浪漫之都,romantic city
1)romantic city浪漫之都
1.It pointed out that "the romantic city" oriented as Dalian tourism image in the 21st century manifests the characteristics of Dalian tourism,and it is necessary for Dalian to tap the connotation of "the romantic city" further in order to promote the development of Dalian city.指出"浪漫之都"作为大连21世纪的旅游形象定位,充分体现了大连旅游形象个性。

1.It is a modern, coastal city, regarded as north China's“ Romance Capital”.它是一座充满现代气息的滨海城市,被称为中国北方的“浪漫之都”。
2.And here, on the moonlight beach of the romance capital of the world, she becomes a lady barracuda.此刻,在世界浪漫之都这片洒满月光的沙滩上,她变成了一条美人鱼。
3.Romantics were undeterred by the small turnout and sought to preserve Paris's reputation.虽然参加活动的人不是很多,但大家仍然激情不减,力保巴黎“浪漫之都”的美名。
4.The Effect of Urban Tourism Brand on the Sustainable Development of Urban Tourism--Based on Dalian urban tourism brand "the Romantic City";城市旅游品牌在城市旅游可持续发展中的作用——以大连“浪漫之都”品牌为例
5.Romance is beginning to bloom.浪漫之花开始绽放。
6.Deconstructing Romance in Romantic Form--An analysis of romanticism in the contemporary urban novels;在浪漫的情调下消解浪漫——当代都市小说中的浪漫性分析
7.Green is the colour of life, thus the green romance is the romance of life. Wish your journey of romance evergreen.绿色是生命之色,绿色的浪漫是生命的浪漫,愿你的浪漫之旅永葆青春。
8.It is quite romantic to ramBle over the scenic spot Between Beautiful hills and waters.漫步在风景优美的山水之间,一派浪漫情调。
9.Romance would cure hunger, just as a full stomach was necessary before you could concentrate on romance. It was a perfect circle, no matter where you started from.浪漫足以治饿,正如同吃饱了才浪漫,这是个圆圈,从哪儿走都可以。
10."Wishing you adventure, romantic, intrigue and some cake""愿奇迹,浪漫,风流,欢乐都属于你"
11.The Lost Romance: Manifestation of Passive Romanticism in The Bridges of Madison County with the View of Alienation of Humanity;失落的浪漫——从人性异化角度探究《廊桥遗梦》之消极浪漫主义表现
12.of or pertaining to romantic love.浪漫爱情的或与之相关的。
13.A love began to develop.浪漫的爱情之花就要绽开。
14.The Burst-up of Romance:On"A Doll s House"and"Lady of Ocean";浪漫的破产——解读《玩偶之家》兼《海上夫人》
15.Disillusioned Romanticism--Deconstructuralist Study of On the Road;浪漫之梦的幻灭——《在路上》解构主义研究
16.Title Differences between Impressionism and Romanticism;论印象主义和浪漫主义标题性之差异
17.On Leo Ou-fan Lee s criticism of metropolitan modernity;浪漫·颓废:都市文化的摩登漫游——李欧梵的都市现代性批判
18.High quality whole hazelnut chocolate. The packing shows love and romance. It is liked by those who are in pursuit of something special and romantic.高品质的全榛仁巧克力。爱意与浪漫昭显于包装之中。深得追求个性与浪漫人士之欢心。

romantic recreational city浪漫休闲之都
3)the beauty of romance浪漫之美
4)cartoon and animation center动漫之都
1.From a strategic height of Hangzhous urban development,the paper expounds the significance of building "Chinas cartoon and animation center",analyses the relative advantages Hangzhou possesses in building the cartoon and animation center,presents the viewpoint that building a cartoon and animation center is Hangzhous strategic choice in urban development,and proposes.本文从杭州城市发展的战略高度阐述了打造“中国动漫之都”的重要意义,从人文、资金、人才、体制等各个方面分析了杭州动漫之都建设的比较优势,提出打造动漫之都是杭州城市发展的战略抉择的观点,并发表了推进动漫之都建设的几点建议。
5)City of Light:Paris浪漫花都——巴黎
1.Rationality and Romance——Treating Architecture under Viewpoints of Philosophical History;理性与浪漫——从哲学史观的角度看待建筑
2.Rationality and Romance in Architecture——To See Architecture from the Philosophy;建筑中的理性与浪漫——从哲学史观的角度看待建筑
3.Billowing world Continuous romance ——Taking about the readability of Zhang Xin s novels;滚滚红尘 缕缕浪漫——漫谈张欣小说的可读性

浪漫之都1999年在大连建市百年之际,***同志为大连题词:“百年风雨洗礼,北方明珠生辉”,国家旅游局局长何光暐为大连旅游题词“浪漫之都”。大连旅游的特点是以大海为背景,以绿色为依托,以漂亮的城市环境为品牌,以大型旅游活动为载体,以特色旅游项目和时装城、足球城、田径之乡、夜光城为吸引力的年轻而现代的浪漫之都。大连的浪漫主要体现在浪漫的广场、绿地、喷泉——城市建在花园里 。大连城市中有1300万平方米的绿地,目前城市绿化覆盖率达41.5%,人均公共绿地面积9.5平方米,是中国北方绿化最好、绿色最浓的城市。大连是中国广场最多的城市,50个广场多姿多彩:有中国第一、世界第三的海军广场,有中山音乐广场,有人民喷泉广场,还有亚洲最大、面积为110万平方米、相当于两个半天安门广场大的星海湾广场。42.5公里长的滨海路,是中国的旅游精品路,宛如一条玉带飘逸着,将诸多旅游景点连接起来,正可谓“犹抱琵琶半遮面,大珠小珠落玉盘”。大连的浪漫还体现在浪漫的建筑——奏响城市凝固的音乐;浪漫的大海——空气清新、海鲜上乘;浪漫的金石滩、旅顺——休闲度假好去处;浪漫的大型旅游节庆活动——火爆热烈精彩纷呈等方面。在大连,给人印象最深的莫过于创新与怀旧相得益彰的情调。大连的城市建筑风格各异:有古罗马的柱式建筑,有流行于欧洲的圆穹式建筑,有古老的俄罗斯建筑(俄罗斯一条街)、巴洛克式建筑,有拜占庭式建筑,有日本别墅式建筑(南山旅游风情街),有中国古典式建筑。如果说希望大厦是大连建筑群中亭亭玉立的美少女,那么世界贸易大厦就是大连建筑群中风流倜傥的美男子。此外,女骑警、足球标志、有轨电车、老虎滩极地海洋世界、四维电影……无不让人流连忘返。大连,浪漫,旅游