应用型旅游本科,applying tourism undergraduate course
1)applying tourism undergraduate course应用型旅游本科

1.The Thinking of Practice Teaching Reform of the Applying Course of Tourism Undergraduate应用型旅游本科实践教学改革的思考
2.On Reform of Cultivation Mode of Undergraduates of Tourism Administration应用型本科旅游管理人才培养模式的构建
3.Thinking about Training of Applied Tourism Talents in the Newly-built Universities of Minority Areas民族地区新建本科院校应用型旅游人才培养的思考
4.Studies on Open Training Pattern of Multiple Abilities and Application-oriented Personnel of Four-year Tourism Management旅游管理本科专业复合型应用性人才开放式培养模式初探
5.Review on Applications of Ecological Footprint Model in Tourism Science;生态足迹模型在旅游科学中的应用研究进展
6.Theoretical Framework Construction of Talents Cultivation Model Based on Employment-orientation and Application-based in Undergraduate Institutes--a case on the Tourism Management就业导向应用型本科人才培养模式的理论框架构建——以旅游管理专业为例
7.Text Type Theory,Translation Strategy and Applied Translation Studies;文本类型、翻译策略与应用翻译研究——以旅游宣传资料英译为例
8.Analysis on the Undergraduate Education of Tourism Management and the Talent Training Adapting for the Development of Guangxi Tourism广西旅游管理本科教育与旅游业发展适用人才培养浅析
9.Study of Inner Mongolia s applicable tour ism talents cultivation mode;内蒙古旅游应用型人才培养模式探讨
10.Canonical Correlation Analysis and Application of Influencing Factors of Tourism;影响旅游因素的典型相关分析及应用
11.Discussion on the Difficulties in the Application of Butler s Destination Life Cycle Model;Butler旅游地生命周期模型应用困境研究
12.Dynamic model of ecotourism development and its apllication;生态旅游开发的动力学模型及其应用
13.The ARIMA Model of Overseas Tourism Source in HeBei and its Application河北海外旅游客源量的ARIMA模型及应用
14.Improvement and Application of a Modified Tourism Environmental Carrying Capacity Model旅游环境容量模型的改进及应用探讨
15.Thoughts on Curriculum Reform of Undergraduate Courses in Tourism Management in China Based on BPR Theory;借用BPR理念改造我国旅游本科专业课程
16.The essential means of regional tourist resources appraising and its application in Tianshui tourist area;区域旅游资源评价基本方法及其在天水旅游区的应用
17.On the application-oriented institutions applied应用性是应用型本科院校的本质属性
18.In conclusion, this thesis is an analysis on the scientific management of tourism enterprises applying the Operations Research and Graph Theory;总之,本文是一种应用运筹学、图论理论讨论旅游企业科学管理的分析;

Tourism undergraduate旅游本科
3)tourist talents of application旅游应用型人才
1.As the fresh troops providing specialized tourist talents, the higher education of tourism, especially those local universities, should construct the model of developing tourist talents of application, on the basis of an analysis of the present situation of supply and need, oriented by the .作为旅游专业人才供给的重要生力军———旅游高等教育,特别是地方大学,应在旅游人才供需现状分析的基础上,以市场需求为导向,构建旅游应用型人才培养模式,从而保证地方经济和旅游业的持续性发展,为创建地方大学品牌优势和人才竞争优势打下坚实的基础。
4)the applied tourism talents应用型旅游人才
1.The article brings forward availability maneuver and analyzes the question which lies in culture the applied tourism talents in the newly-built universities of minority areas.民族地区新建本科院校应用型旅游人才培养的市场前景广阔,但面临着诸多问题,应对策略是明确人才培养目标,构建应用型旅游人才培养的课程和实践教学体系,注重培养学生的操作能力和创新能力;加?"双师结构"教师队伍建设,提高教师职业素质;建立以能力主导的多元化考核评价制度和教学质量监控体系开放办学;积极开展校企合作,培养符合企业需求的旅游人才。
5)applied undergraduate应用型本科
1.Discussion of "Cold Ramming Mould Design And Manufacture" the course teaching reform Based on the education for applied undergraduate;《冷冲压模具设计与制造》课程教学改革初探——基于应用型本科人才培养
2.An overall design of the applied undergraduates educating program for the specialty of machine manufacturing and automation;应用型本科机械制造及自动化专业人才培养方案的整体设计
3.The function and effect of assessment of education is discussed,the quality assessment system of higher education in our country is related briefly,and the guiding ideology which how to establish assessment criteria of applied undergraduate major in machine is analyzed thoroughly.综述了教学评价的功能和作用,概述了我国高等教育质量评价体系,探析建立机械类应用型本科教学评价标准的基本思路和实施办法。
6)application-oriented undergraduate应用型本科
1.On the basis of teaching practice in application-oriented undergraduate university,this paper introduces a circulatory system of teaching quality supervision system,which is.根据应用型本科院校办学实际,将教学质量监控体系设计成由六个子系统组成的循环系统,并针对应用型本科院校内部教学质量监控体系的运行效果进行探讨。
2.As far as China s application-oriented undergraduate education is concerned,the experience that .应用型本科教育是目前我国高等教育发展的一个重要方向。
3.In this paper research on the comprehensive reform of foundation engineering course of application-oriented undergraduate of investigation technology and engineering is introduced.对勘查技术与工程应用型本科专业《基础工程》课程的综合改革进行了研究。
