会稽山旅游度假区,Kuaiji Mountain Tourist Resort
1)Kuaiji Mountain Tourist Resort会稽山旅游度假区
1.Guiding by theme image planning theories combining with the Kuaiji Mountain Tourist Resort theme image and market requirement,this paper proposes the planning concepts of the fusion of location,theme,activities and image.本文以主题形象策划理论为指导,结合会稽山旅游度假区主题形象和市场需求,提出了"区位—主题—活动—形象"相组合的规划理念。

1.The theme image planning of tourism areas--Taking the Zhejiang Kuaiji Mountain tourist resort as an example旅游地主题形象策划——以浙江会稽山旅游度假区为例
2.An Reflection on the Tourist Market Developing of Sheshan National Resort Area;佘山国家度假区旅游市场开发的思考
3.Planning of Resort for Ecological Tourism in Mountainous Areas:A Case of Ecological Tourism Resort in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town山地生态旅游度假区规划——以深圳东部华侨城生态旅游区为例
4.On The Management of Hot Spring Tourist Zone;论温泉度假区的管理——以四川周公山温泉度假旅游区为例
5.Feasibility Research on Development Project of Holiday Resort in Tianchi Lake of Huaying Hill;华蓥山天池湖旅游休闲度假区项目可行性研究
6.A Study on the Exploition and Planning of Snow Hill and Hot Spring Resort in XiLin Snow Hill;西岭雪山温泉旅游度假区开发规划研究
7.Research on the Theme Culture of the Development of the Rural Tourism Resort--A Case Study of the Jiaoyan Tourism Resort乡村旅游度假区开发的主题文化研究——以江西铅山县叫岩旅游度假区为例
8.Delight in Water and Mountains Travel and living leisurely: Touring Area Planning of Ningbo Sun-lake乐山乐水 闲游闲居——宁波荪湖旅游度假区规划设计
10.Planning and Designing the Mountainous Tourism Resort Service Base in View of Ecological Idea;基于生态学的山地旅游度假区生活服务基地规划设计
11.On the development of urban tourism resort:taking Peach Garden of Foshan City for example都市旅游度假区发展研究——以佛山市南国桃园为例
12.The number of visitors to the Alps is increasing each year .去阿尔卑斯山的度假旅游胜地。
13.Research of Ermei Mount leisure tourism destination construction峨眉山休闲度假旅游目的地建设研究
14.Lake Tourism Resort Planning--With Chun'an Qiandaohu Tourism Resort of Zhejiang Province as the Example湖泊型旅游度假区规划——以“浙江省淳安千岛湖旅游度假区”为例
15.Rebuilt the tourism production of Mei Zhou island national tourism holiday village;重塑湄洲岛国家旅游度假区的旅游产品
16.Jilin Forest Industry Villa With Hot Spring--Fabulous Scenit Spot in changbai Mountain;吉林森工温泉度假山庄——长白山旅游明珠
17.With its fine industrial and technological basic, the economy of Slovenia has been developed at a amazing speed in recent years.主要旅游区有亚得里亚海海滨和北部阿尔卑斯山区等,是广大游客理想的休闲度假去处。
18.Beiling Tourist & Holiday Resort is a promising land for investment.北岭旅游度假区是您的投资宝地。

mountainous tourism resort山地旅游度假区
3)Fangshan Mountain Holiday Tourism Area方山风景旅游度假区
1.The greening plan for Fangshan Mountain Holiday Tourism Area of Jiangning;江宁方山风景旅游度假区绿化规划
4)Tourist Holiday Resorts of Daifu Mountains大夫山旅游度假区
1.On the Planning and Design of Urban Tourist Holiday Resorts——Take the Tourist Holiday Resorts of Daifu Mountains in Guangzhou for Example;城市旅游度假区规划设计探索——以广州大夫山旅游度假区为例
5)Sheshan national holiday resort佘山国家旅游度假区
1.Shanghai Sheshan national holiday resort is the only centralized area with rock exposures in Shanghai.佘山国家旅游度假区是上海唯一的基岩集中出露区 ,其间有 7家采石厂以下挖式进行石材开采 ,遗留采石坑占地近 14× 10 4m2 ,对环境景观造成影响。
6)Tourism resort旅游度假区
1.This text,through putting in order,analysing and summing up to articles of domestic and international on tourism resorts,has pointed out their different research focus and characteristic and,carried on a comparative analysis finally.我国尚处于旅游发展的初级阶段,旅游产品亟待转型与升级,以旅游度假区为主要载体的度假旅游在我国的发展却并不令人满意。
2.The tourism environmental protection is the most important question which the tourism resort must face and solve under the vigorous development of tourism.旅游环境保护是旅游业蓬勃发展势态下旅游度假区所必须面临和解决的首要问题。
3.The lake tourism resort is one important kind of resorts in China and is in a large proportion.湖泊型旅游度假区是中国度假区中一种重要的类型,占有较大的比重。
