主题形象策划,Theme image planning
1)Theme image planning主题形象策划

1.The theme image planning of tourism areas--Taking the Zhejiang Kuaiji Mountain tourist resort as an example旅游地主题形象策划——以浙江会稽山旅游度假区为例
2.Planning of Theme Resort of "Happy Hometown" in Changshou Lake--discussions on the image orientation in the development of Changshou Lake;长寿湖“快乐老家”主题情景度假区的策划——长寿湖开发形象定位问题探讨
3.Analysis of Location of Tourism Theme Image in Tourism Planning of Tang County in Hebei Province;河北唐县旅游规划中主题形象定位分析
4.Theme Improvement and Tourism Image Design in the Planning of Kunming World Horticultural Garden;昆明世博园规划的主题升华与城市旅游形象
5.Plot Tool of Television Image--Research on CI system;电视形象策划工具——CI策划的研究
6.The Image and Marketing Strategy of the Tourism Resources along the Jialingjiang Reaches;嘉陵江流域旅游主题形象定位与营销策略
7.A STUDY ON DESTINATION IMAGE PLANNING FOR "GRAY AREA"--Also Tourist Image Planning for Qujing City;游客感知“灰度区”的旅游形象策划初探——兼曲靖市旅游形象策划
8.Study on CI Design of GuoLin Hotel--MI Design;国林大酒店CI形象策划研究——MI策划部分
9.Analyze the Success and Failure of Chinese Healthcare Corporation in the Aspect of Image Strategy;解析中国保健品企业形象策划之成败
10.Application of Interactive Teaching in Corporate Identity Plan Class;企业形象策划课程互动教学法的应用
11.CI Design-Valuable Method of Winning Market by Modern Corperate Image;CI策划——现代企业形象制胜之法宝
12.Connotation of Strategy of Corporate Identity and Its Practical Significance;企业形象策划战略的内涵与现实意义
13.The Significance of Artistic Image in the Advertisement Designing and Planning;艺术形象在广告设计及策划中的意义
14.A RIS Framework to Forge Regional Tourism Identity;区域旅游形象策划的RIS框架构建
16.A Research on the Organizational Model of Planning Destination Image Based on Social Participation;论旅游地形象策划的参与型组织模式
17.The Enterprise CI Design ──A Functional Arm in the Market Competition;企业形象策划是市场竞争的锐利武器
18.CI-System--Means of Building the Images of Higher Education InstitutesCI策划——高校形象塑造的战略性选择

thematic planning主题策划
1.Tourism was a cultural industry,the sustainable development of tourism areas needed thematic planning,to outstand their soul and mainline,the theme selection depend on the landscape ecology,context and human vein.在主题化策划过程中,以环境调查、提炼亮点、主题选择、主题项目策划为路径,确定旅游景区发展主题,并以浙江省温岭市石塘旅游景区的主题策划作实证分析。
3)image planning形象策划
1.Discussion on tourism image planning of Jiangbei District of Chongqing;重庆市江北区旅游形象策划探讨
2.A Greative Theory for Chinese Restaurant Culture——Discussion on Image Planning for Chinese Restaurants;创新理论体系 绽放中餐魅力——论中餐企业的形象策划
3.The development of a tourist resort depends not only on natural resources, geographical conditions and market requirements but also on the image planning and extension strategies in a market with fierce competition.生态观光区的开发和建设需要基本的资源条件、区位条件和市场需求,特别是在争取旅游客源市场比较激烈的今天,生态观光区开发建设更需要研究其形象策划和传播策略,具体包括形象的定位及其口号设计,人-地感知形象和人-人感知形象的设计,形象传播的具体方法与技巧等。
4)image designing形象策划
1.In this paper, the author combines case study to inquire into the image designing train of thought of county scale tourism destination, based on contrasting the same and different points of .本文以广东省台山市(县)为例,从县域的空间角度出发,在研究不同空间尺度的旅游目的地形象策划的共性和个性的基础上,提出该地域尺度类型的旅游地形象分析和策划的原则和依据,并结合台山市(县)的地理文脉和资源特色,对台山市(县)旅游形象系统作了初步探讨。
2.It proposed a mentality of developing the urban eco-tourism and it also had market positioning and image designing of urban eco-tourism in Tai an.从生态旅游的理论、城市旅游以及建设生态城市的理论以及具体实践入手,阐明城市生态旅游的涵义以及相关理论,提出泰安市发展城市生态旅游的思路,并对泰安市城市生态旅游进行市场定位和形象策划,对当前泰安建设生态城市与实现泰山旅游可持续发展具有重要的意义。
5)theme image主题形象
6)topic planing主题性策划
