入境旅游经济,inbound tourism economy
1)inbound tourism economy入境旅游经济

1.A Study on the Regional Differences of Inbound Tourism Economy in Jiangsu Province江苏省入境旅游经济的区域差异研究
2.The spatial pattern evolution of the inbound tourism economic development level and the causes in China--Based on the inbound tourism economic entropy analysis中国入境旅游经济发展水平的空间格局演变及成因——基于入境旅游经济区位熵的分析
3.Regional Differences and Development Model of the Inbound Tourism Economy Among Provinces in China省域入境旅游经济的区域差异及发展模式
4.The Contribution of Inbound Tourism to Economic Growth in China;中国入境旅游对经济增长拉动作用的定量研究
5.Analysis of Regional Tourism Economic Differences based on the Eight Economic Zones;基于八大经济区的入境旅游区域差异分析
6.Entering the WTO and the Environmental Basis for Developing Tianjin s Tourism Economy;加入WTO与天津旅游经济发展的环境基础
7.A Study on the Relation between International Tourism Development and Economic Growth in Xinjiang新疆入境旅游发展与经济增长关系研究
9.The promoting effects of the foreign tourists flow on tourism economy--Foreign tourists' flow from Shanghai to Shaanxi入境旅游流转移对旅游经济联系促进作用实证分析——以旅沪流向陕西转移为例
10.Economic Analysis On Outbound Travel and Tourism Transnational Operation;出境旅游与旅游业跨国经营的经济学思考
11.Scale Economy,Product Differentiation and the Evolution for Spatial Structure of China s Inbound Tourism;规模经济、产品差异化与中国入境旅游空间结构的变动
12.An Analysis of Dynamic Relationship among Fujian International Tourism and Economic Growth and Opening up to the outside;福建入境旅游与经济增长和对外开放关系动态分析
13.A Study on the Inbound Tourism and the Economic Growth in Heilongjiang Based on Co-integration and Granger Test基于协整与Granger因果分析的黑龙江入境旅游与经济增长研究
14.A Brief Analysis of Xinjiang Holiday Tours, Holiday Economy and Tourist Environment;新疆假日旅游、假日经济与旅游环境浅析
15.The Predicaments and Countermeasures in the Period of Western Tourism Economic Transition;西部旅游经济转型时期的困境与对策
16.Tourism:International tourism grew slightly, with the domestic tourism flourishing.旅游:入境旅游略增,国内旅游繁荣。
17.Tourism: International tourism grew slightly, with the domestic tourism flourishing.旅游: 入境旅游略增,国内旅游繁荣。
18.The Application of BP Neural Network in Forecasting China s Inbound Tourist Population;BP神经网络在我国入境旅游人数预测中的应用

inbound tourism入境旅游
1.Study on the competitiveness of Shanghai s inbound tourism market;上海城市入境旅游及竞争力探析
2.Foundation and application of the background trend line of inbound tourism of Shanghai;上海市入境旅游本底趋势线的建立及其应用
3.The Development Status, Trends Forecast and Strategies Analysis of China’s Inbound Tourism;我国入境旅游发展现状、趋势预测及策略分析
3)entry tourism入境旅游
1.Research on the Forecasting of Entry Tourism Demand in Shanxi Province;山西省入境旅游需求预测研究
2.This paper analyzed the overall characteristics of the entry tourism firstly.分析了改革开放以来我国整体入境旅游的总体特征,利用主成分分析对影响区域旅游的因素进行提取,根据主成分分析的结果,确定影响区域入境旅游的主要因素,据此探讨提高区域入境旅游竞争力的对策。
3.Shanxi is a province with abundant highlevel tourism resources in China,but the resource advantage has not be changed to economic advantage well and the entry tourism achievements are always in the later location of the whole country′s.山西是全国旅游资源大省之一,拥有众多品位极高的旅游资源,但强大的资源优势并没有很好的转化为经济优势,这些年入境旅游业绩一直位居全国中下游。
4)international tourism入境旅游
1.This paper,by economics means of co-integration tests,Impulse Response Function and,Variance Decomposition,analyzes the dynamic relationship of Fujian international tourism and economic growth and opening up.本文运用协整检验、脉冲响应及方差分解等计量经济学方法,分析了福建省入境旅游、经济增长与对外开放的动态关系。
2.The objectives of the article are to analyze the all kinds of main factors that affect international tourism Earnings.本文对我国入境旅游收入进行多因素分析,建立以入境旅游收入为因变量,以入境旅游人数为自变量的一元线性回归模型,并进行了数量实证分析,就如何发展我国入境旅游提出一些可供参考的意见。
3.Financial crisis has immense negative impact on the international tourism of Chongqing travel services and has brought a serious industry crisis to the travel services .金融危机对重庆旅行社业入境旅游产生了较大的负面影响,对旅行社业带来了严重的行业危机,建立有效的应对危机的风险管理制度和风险预警系统,可推进重庆旅行社业健康有序的发展。
5)tourism economy旅游经济
1.Countermeasures for development of tourism economy of Sheyang River lock in Jiangsu Province;江苏射阳河闸旅游经济发展对策
2.Impact on development of transport industry in Xingan League from the western development strategy and tourism economy;西部大开发和旅游经济对兴安盟道路运输业发展的影响
3.The Resource-based Theory and the Competitive Advantage of Tourism Economy in National Minority Regions——the Case of Liannan Autonomous Country of Yao Nationality;资源理论与少数民族地区旅游经济的竞争优势——以广东连南瑶族自治县为例
6)tourist economy旅游经济
1.The distribution of international traveling population and sustainable development of tourist economy in China;我国国际旅游人口分布与旅游经济可持续发展
2.This paper introduces the development of expressway in Shanxi Province,discusses the accelerating effect of the expressway development on tourist economy in Shanxi Province,and analyzes the promoting effect of tourism development on the expressway and economy in Shanxi Province.介绍了山西省高速公路的发展,论述了高速公路的发展对山西旅游经济的促进作用,分析了旅游业的发展对高速公路及全省经济的推动作用。
3.The stream of people generated by the tourism has brought China a massive "material flow", "financial flow", "technical flow", "traffic flow" and "information flow", and created a new economic field, tourist economy field.旅游所产生的“人流”在给中国带来巨大的“物流”、“财流”、“技术流”、“交通流”、“情报流”的同时 ,形成了新的经济领域——旅游经济领域。
