WSR方法论,WSR methodology
1)WSR methodologyWSR方法论
1.Research on enterprises' safety management based on WSR methodology;基于WSR方法论的企业安全管理研究
2.Study on optimization of pre-discharge operation plan for reservoir based on WSR methodology;基于WSR方法论的水库预泄调度方案优选研究
3.Application of WSR Methodology in Risk Analysis of Power Grid Project Financial Lease;WSR方法论在电网工程项目融资租赁风险分析中的应用

1.The Application of WSR Methodology in E-business System;WSR方法论在电子商务系统中的应用
2.Research on the Total Cost Management for the Highway Based on WSR Methodology;基于WSR方法论的高速公路全面造价管理研究
3.Application of WSR Methodology in Human Resource Development;WSR方法论在人力资源开发研究中的应用
4.Research on Sustainable Development of Urban Agritourism Based on Wuli-Shili-Renli System Approach基于WSR方法论的都市农业旅游可持续发展研究
5.Application of WSR Methodology in S&T Input Macroscopic and Systematical Management;WSR方法论在科技投入宏观系统管理研究中的应用
6.On Undergraduate Teaching Quality Assessment System Based on the WSR System Methodology基于WSR系统方法论的本科教学评估体系研究
7.Based on the Wuli-Shili-Renli System Approach′s Forest System Viewpoint and Forestry System Viewpoint基于WSR系统方法论的森林系统观和林业系统观
8.WSR-Based Information Systems Planning;基于WSR的信息系统规划方法研究
9.Evaluation of Express Freight Train Running Plan Based on WSR基于WSR的快捷货物列车开行方案评价
10.On innovation from methodology of law economics to traditional law methodology;论法经济学方法论对传统法学方法论的创新
11.On the Methods and Methodology of Feminist Research in Education;论女性主义教育研究的方法和方法论
12.On Source of Law--From the Perspective of Legal and Jurisprudence Methodologies;论法律渊源——以法学方法和法律方法为视角
13.Method of Science and Science of the Method--Rediscuss the method of sport scientific research;科学的方法与方法的科学——再论体育科研方法
14.One Methodology Suspicion--the Evolutionary Theories of Gene on "Rule by Law";方法论猜想——“法治”基因进化论
15.The Scientific Development Theory and the Ecological Trend of Jurisprudence Methodology;论科学发展观与法学方法论的生态化
16.Methodology of Law and Economics:A General Review;法和经济学方法论:一个综述性的评论
17.On Methods of Substitution for Middle Term and Its Transcendence of Traditional Methods of Categorical Syllogism论替换中项法——对三段论方法的新探索
18.On Litigation Object论诉讼证明对象——以法律方法论为启示

WSR system methodologyWSR系统方法论
1.WSR system methodology was demonstrated with an example of glasses design.WSR系统方法论作为一个新兴的系统论,其优势在于注重人理,与设计的人性化思想不谋而合,同时其理论空间与实践空间也有待进一步拓展。
3)Wuli-Shili-Renli system methodology (WSR)物理-事理-人理系统方法论(WSR)
4)WSR systems approach物理-事理-人理(WSR)的系统方法论
5)Wuli Shili Renli systems approach物理-事理-人理(WSR)系统方法
6)methodology of paradoxes悖论方法论

本土方法论  见民俗学方法论。