1.But there are different criterions and methods in defining false-science,and to define it clearly is no easy job because people often relate it to the non-science,pseudoscience and anti-science.因为人们往往把它和"反科学、非科学和假科学"相纠葛;加上鉴定何为"反科学、非科学和假科学"也十分困难,这就更需要人们在否定"伪科学"的时候,慎重小心,以免扼杀科学的雏形。
2.There is a clear demarcation between science and non-science."科学"概念已非科学范畴,而是哲学范畴。

1.A nonscientific branch of learning;one of the liberal arts.人文学科学问的一种非科学分支;文科的一个(学科)
2.How to Understand the Medicine as A Science;如何理解作为一门科学的医学——关于医学中的非科学与伪科学
3.Scientific and Non-scientific methods in Psychological Studies;心理学研究中的科学方法与非科学方法
4.Analysis of Zhou Zuoren s Humanity Theory;在科学与非科学之间:对周作人人性观的再认识
5.Two kinds of Demarcation of Science from Non-science According to Logiscism;逻辑主义关于科学与非科学的两种划界
6.Weed Science Society for Eastern Africa东非杂草科学研究学会
7.ATEE Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Sciences in Africa非洲农业科学促进会(非洲农科会)
8.Science Education Programme for Africa非洲科学教育方案(非洲科教方案)
9.On the Philosophical Thinking of Linear and Nonlinear Science;线性科学与非线性科学哲学思想研究
10.Ocean Science in Relation to Non-Living Resources非生物资源海洋科学
11.Scientific Committee for Africa South of the Sahara撒南非洲科学委员会
12.Scientific council for Africa South of the Sahara撒南非洲科学理事会
13.Pan-African Association of Neurological Sciences泛非精神病科学协会
14."Fellow, Faculty of Anaesthetists (South Africa) [FFA (S Africa)]"南非医学院麻醉科院士
15.Social science is nothing but history.社会科学无非是历史。
16.Multidisciplinary Centre on Disasters in Africa非洲灾荒多学科中心
17.Regional Technical Cooperation Network in Africa on science and technology非洲科学技术区域技术合作网(科技网)
18.Research and thinking of how to induce nonlinear sciences in teaching of traditional disciplines在传统学科教学中引入非线性科学的思考

1.This spirit can be regarded as a criterion for science and nonscience.从唯物辩证法的立场、观点看 ,科学的根本精神是主体间的批判 ,这种精神亦可作为科学与非科学划界的标准。
3)non-agricultural disciplines非农学科
1.Cross-disciplinary development strategy for agricultural and non-agricultural disciplines in agricultural universities;组合拳:农业学科与非农学科交叉渗透及共同发展战略——我国重点农业大学学科发展布局的战略管理研究
1.In this paper, whether from the media to build a scientific perspective of health issues to our country the press coverage of AIDS as an example, the spread of China\'s health situation analysis, the media reported deficiencies, and to improve the status of non-scientific nature of the proposal, hoping to restore the give the audience a real health information.本文从理论与实例方面探讨了以艾滋病为龙头议题的健康传播中,媒体若干非科学性表现及其产生的原因,力图丰富人们对健康传播特性的认识,更好地指导今后的健康传播活动;并在此基础上提出当前健康传播活动中提高科学性应该注意几项基本点,对改善非科学性现状提出若干建议,以期媒体能够更科学、准确的进行健康传播,促进人们的健康。
6)nonlinear science非线性科学
1.Coherent structure and soliton—An essential paradigm of nonlinear science;拟序结构和孤立子—非线性科学的实质性范例
