旅游本科,Tourism undergraduate
1)Tourism undergraduate旅游本科

1.The Research on the College and Enterprise Joint Cultivation Mode for Tourism Undergraduate Talents;旅游本科人才校企联合培养模式研究
2.The Thinking of Practice Teaching Reform of the Applying Course of Tourism Undergraduate应用型旅游本科实践教学改革的思考
3.The Status and Reflection of China-Foreign Cooperation in Higher Tourism Education--Take Tourism College for Example我国高等旅游教育中外合作办学现状及反思——以旅游本科院校为例
4.The Key Way to the Shrieked Tourism Undergraduate Education--Cultivating Creative Tourism Talent旅游本科教育萎缩的重要出路——旅游创意人才培养
5.Thoughts on Curriculum Reform of Undergraduate Courses in Tourism Management in China Based on BPR Theory;借用BPR理念改造我国旅游本科专业课程
6.Discussion on Undergraduate Cultivation Mode of Tourism Speciality in Colleges;高校旅游专业本科人才培养模式探讨
7.Research on School-Enterprise Cooperation in Tourism Education in Undergraduate Institutions本科院校旅游专业校企合作教育研究
8.On Hotel Practice Training of Undergraduate Majors of Tourism Management旅游管理本科专业酒店实习教学研究
9.On the Nature of Tourism and the Framework of Tourism Discipline:An Experience Perspective;从体验视角看旅游的本质及旅游学科体系的构建
10.Analysis on the Undergraduate Education of Tourism Management and the Talent Training Adapting for the Development of Guangxi Tourism广西旅游管理本科教育与旅游业发展适用人才培养浅析
11.A Study of Undergraduate Education of Tourism in University--Example of Undergraduate Education of tourism in Three Universities in Nanning,Guangxi;高等院校本科旅游教育初探——以广西南宁市三所高校本科旅游教育为例
12.Compared Study of the Tourism Management Speciality in Undergraduated Teaching Between United States and China中美旅游管理专业本科教学的比较研究
13.Research on Graduate Education in the Major of Tourism Management from the Point of Ability;从人才角度看旅游管理专业本科的培养问题
14.The Present Situation and Countermeasure of the Undergraduate Education of Tourism Management Specialized in Higher Education College;高校旅游管理专业本科教育的现状及其对策
15.Study on the practice management of the tourism management profession in undergraduate course colleges;普通本科院校旅游管理专业实习管理研究
16.The Preliminary Exploration in English Majors Teaching of Tourism English;英语专业本科旅游英语课程教学之探究
17.The Construction of Research Framework on Curriculum System in Tourism Management;旅游管理本科专业课程体系研究框架的建构
18.A study on the matching of the undergraduates of tourism management and hotel industry;论我国旅游管理专业本科生与饭店行业之契合

tourism majored undergraduates旅游专业本科生
3)tourism undergraduate education旅游本科教育
1.Through anylizing the conditions of tourism undergraduate education and vocational training education , the article studies their problems that exist today and the difference between them.通过对旅游本科教育和专科教育的现状分析,研究了旅游本、专科教育目前存在的问题和两者应有的差异,认为旅游本科教育和旅游专科教育作为高等旅游教育的两大组成部分,有着截然不同的市场定位和培养模式,并分别加以阐述。
4)tourism undergraduate talent旅游本科人才
5)applying tourism undergraduate course应用型旅游本科
6)tourism programs for bachelor degree旅游本科专业

东北林业大学野生动物资源学院旅游管理专业 地址:哈尔滨市动力区和兴路26号 邮政编码:150040本学院最早的前身是1960年原林业部批准在原东北林学院林学系设立的"森林动物繁殖与利用"本科专业,以后历经多次更名调整和发展,于1980年壮大为独立的野生动物系,1992年发展成东北林业大学野生动物资源学院。现设有国家级野生植物保护与自然保护区管理、旅游管理、森林资源保护与游憩(森林旅游)、生物技术等4个本科专业。【 旅游管理专业 】 学科门类:管理学本专业培养具有旅游行业管理、旅游企业经营与管理、饭店管理、旅游市场营销等方面的基本理论和专业知识,能在与旅游相关的行业从事教学、科研、行政管理、生产管理等工作的高级专门人才。【 森林资源保护与游憩(游憩方向)专业 】 学科门类:农学本专业培养具有生态学、生态旅游学、地理学、旅游管理学、生物多样性保护、旅游地规划设计等方面的基本理论和专业知识,能在林业、旅游、城建等部门从事教学、科研、行政管理、生产管理等工作的高级专门人才。