旅游宣传,tourism propaganda
1)tourism propaganda旅游宣传
1.The effects of tourism propaganda by means of these psychological principles requires a thorough and deep study.旅游宣传是旅游业的“开路先锋” ,在 2 1世纪的旅游业发展中更显示出其作用和价值。

1.To enhance the tourism promotion and accelerate the economic development of Longyan;加强旅游宣传促销 促进龙岩旅游经济发展
2.Translation of Chinese Tourist Publications a Corpus-focused Study;中国英译旅游宣传材料的语料库分析
3.The C-E Translation of Cultural Elements in Tourist Publicity Materials-A Funtionalist Perspective;旅游宣传材料中文化因素的功能翻译
4.Study on the Market Operation of the Make of Tour Plugs of Shandong Province;山东旅游宣传品制作市场化运作研究
5.Analysis of Cultural Connotation of Female Images in Tourism Propaganda旅游宣传中的女性形象文化内涵解析
6.The tour company refunded his deposit, with an admission that the brochure was incorrect .旅游公司将押金退还给他,并承认旅游宣传手册内容有误。
7.M: Right. This is the brochure for Mexico, Yucatan is at the back, and this is the brochure for Guatemala.好的。这是墨西哥的旅游宣传册,尤卡坦半岛在背面,这是危地马拉的旅游宣传册。
8.On Sociopragmatic Equivalence in C-E Translation of Tourism Promotional Materials;论汉语旅游宣传资料英译的社交语用对等
9.Functionalist Approaches to Chinese Tourism Publicity Translation;功能翻译理论指导下的汉语旅游宣传翻译
10.Research on Female Image of Zhuang Ethnic of Tourism Publicity in Guangxi;广西民族旅游宣传中的壮族女性形象研究
11.A Contrastive Study of Interpersonal Meaning in Chinese and English Tourist Publicity Materials;汉英旅游宣传资料语篇人际意义对比研究
12.A Study on the Application of Schema Theory in the Translation of Chinese Tourist Publicity Materials;图式理论在旅游宣传资料汉译英中的应用
13.A Contrastive Study on the Discourse of Chinese and American Tourism Brochures;中美旅游宣传册语篇人际功能对比研究
14.On the C/E Translation of the Tourism Promotional Materials: From the Perspective of Functionalism;从功能翻译理论角度看旅游宣传资料的英译
15.Employment of the Functional Concept in the Chinese-English Translation of Tourist Materials;功能理论在旅游宣传材料汉英翻译中的运用
16.The Impact of Advertisement on Tourist Motive;旅游广告宣传及其对旅游动机影响分析
17.Aesthetic awareness in translating tourist materials from Chinese into English;旅游事业对外宣传中壮辞的英译原则
18.Translation of Publicity Materials of Tourism and Trade of Changde;常德市旅游、商贸宣传品的英译探讨

tourism brochures旅游宣传册
3)Shandong tour plugs山东旅游宣传品
4)tourist security publicity旅游安全宣传
1.Thought on tourist security publicity in famous scenic areas;关于风景名胜区旅游安全宣传的思考
5)tourist publicity material旅游宣传资料
1.The translation of tourist publicity materials has a direct influence on foreign publicity, for it is a window through which foreign tourists know the tourist resources in China.旅游宣传资料是一种对外宣传资料。
6)tourist publicity materials旅游宣传资料
1.As the mass media, tourist publicity materials (hereinafter abbreviated as TPM) play an indispensable role in accelerating the development of China’s tourism, but the current status of TPM translation from Chinese into English is far from satisfactory.作为传播媒介的旅游宣传资料对促进中国旅游业的发展起着不可低估的作用,但是汉语旅游宣传资料的英译现状不尽如人意,大量的翻译失误使其英译文本未能获得预期的宣传效果。
2.The feasible way for most tourists to obtain tour information is to read tourist publicity materials.而大多数旅游爱好者是通过阅读旅游宣传资料来了解旅游信息。

旅游宣传品设计旅游宣传品设计 四 旅游宣传品设计作者:罗锡鹏