非惯常环境,unusual environment
1)unusual environment非惯常环境
1.The paper re-analyses the nature of tourism and its related concept with the two core concepts of unusual environment and experience in mind.本文以非惯常环境及其体验这两个核心概念,重新解析了旅游的本质及其相关概念,讨论了旅游经济学和旅游社会学的研究对象和内容,并在此基础上探讨了构建旅游学的学术框架。
2.The paper,taking unusual environment as core concept,elaborates the features and inter-relationship between unusual environment and usual environment.本文将非惯常环境作为旅游的核心概念,阐述了非惯常环境与惯常环境的特征以及之间的相关关系,以此重新解释和推广了利珀模型和普洛格模型,以一种全新的视角,来审视旅游现象和本质,并试图以非惯常环境概念来重构旅游学研究的学科体系框架。

1.A Study on Consumers Behavior and Phenomenon under Unusual Environment;旅游学研究的新框架:对非惯常环境下消费者行为和现象的研究
2.Unusual Environment: The Core Concept of Tourism Research--A New Framework for Tourism Research非惯常环境:旅游核心概念的再研究——建构旅游学研究框架的一种尝试
3.He will be pleased to have a change of air.他将非常乐意换换环境。
4.The American environment stimulated the practice of religious independence.美国的环境促进了宗教方面独立性的惯常做法。
5.Inertia element (aperiodic element)惯性环节(非周期环节)
6.The environment of a very small, specific area.微环境一个非常小的特定区域内的环境
7.The surroundings of the hotel are very peaceful.旅馆的周围环境非常安静。
8.Sequoias have a very special formula to where they grow.红杉对生长环境的要求非常特别。
9.The house is situated in very pleasant surroundings.这房子位处于非常讨人喜欢的环境。
10.The house fits in beautifully with its surroundings.这座房子和周围的环境非常协调。
11.They appear to be very sensitive to mildly corrosive environments.它们似乎对轻度的腐蚀环境非常敏感。
12.Now I am well acquainted with the whole business environment and keen on market information.我对整个商业环境非常熟悉,而且对市场信息非常敏感。
13.Remedy for environment tort is an important issue which is regarded by both civil law and environment law.环境侵权法律救济是环境法和民法都非常关注的重大问题。
14.Seawater temperature is a very important physical parameter in the marine environment.在海洋环境中,水温是一个非常重要的物理参数。
15.She had been brought up in rigorous economy.她从小就是在非常俭朴的环境中长大的。
16.Plant and animal life is sensitive to changes in the chemistry of the environment.植物和动物体对环境化学成分的变化非常敏感。
17.Current Situation And Protection of Water Environment in changshu City;常熟市非饮用水环境的污染现状及防治措施
18.Analysis on Adjoint Non-recurrent Property of a Class of Time Series Models in Random Environment Domain随机环境下一类时序模型的伴随非常返性

environmental protecting custom环境习惯
1.This article writes about the environmental protecting customs which is different from the environmental law in the source,function,and the way to play.环境习惯与环境法相比,在产生的原因、作用方式、实施方式等方面都有不同,它在调整社会关系的同时具有多样性、特殊性、伦理性、自觉性的特点。
3)unusual situation非常情境
1.He always places his characters in some unusual situation to see the change of human nature.在日益喧嚣浮躁的时代里,艾伟的小说却在不断演绎人性深处的奥秘,并因此而获得一种可贵的精神的厚度,他善于将人物置于非常情境中去看取人性的变化,原罪与救赎是他的小说在向人性深处掘进时一个不断被言说的母题。
4)environmental anomaly环境异常
1.Based on a study of the background values and enrichment degrees of some trace elements in urban dust in Xi'an City,environmental anomaly areas in Xi'an were outlined,and the element characteristics of various environmental anomaly areas were analyzed.通过对西安市城市灰尘中部分微量元素背景值和富集程度的研究,圈定了环境异常区。
5)Daily environment日常环境
6)abnormal environment异常环境
1.In abnormal environments,there should be positive measures to prevent weapons from accidental detonation,deliberate arming and inadvertent arming.在异常环境下,武器系统不能被外界异常能量误引爆、不能被蓄意解保、不能因疏忽大意操作而解保,以免造成灾难性的后果。
