旅游思想,tourism thought
1)tourism thought旅游思想
1.The current study on Confucian tourism thoughts in academic circle involves the classification of tourism activities of Confucius,his tourism attitudes such as distant travel and local travel outlook,advocating cultural tourism by listening to music and watching ceremonies and natural travel by experiencing mountains and enjoying rivers and opposing inordinate tourism.目前学术界对孔子旅游思想的研究涉及到孔子旅游活动的分类,远游观和近游观,提倡听乐观礼的文化之游和体山悟水的自然之游,反对佚游等旅游态度,以及山水比德的旅游审美观等,并认为孔子的旅游思想是功利性的。
2.Their tourism thought has differences in many aspects,but has the intrinsic identity.他们的旅游思想既有诸多不同,又有内在的同一性。
2)ideological history of tourism旅游思想史
1.Seven domains had been look back in brief, it contains general history of tourism, dynastic history of tourism, local history of tourism, tourism activity history of important figure, ideological history of tourism, economic history of tourism and theoretical development of tourism history.我国史学家在旅游通史、旅游断代史、旅游地方史、特定人物旅游活动史、旅游思想史、旅游经济史及其旅游史学科建设7个方面取得了许多成果,这些成果对旅游科学的理论建设有着极其重要的指导作用,对史学研究领域的开拓意义也很重大。
3)tourism management theory旅游管理思想
1.It mainly elaborates the essence of his tourism management theory and reveals the prosperity secret of China Travel Service in the 1930s.本文简要回顾了近代中国第一家旅行社———中国旅行社的创办经营历程,通过对陈光甫先生创建中国旅行社主要目的的分析,着重阐述了陈光甫旅游管理思想精华及其留给人们的启示,从而揭示中国旅行社在20世纪30年代鼎盛不衰的秘诀。

1.Chen Guang-fu:Pioneer of China Travel Service and His Thoughts on Tourism Management;陈光甫首创中国旅行社及其旅游管理思想述论
3.Eco-Ethics in Eco-Tourism: From the Ethical Aspect;生态旅游中的生态伦理思想渊源初探
4.The Application of Experience Thought on Tourism Management Education;论体验思维在旅游管理教学中的应用
5.On the Development of Tourism Management Major in Vocational Colleges;浅谈高职高专旅游管理专业发展思路
6.Consideration of the tourism market management in Jilin City关于加强吉林市旅游市场管理的思考
7.Study on Construction of Practice Base for Tourism Management Major对旅游管理专业实践基地建设的思考
8.Pondering over the Status Quo & Development of Visitor Management at China s Tourist Destinations;我国旅游目的地游客管理现状与发展的思考
9.Change the Education Idea of Tourism and Improve the Teaching Quality of Tourism;转变旅游教育思想 提高旅游教学质量
10.On the Development of Tourism Discipline and the Building of Curricula System in the Major of Tourism Management;关于旅游学科发展与旅游管理专业课程体系建设的思考
11.Probing to Visitor Experience Management in Nature Tourist Attractions;自然旅游景区游客旅游体验管理初探
12.Discussion on Mozi "Do Favor to Each Other" and its Revelation to Tourism Ethic Construction;论“交相利”思想及其对旅游商业伦理建设的启示
13.Taoist Ecological Ethics and Sustainable Development of Tourism;道教生态伦理思想与旅游业的可持续发展
14.The Idea of Exclusive Management Between Tour Guide and Tour Agency in Xinjiang;新疆导游人员与旅行社的双轨制管理构想
15.Thought and Innovation on Intern Models of Tourism Management高校旅游管理专业实习模式反思与创新
16.Development Problem on Mt.Dabieshan Ecological Tourism;大别山生态旅游发展问题的管理学思考
17.A Study on Job Intention of Tourism Management Majors;旅游管理专业学生求职意向调查分析与思考
18.Strengthening the Basic Ideas of Professional Teaching Practice of Tourism Management;加强旅游管理专业实践教学的基本思路

ideological history of tourism旅游思想史
1.Seven domains had been look back in brief, it contains general history of tourism, dynastic history of tourism, local history of tourism, tourism activity history of important figure, ideological history of tourism, economic history of tourism and theoretical development of tourism history.我国史学家在旅游通史、旅游断代史、旅游地方史、特定人物旅游活动史、旅游思想史、旅游经济史及其旅游史学科建设7个方面取得了许多成果,这些成果对旅游科学的理论建设有着极其重要的指导作用,对史学研究领域的开拓意义也很重大。
3)tourism management theory旅游管理思想
1.It mainly elaborates the essence of his tourism management theory and reveals the prosperity secret of China Travel Service in the 1930s.本文简要回顾了近代中国第一家旅行社———中国旅行社的创办经营历程,通过对陈光甫先生创建中国旅行社主要目的的分析,着重阐述了陈光甫旅游管理思想精华及其留给人们的启示,从而揭示中国旅行社在20世纪30年代鼎盛不衰的秘诀。
4)idea of tourism economy旅游经济思想
1.DENG Xiao ping s idea of tourism economy possesses the creative and directive,systematic and epoch making as well as foreseeing features.邓小平旅游经济思想形成的标志 ,是其具有的创新性、指导性、系统性、时代性和前瞻性。
5)the history of tourism economic thoughts旅游经济思想史
6)On the sense of the tourism thought to Confucianism and Taoism论儒道旅游思想

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j