心理场,psychological field
1)psychological field心理场
1.On the basis of this valuable Chinese ancient wisdom,the concept of psychological field and a theory paradigm for studying consumer personality are proposed to explore representation law of consumer s innate personality in acquired consumption behavior.通过试运用中国古代最有价值的思想智慧——"天人合一"的全息系统方法论,提出一个基于"心理场"的消费者气质研究的理论范式,以探讨消费者先天气质在后天消费行为表象的规律。
2.So effective use of psychological field can stimulate endogenous motivation and arouse university assistants enthusiasm and creativity.辅导员队伍的不稳定是高校教育管理中的一大问题,勒温的心理场理论可以有效地阐释高校辅导员流变的内在动因,辅导员心理场各种力的失衡会造成辅导员心理紧张,从而产生特有的行为反应。
3.Therefore,if we want to change this situation,we must combine the dominant and recessive educative patterns to form a harmonious cultural circumstance in schoolyard actively,furthermore,to build the dynamic psychological field continuing development.随着社会的发展,显性的校园思想政治教育效果日益削弱,要改变其现状,必须把显性的与隐性的教育手段结合起来,积极营造和谐的校园文化环境,形成动态的持续发展的"心理场",借助其隐性教育力量,逐步化解学生的抵触情绪和逆反心理,增强思想政治教育的实效性。

1.Cooperative Relations between Composing Internal Force and Psychological Field and Physical Field;论音乐创作内驱力与“心理场”、“物理场”的协同关系
2.The Application of Psychological Field in Foreign Language Situational Teaching of Watching,Listening and Speaking;试论外语视听说“心理场”中的情境教学
3.Passivation and Recovery of Life Consciousness in Educational Psychological Field;教育心理场中生命意识的缺失与回归
4.On the Setting-up of the Teaching Environment of Physical Education with the Theory of Psychological Field;从“心理场”论谈体育教学环境的创立
5.The utilization of teacher psychology field in foreign language teaching;“教师心理场”在外语教学中的运用
6.Psychological Adaptation and Stress of Judge in Sports Competition;体育裁判员临场心理压力与心理调适
7.Event-group Psychological Theory of the Team Sport Events with Antagonism and Same Court;集体性同场对抗性项目项群心理理论
8.Probing into the Rationale and Function of Crime Scene Mental Trace Analysis;现场心理痕迹分析的原理与作用探析
9.Is Western Positive Psychology A Psychological Revolution?;西方积极心理学运动是一场心理学革命吗?
10.Basketball players on-the-spot anxiety and the coaches psychological control;篮球运动员临场心理躁动与教练员的心理调控
11.Golf course must be carefully tended by a special staff of groundskeepers.高尔夫球场必须由专门的场地管理员精心养护。
12.A Brief Talk on the Dialectic Relationship between Physical Spot and Mental Spot of Crime;浅议犯罪物质现场与心理现场之问的辩证关系
13.A Study on the Superiority of Psychology in Home Competition in CBA Games;对CBA主客场赛制主场优势的心理状态研究
14.Psychological Environment Survey and Analysis of Shanghai People s Square Underground Mark;上海市人民广场地下商场心理环境调查分析
15.Seligman is leading the charge in what might be called Happiness Revolution in psychology.Seligman正在领导一场心理学界的"幸福变革"。
16.airfield operations centre [Airport Authority]飞行区运作中心〔机场管理局〕
17.But the market relies more on psychology than sheer consumer utility.但市场较为依赖心理较单纯消费效用.
18.Functions of Researching Consumer s Psychology in Market Business;消费者心理研究在市场营销中的应用

psychology field心理场
1.Moral field is an interactive space and a result of the interaction of psychology field、situation field and society field.道德场的本质在于,道德是一种场存在,道德场是道德情境中的诸因素相互作用的空间,道德主体是道德场所有场态物质中最根本、最活跃、最具能量的场态物质,道德场是心理场、情境场和社会场交互作用的产物。
3)spatial psychology场所心理
4)psychology market心理市场
1.The translation of movie titles plays a significant role in the publicity of movies,in winning the "psychology market" of the audience before the movies enter the market.电影是以艺术为形式的商品,要充分实现其价值,就要扩大市场,电影片名的翻译对影片进入市场的前期宣传,即对占领受众的"心理市场"起着不可忽视的作用。
5)Psychology Field Theory心理场论
1.Serving and Enlightening: the Effects of Lewin s Psychology Field Theory on the Curriculum Research;辉映与启迪:勒温的心理场论对课程研究的影响
6)psychology at fire site火场心理

认知-场心理学认知-场心理学cognitive-field psychology 认知一场心理学(cognitlve一field psych-ology)认知心理学与场心理学之间交叉所形成的一种心理学理论。以美国心理学家比格(B igge,M .1.)为全要代表。该理论继承和发展了勒温的场论,并与现代认知心理学相结合的产物。它1方面从认知心理学角度IteJ述了人如何去了解自己及其周围环境,以及人们如何根据认知能力、所知觉到的环境去作出一定的行为。另一方面又从场沦角度阐述了一个人在一定时间内的整个内心世界,既包括心理的过去、现在和未来,又包括具体水平的心理现实和想像水平的心理现实。个体始终处于一定环境中的人同环境所发生的相互作用的场之中,而人对其所处的场的理解既是个人对其生活空间的顿悟,又受他己有认知结构的制约。故要想理解和预测个人的行为,就必须把人及其心理环境看做是一种互相依存、互相制约并受其认知结构影响的模式。 (车丈博撰王启康审)