自助旅游,independent travel
1)independent travel自助旅游
1.Till now,there isn t a unified definition about independent travel.自助旅游在我国越来越受到人们的青睐,发展十分迅速,然而目前有关自助旅游的研究还不能跟上实际发展的需要,特别是这个大家频繁使用的术语,目前还没有一个统一的定义,给进一步的研究和统计带来很多不便之处。
2.In recent years, a new type of books, independent travel guide book, springs up in domestic book market.近两年在国内图书市场上兴起一种新型的图书品种——自助旅游图书,图书所承载的住宿、交通、饮食、景点等实用信息给旅游者全方位的指导和帮助,为旅游者的出行提供了极大的便利,成为自助旅游者最重要的信息资料来源。
3.With the transition of global tourism development, Independent Traveling has become a thriving travelling style.自助旅游是全球旅游发展转型背景下的新型主导型旅游方式。

1.Study on Travelling Motivation and Behavior of Independent Tourist自助旅游者旅游动机及其行为特征研究
2.A Study of the Independent Tourists' Demands of Online Tourism Information自助旅游者对网络旅游信息的需求研究
3.An Analysis of Outdoor Help-yourself Tourism;户外自助旅游的探析与思考——以南昌户外自助旅游为例
4.A Demonstrative Study on Travel Consumption Behavior of FIT to Yangshuo;自助旅游者消费行为研究——以阳朔为例
5.An investigation of the behaviors of independent tourists in Taibai Mountain;太白山自助旅游者行为特征调查研究
6.The SWOT Analysis and Strategic Choice of Chinese Self-help Tourism;中国自助旅游的SWOT分析与战略选择
7.Countermeasure Research on Today s Guilin Budget Travel;桂林自助旅游市场的现状与对策研究
8.Travel Agency Informatization Construction Impacted by Internet in Time of Self-help Tour;自助旅游时代网络冲击下的旅行社信息化建设
9.Market Investigation Analysis of Budget Travelers Leisure Tour Behavior in Yangshuo;阳朔休闲自助旅游游客行为市场调查分析
10.A Study on the Different Tourists Demands for the Information of Destinations--Taking Beijing as An Example;不同自助旅游者对旅游目的地相关信息需求的研究——以北京为例
11.Design and Development of Mobile Self-Touring Web Service System;移动自助旅游Web服务系统的设计与开发
12.Behavior Research of Self-service Travel Population Taking Guangzhou City as Tourist Origins;以广州城区为客源地的自助旅游人口行为研究
13.The Analysis of the Current Situation and Countermeasures of Sports Budget Tourism in Our Country;我国体育自助旅游的业态现状与发展对策研究
14.Thoughts on Safety Management for Self-help Travel;关于加强我国自助旅游安全管理的思考
15.Study on Construction and Optimization of Independent Travel Service System in Tourism Destination目的地自助旅游服务体系的构建与优化研究
16.Independence travel, from Cambodia to Vietnam or oppositely.And Phnom Penh to Angkor,Saigon to Honai.自助旅游,路线:从柬埔寨到越南;金边到吴哥,西贡到河内。
17.Self-service Tourism Market Exploitation of Chinese Tourism Enterprises Based on Dividing the Market;基于市场细分的中国旅游企业自助游市场开发
18.Analysis on the Contemporary Phenomenon of Self-help Tour from the Network Travels--Take the Network Travels of Huangshan in Anhui Province as an Example从网络游记分析当代自助游现象——以安徽黄山旅游区网络游记为例

Self-help travel自助旅游
1.Self-help travel is a new tendency of modern tourism.自助旅游是现代旅游业的一种新趋势,受到广大旅游爱好者的喜爱,但是也存在着一些安全隐患。
1.A Demonstrative Study on Travel Consumption Behavior of FIT to Yangshuo;自助旅游者消费行为研究——以阳朔为例
2.The Experience Individualized Design of FIT Products;自助旅游产品的体验个性化设计
4)self-service tour自助旅游
1.Constructing an electronic business website for village tour is the best way to meet the need of self-service tourists.面对乡村自助旅游者游客对旅游信息的迫切需求,发展阳朔乡村旅游电子商务网站是最好的解决方案。
5)independent tourists自助旅游者
1.An investigation of the behaviors of independent tourists in Taibai Mountain;太白山自助旅游者行为特征调查研究
6)semi-self-help travel product半自助旅游产品
1.To travel agency,which semi-self-help travel products were provided is the key to the fierce competition.对旅行社来说,提供何种质量的半自助旅游产品是其应对激烈竞争的关键。

自助旅游自助旅游是不完全依赖旅行社套装行程的一种旅游方式,也就是说完全由旅行者自行安排交通,住宿,以及想要参观的景点。这裡说的不完全依赖的意思是指,自助旅游也有可能需要在地的旅行社帮忙安排三到四天的参观活动。在某些国家,政府指定旅游者必须透过旅行社才能自由活动。在某些地区,没有在地旅行社的安排,你可能很难活动。由自助旅游沿申出来的一些名词有,半自助旅游;背包客(Backpacker);单车旅行。在中国大陆,自助旅游和户外运动密切相关,自助游爱好者和其他户外运动爱好者一样,都被称为驴友Lonely Planet是目前一家著名的专门出版自助旅游书籍的出版公司。