1.The essay sorts through relevant positions of major schools of interventionism and liberalism to reveal the joint support of various schools for social security system.本文通过厘清与其直接相关的干预主义与自由主义主要流派之立场,以揭示各派对社会保障(制度)的共同支持性。
2.From the global point of view, interventionism rises, as an important means of government intervention, planning has been even thought much of and has formed an inner-relating planning system; from the domestic point of view, the questions that whether there has been a planning system or not in the past 50 years or so and what planning system should be set up at present deserves our attentions.从世界范围看 ,干预主义抬头。

1.non-interventionist industrial policy不干预主义的工业政策
2.Economic Law:the Coordinating Law of Liberalism and Interventionism;经济法:干预主义与自由主义的协调法
3.We now consider anti-interventionism in this light.现在我们以这个意义上来考虑反干预主义
4.Comparison of Debates on Interventionism and Liberalism in Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Fields微观经济领域和宏观经济领域干预主义与自由主义论争的比较
5.On Keynes Economic Ethics Thought of State Interventionism;论凯恩斯的国家干预主义经济伦理思想
6.Finally, the Europeans could help themselves by joining the intervention club.最后,欧洲人可以通过参加干预主义者俱乐部实施自救。
7.Evolution of Western State Interventionism Thoughtand Enlightment of State policys;西方国家干预主义思想的演进及对我国的政策启示
8.The Analysis of Western Government Intervention and the Selection of Macro-economic Regulation Policies;西方政府干预主义的体系分析与我国宏观调控政策选择
10.On American "Humanitarianism Intervention" after the End of Cold War论冷战结束后美国的“人道主义干预”
11.View “Humanitarianism Intervention” from National Problems after the Cold War从冷战后的民族问题看“人道主义干预”
12.Analysis of Socialism Market Economy and Government Intervention;社会主义市场经济发展与国家干预度
13.Humanitarianist Interference: A Nomological Reflection;“人道主义干预”:一个法理学的思考
14.The Primary Content of State Intervention of Mercantilism in England;试析英国重商主义国家干预经济的主要内容
15.Comment on the Government Meddling with Approprite Measure under Socialist Market Economic Condition;论社会主义市场经济条件下的适度政府干预
16.The Economic Crisis in 30 s and the Capitalist Country s Economic Intervention;30年代经济危机与资本主义国家的经济干预
17.Humanitarian Intervention : Ideal and Reality in International Politics;人道主义干预:国际政治中的理想与现实
18.Intervention in American Diplomatic History;试论美国外交史上的对外干预——兼论自由主义意识形态对美国对外干预的影响

government interference theory政府干预主义
1.In the framework of G function analysis,the result from the investigation of modern economics reveals that the core thoughts that support the theories of modern economics are government interference theory,new liberalism and innovation theory.在G函数分析框架内,对现代经济学派进行考察,结果表明,政府干预主义、新自由主义和创新学说是现代经济学说诉诸实践的三大核心思想,它们分别对应着经济分析中的三大领域:资源禀赋、自由市场和技术水平。
3)the state interventionism国家干预主义
1.Western social security theories are classified into three schools in this paper, namely, the state interventionismm, the economic liberalism, the middle way genre.本文把西方社会保障理论分为三大流派,即国家干预主义、经济自由主义和中间道路学派。
4)state interventionism国家干预主义
1.Furthermore, it put forward what the trend of liberal economics and state interventionism enlightens the government behavior in higher education reform: What the government needs is not to cut off government, but to transform the method of governing.文章梳理了西方经济学中两大思潮的演进史,通过将经济学史运用于高等教育的合理性论证,提出经济自由主义与国家干预主义的演进对我国高等教育改革中政府行为转换的几点启示:政府对高等教育不是要减少管理,而是要转变管理的方式;政府的行为要适应一定的历史条件;政府要抓紧培育高教市场、社会中介机构,形成高等教育的多元治理格局。
5)humanitarian intervention人道主义干预
1.The United Nations and Humanitarian Intervention after the Cold War;冷战后联合国与人道主义干预
6)Legal doctrine of intervenes干预的法定主义
