乡村意象,rural image
1)rural image乡村意象
1.This paper leads“image”into rural tourism, analyses the rich meaning of rural image, which refers to a whole atmosphere and mainly includes rural landscape image and rural culture image.文章将“意象”的概念引入到乡村旅游,分析了乡村意象的丰富内涵。
2.With rural image planning the cut-in, a new visual angle and method of the rural image planning are provided and the study fruit is made meaningful in realism.本论文从乡村意象的规划研究切入,试图为乡村规划和发展提供一个新的视角和方法。

1.The Mirage of Desire:On Country Images of Gefei s Novels;欲望的幻象:格非小说中的乡村意象
2.The Blossom of Flowers and the Fragrance of Soil--Analysis of the Image of Country Poems by Ecehnh;野花的绽放,泥土的芳香——叶赛宁乡村诗意象分析
3.Another Kind of Homesickness--Explanation of the Symbolic Meaning of The Last Village by CAO Nai-qian也是一种乡愁——曹乃谦《最后的村庄》象征意义解读
4.Gains and Losses in Creating City Images in Rural Novels and the Literary Historical Meaning乡村题材小说中城市意象的创作得失及文学史意义
5.Provincialism, Country landscape, Homestead and Wilderness: The Country Imagination of Contemporary Chinese Writers;乡土·农村·家园·荒野——论中国当代作家的乡村想象
6.Living in Other Place--On the formation of a Countryside Homeland Imagination;生活在别处——论乡村家园想象的生成
7.Rural Tourist Destination Image Design of China Based on;基于TIS的我国乡村旅游地形象设计
8.Mo Yan's Literary Imagination for Countryside of 1950-1970s论莫言对50-70年代乡村的文学想象
10.Design on Village Tourism Image System--A Case Study of Shenchong Village in Yixian County;乡村旅游形象系统策划——以黟县深冲村为例
11.Paradox and Conflict of Village Politics--The Case of Villages in the Commune Period;乡村政治的悖论与冲突——以公社时期的乡村为对象
12.Unique Writing of Village Feminine Images--Trying to Interpret the Feminine Images in the Soap Opera "Village Love";独特的东北乡村女性书写——电视剧《乡村爱情》中的女性形象解读
13.The Rootless Homesickness: Analysis of the Images in the Homesick Poems by Xi Murong in Earlier Period无根的乡愁——席慕蓉早期乡愁诗意象分析
14.A Study of Interpersonal Meaning in Narrative Country Music Lyrics;叙事性乡村歌曲歌词的人际意义研究
15."City" and "Country": the Ecological Meaning in Yu Jian s Poems;“城市”和“乡村”:于坚诗歌的生态寓意
16.On Tao Xing-zhi s Educational Thoughts in Rural Areas and Its Practical Implications;论陶行知的乡村教育思想及现实意义
17.Significance of sports activities conducted in rural holidays and festivals in the construction of a new countryside;乡村节庆体育活动对新农村建设的意义
18.Resembling or having the characteristics of country life; rural.农村的象农村生活的,具有农村生活特点的;乡下的

Rural poetic imagery乡村意境
1.Research of rural poetic imagery is not new topic in educational circles.乡村意境是室内设计的一个重要范畴,广泛应用于各种室内设计中。
3)creative countryside创意乡村
4)imagination about country乡村想象
5)image of home-sickness归乡意象
6)rural cultural atmosphere and environment乡村文化意境
1.This paper discusses the connotation and elements of rural cultural atmosphere and environment,and the importance of rural tourism.本文通过对乡村文化意境的内涵、元素及其对乡村旅游重要性的阐述,结合乡村文化意境的影响对乡村旅游产品的营销进行分析,指出造就富有美感的乡村文化意境是乡村旅游产品开发应该尽力实现的目标。

情绪性意象法情绪性意象法emotive imagery 情绪性意象法(emotive imagery)由拉扎勒斯(Lazarus,A.A.)和亚伯拉莫维茨(Abram。vitz,A.)创用的一种系统脱敏法变式。这种脱敏法与经典的系统脱敏法的区别在J二,它不要求对病人首先进行放松训练,而是要求治疗者诱发病人积极的情绪以对抗焦虑和恐惧反应。在实施治疗过程中,治疗者一边让病人按焦虑层次依次接触令他感到恐惧的事物或情境,一边通过形象化的语言或视听手段描述那些令病人感到愉快、轻松、骄傲和喜爱的事物与情境。这些描述所激发出的积极情绪、情感可以抑制或消除恐惧的意象,从而瓦解恐惧刺激物同恐惧反应间的联系。这种方法最初被用于儿童(因为儿童不易掌握放松技巧),后来又被用于具有丰富想像能力的青少年。 (梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)