重购意愿,re-purchasing intention
1)re-purchasing intention重购意愿
1.Taking customers who have experienced dissatisfaction as the respondents,this paper investigates the factors influencing customers\' direct complaint,private complaint,the third party complaint,the interrelationship among these complaints and their impact on customers\' re-purchasing intention by logistic regression analyses.以购买家电产品有不满消费经历的顾客为调查对象,通过数据分析,文章检验了影响顾客直接抱怨、私下抱怨和第三方抱怨的因素以及这些抱怨行为之间的相互影响,另外还观察了顾客不同的抱怨行为对其重购意愿的影响。

1.Research on the Influence of Brand Equity on the Repurchase Intention of Customer;影响顾客重购意愿的品牌资产维度研究
2.An Empirical Study of the Effect of Vacation Visitors’Consumption Experience on their Revisit Intention度假游客消费体验对其重购意愿影响实证研究
3.Logistic Regression Analyses on Customers' Complaint and Re-purchasing Intention顾客抱怨行为与重购意愿的logistic回归分析
4.Constructing the Relationship among Brand Equity Dimensions Influencing Customer Repurchase Intention--Based on the Research of Notebook PC Industry顾客重购意愿的品牌资产维度研究——以笔记本电脑行业为例
5.Empirical Research on the Impact of Brand Advocacy upon Repurchase Intentions品牌拥护对重复购买意愿影响的实证研究
6.Which do you prefer, buy-back or counter purchase?徐: 您愿意接受回购方式,还是互购方式?
7.You will find an order enclosed in case you wish to make an immediate order.若是您愿意立即订购,请利用随函所附的订购单。
8.Study on Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention of on-line Shopping for Tea网上购买茶叶的感知风险与购买意愿之研究
9.You can do some shopping in the shopping mall, if you like.你们愿意的话不妨去购物城买买东西。
10.(on the stock exchange) the price at which a broker is willing to buy a certain security.(股票交易所)经济人愿意购买的价格。
11.Agent: Would you like to take out collision insurance?经办人:你愿意购买交通事故保险吗?
12.I am willing to buy counterfeit luxury products for my own use.我愿意购买冒牌奢侈商品给自己使用.
13.Regard your parents' wishes.敬重你父母的意愿。
14.We will uphold the wishes of the people.我们要尊重人民的意愿。
15.Being open-minded is important,愿意接受新思想很重要,
16.in deference to your wishes尊重 [遵从] 你的意愿
17.We must respect his wishes.我们必须尊重他的意愿。
18.It is an important step to set up freewill offer purchasing and standardize the further acts after it.重建强制要约收购,设立自愿要约收购,规制收购后续行为,是健全要约收购的重要步骤。

repurchase intention重复购买意愿
3)customer repurchase intention顾客重购意愿
1.The writer explores the relationship between the factors which influence customer repurchase intention and brand equity dimensions to find out how different brand equity dimensions influence customer repurchase intention.从影响顾客重复购买意愿的众多因素中探索其与品牌资产维度的联系,寻求不同品牌资产维度影响顾客重购意愿的方式与路径。
4)willingness to buy购买意愿
1.The objective of this study is to examine the Chinese consumers awareness,acceptance and willingness to buy GMF based on the survey data collected in 11 cities of 5 provinces in eastern China.本文根据对我国东部5省11个城市的实地调查数据,深入研究了我国城市消费者对转基因食品的认知程度、接受程度和购买意愿。
2.The research results indicate that,few consumers in China know TF,and their knowledge for TF are limited and the level of willingness to buy TF in China is not very high.本文在依据消费者对可追溯食品需求函数确定消费者购买决策准则的基础上,运用Logistic二元选择模型实证检验并分析了北京市消费者对可追溯食品的态度、购买意愿及影响因素。
5)purchase intention购买意愿
1.The effects of celebrity and brand origin on Chinese consumers attitude towards purchase intention;广告代言人、品牌名称对中国消费者购买意愿的影响
2.Proven by previous researches domestic and abroad, consumers have higher purchase intention when brand image and consumers self-concept become consistent.国内外的相关研究显示,若是品牌形象与消费者的自我形象达成一致时,消费者会有较高的购买意愿。
3.It shows that brand awareness and product fit have significant impacts on consumers attitudes towards the brand,product quality perception and purchase intention;a consumer sanction towards the cause-brand alliance has significant impact on product quality perception and purchase intention.数据分析结果表明,企业捐赠的产品同非营利组织是否契合与事业-品牌联盟受消费者影响大小对消费者品牌态度、质量感知及购买意愿均存在显著影响;企业知名度对品牌态度与质量感知存在显著影响。
6)buying inclination购买愿意

重购1.犹言重金悬赏,重金购求。 2.指重金。