主题诠释,theme annotation
1)theme annotation主题诠释
1.The new fiction teaching schema includes : frameworkanalysis;figure appreciation and theme annotation .文章建构了小说教学的新图式以及与小说教学相关的小说知识图式、小说作品图式、自我塑造分析图式、中国古代哲学思想图式,从结构分析、形象鉴赏、主题诠释三个方面解读小说。
2)problem explanation问题诠释

1.An Interpretation about the Problem of Property Rights to Enterprise Technological Innovation Based on Stakeholders;基于利益相关者的企业技术创新产权问题诠释
2.Independence of Independent Directors: Explanation·Problems·Countermeasures;独立董事的独立性:诠释·问题·对策
3.Legal Interpretation on Basic Issues of Police Facing Battles;警察临战若干基础性问题的法学诠释
4.On the Hermeneutics of the Zhouyi in Philosophical Perspective;哲学视域中《周易》诠释诸问题刍议
5.Annotation on Some Questions of Newton Mechanics Completeness;关于牛顿力学完备性几个问题的诠释
6.Heidegger and the Turn of Ontology of Hermeneutics--On the Hermeneutical Questions in Being and Time;海德格尔与诠释学的存在论转向——《存在与时间》中的诠释学问题
7.A Perspective on the Developing of the Individual Businesssmen in Rural Society from Social Capital Theory;社会资本:对农村个体经营者发展问题的诠释
8.On the Economic Issues of Multinational Companies in China;在华跨国公司存在的问题及经济学诠释
9.The Actuality of the Development of "the Sinitic Hermeneutics" and some Problems Related to It;“中国诠释学”的发展现状及其存在的问题
10.Hermeneutics and Translation Studies:Theories Sorting and Rethinking;诠释学与翻译研究:理论梳理与问题反思
11.Researches on Several Basic Questions of the Theories of Hermeneutics;关于诠释学理论中若干基本问题的探究
12.Space and Life-death Dwelling Place of Mankind--The Existential Annotation on the Space Issue;空间与人类的生死处所——空间问题的生存论诠释
13.On Feng Youlan s Explanation of Laozi s “Eultivate Way” and “Do learning”;论冯友兰对《老子》中“为道”和“为学”问题的诠释
14.To"a Combination of Man and Nature":One of Basic Question of Chinese Philosophical Hermeneutics;走向“无我之境”:中国哲学诠释学基本问题之一
15.Issues of the differentiation between Confucianism of the Song Dynasty and that of the Ming Dynasty and interpretative implicature;宋明儒学之分系问题及其诠释学上的意涵
16.The Best Explanation of Governing for People Is To Serve the People;着力解决民生问题是党执政为民理念的最好诠释
17.The End of Aesthetic Experience?--A Comparative Revelation on the Foundational Notion of Western Aesthetics from the Perspective of Chinese Philosophy;美感经验的完结?——当代英美美学的基源问题与儒学的诠释
18.On Confucianists Understanding through Relevant Materials from the Different Explanatory Notes of 7 Inner Pieces of “Zhuangzi” by FANG Yi-zhi and WANG Fu-zhi;从方以智王夫之《庄子》内七篇诠释的异同看儒道会通问题

problem explanation问题诠释
3)the interpretation of subject主体诠释
4)interpretative subject诠释主体
1.In the interpretation of classical criticism, interpretative subject should have different gradation realms: intellectual realm, moral realm and spiritual realm, making up respectively the cornerstone of meaning restoration, the standard of reasonable interpretation, and the guidance of aesthetic communication.在对古代文论的诠释中,诠释主体应该具有不同层次的境界:知识境界、道德境界、心灵境界。
5)the history of hermeneutics命题诠释史
6)issue of hermeneutic circle诠释学循环问题
