
1.Lookers-on see most of the game.〔谚语〕旁观者清。
2.Lookers-on see most of the game--. Smedley旁观者清。-- 斯密莱
3.One that looks on;a spectator.旁观者一旁观望者,一位观众
4.One that views, especially an onlooker or spectator.观察者观看者,特指旁观者或者观众
5.Looker - on see more than player .当局者迷,旁观者清。
6.Spectators see clearly while the participants are often lost in the maze旁观者清,当局者迷
7.Lookers-on see more than the players"旁观者清, 当局者迷."
8.Standers-by see more than gamesters.旁观者清,当局者迷。
9.One that looks, especially a spectator or an onlooker.观者看的人,尤指观察者或旁观者
10.The policeman asked the spectators to stand back.警察要旁观者退后。
11.The three spectators seemed quite stupefied.三个旁观者完全惊呆了。
12.a percipient onlooker目光敏锐的旁观者.
13.A hush fell over the onlookers.旁观者们突然静了下来。
14.encouragement in the form of cheers from spectators.来自旁观者欢呼的鼓励。
15.a circle of trees, hills, spectators一圈树、 小山、 旁观者
16.It is only someone looking on from outside,只有外部的旁观者才能,
17.The spectators were horrified.旁观者都感到十分害怕。
18.The report of the gun would keep them away from Michael.枪一响,旁观者就会躲开。

1.His personal image is a perpetual spectator in life,and in his fiction,he creates a series of spectators,such as Winterburne in Daisy Miller,Ralph in The Portrait of a Lady and Strether in The Ambassadors.在生活中,他始终是一个旁观者
4)The outsider sees the most of the game.旁观者清
5)the number of spectators旁观者数
6)A spectator;an onlooker.观察者;旁观者

旁观者旁观者onlooker  旁观者(。nl。。ker)大部分时间用于观看他人游戏、自己却不参加进去的儿童。此类型与不做游戏的行为又不同,旁观者明确地观察几组特定的儿童,常常和游戏中的小伙伴谈话、提问题或出主意,而不是观察碰巧使人兴奋的偶然事情。旁观者通常与进行游戏的儿童保持一定的距离,观察游戏的全过程。在2一4.5岁儿童中均有旁观者行为,尤以25一3岁儿童最为突出。 (白学军蒋兆灿撰林余德审)