的成长环境下,陈染滋生了由厌父到弑父的情绪,而无论从文本本身还是陈染个人的态度来看,这些情绪恰恰来源于对父亲及父亲般男人的迷恋,作为一位具有女性自觉意识的先锋作家,陈染的女性意识不可避免的滑向了不彻底性,软弱性,同时她颠覆父权社会的初衷也被大打折扣,从中暴露了女性的生存之痛。
4)theory thoroughness理论的彻底性
1.The theory thoroughness is the ideological precondition of exerting the function of Marxist philosophical world outlook education.理论的彻底性是发挥马克思主义哲学世界观教育功能的思想前提。
5)completeness of the revolution革命的彻底性
6)cleanliness of disengagement分离的彻底性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-