生态旅游参与者,ecotourism participants
1)ecotourism participants生态旅游参与者
1.Based on systematic theory,this paper brings forward the idea that the ecotourism system carrying capacity consists of four parts,including the carrying capacity subsystems of ecotourism resources,of ecotourism environment,of ecotourism participants,and of ecotourism.从系统论角度,提出生态旅游系统承载力由生态旅游资源承载力子系统、生态旅游环境承载力子系统、生态旅游参与者承载力子系统以及生态旅游业承载力子系统四部分组成;给出各承载力子系统的构成要素;运用系统动力学理论对各子系统承载力和生态旅游系统承载力进行分析,并结合具体实例的因果关系图说明了相关因素变化对各子系统承载力的影响,为生态旅游系统承载力研究提供了参考。
2)travel participant旅游参与者
1.This paper starting with the angle of " travel participant "(tourist,travel employee,community resident) has put forward the behavior mode that the travel participant should present in practicing the sustainable strategy of developing tourism.从“旅游参与者”(旅游者、旅游从业人员、社区居民)的角度入手,提出了旅游参与者在实践可持续发展旅游战略中应具有的行为模式。

1.Perception on the Sustainable Development Strategy from the Angle of "Travel Participant";从“旅游参与者”的角度透视可持续发展战略
2.A Study on Decision-Making Process of MICE Tourism Participants and Its Effect;会展旅游参与者决策过程及其影响因素研究
3.Study on the Tourist Preferences for Tourism Sites in Liupan Mountain National Forestry Park;基于非参与式调查的六盘山生态旅游区旅游者偏好研究
4.Study on the Tourism Behavior Perference and Influence Factors of Changsha's Meeting Exhibition Participants长沙会展参与者旅游行为偏好与影响因素研究
5.The tour guide gathered the visitors in the hotel lobby.旅游团的导游把参观者们聚集在旅馆大厅。
6.Intention of the tourism exploitation;经营者/居民参与屯溪老街保护与旅游开发意向分析
7.A Study on Resident Participation in Tourism Planning and Development at Urban and Rural Destinations;我国城乡旅游地居民参与旅游规划与发展研究
8.Co-participating Mode of Agricultural Tour Based on the Theory of Stakeholders;基于利益相关者理论的农业旅游共同参与模式研究
9.Dynamic Participation,Two Time Esthetic and Tertiary in Esthetic Relationship--On three peculiarities in the tourism esthetic place;动态参与·二度审美·审美关系第三者——简议旅游审美场三特点
10.In London there are always tourists looking around.在伦敦,总有旅游者在到处参观。
11.The Research on Community Participative in Old Cummuist Revolutionary Area Tourism Development of Langya Mountain in Baoding City of China;红色旅游区社区参与旅游发展案例研究
12.A Study on the Enterprises Participation of Event Tourism Activities--Taking Shanghai Tourism Festival as An Example;企业参与节事旅游活动研究——以上海旅游节为例
13.Land-watching and Participation in Village Tourism:A Study of the Farmer s Participation in Communal Tourism and its Causes;守土与乡村社区旅游参与——农民在社区旅游中的参与状态及成因
14.Tourist Perception to Authenticity of Black-Zhuang Culture and the Exploiture of Ethnic Tourism;旅游者的真实性感知与民族文化旅游开发
15.Chinese Travel Legislation and Protection of Tourist s Rights under GATS Frame;GATS框架下中国旅游立法与旅游者权益保护
16.A Study on the Psychological Contract between the Tourism Consumers and Tourism Enterprises;旅游企业与旅游消费者的心理契约研究
17.Study on the Protection of Tourists' Rights and the Constitution of Harmonious Tourism in Our Country我国旅游者权益保护与和谐旅游构建研究
18.Behavioral Characteristics of Tourists and the Regional Tourism Product Development Research旅游者行为特征与区域旅游产品开发研究

travel participant旅游参与者
1.This paper starting with the angle of " travel participant "(tourist,travel employee,community resident) has put forward the behavior mode that the travel participant should present in practicing the sustainable strategy of developing tourism.从“旅游参与者”(旅游者、旅游从业人员、社区居民)的角度入手,提出了旅游参与者在实践可持续发展旅游战略中应具有的行为模式。
1.Ecotourist study is one of the most important parts in ectourism research, which must be based on enough ecotourist samples.生态旅游者是生态旅游研究的重要方面,而足够数量的生态旅游者样本则是该研究得以进行的前提。
2.Overseas study on ecotourists started about fifteen years ago,but in China we are still lack of relevant empirical study.国外很早就开始对生态旅游者的研究予以关注,而国内相关的实证研究较缺乏。
1.A study on ecotourists’ behavioral characteristics in Beijing: a case study in Baihuashan nature reserve;北京市生态旅游者的行为特征调查与分析——以百花山自然保护区为例
2.This paper based on an effective classification of ecotourists and general tourists,we conducted a thorough comparison of the characteristics between the ecotourists in Baihua Mountain and general tourists from several perspectives.选择北京市百花山自然保护区为案例区,在对生态旅游者和一般游客有效分类的基础上,进行了人口统计学、动机、环境态度和管理倾向等多角度的比较研究,获得了关于二者差异的第一手资料,主要包括:百花山生态旅游者年轻人更多,男性更多,教育程度和收入较高,职业以学生和公司职员为主,家庭结构主要为单身和带小孩夫妻家庭;与发达国家生态旅游者的动机偏好基本一致,但程度要弱;环境素质较好;对间接的管理措施的接受程度和对直接的管理措施的反感程度都较一般游客高。
3.Therefore,it is important to identify ecotourists from visitors to protected areas.借鉴NEP尺度的指标构造思路以及国外相关研究进展,结合在北京市百花山自然保护区生态旅游者研究的相关数据,提出从生态旅游者与一般游客两方面的典型动机特征入手,构建一个新的生态旅游者分类指标生态旅游兴趣尺度EI,以综合评定游客对生态旅游的感兴趣程度。
1.Based on an investigation of motivations and behaviors of Chinese and foreign eco-tourists,this paper made a comparative analysis of the differences between the two groups.本文基于对当今国内外生态旅游者的动机和行为的调查,分析比较了国内外生态旅游者动机与行为的异同。
2.The research on the eco-tourists as the main body of eco-tourist activities is continuously improved.生态旅游日益受到人们的关注,生态旅游者作为旅游活动的主体,对其研究也随之不断完善。
3.Eco-tourism as a result of the pursuit of sustainable development, promote responsible travel, give a strong impetus to the tourist area of the ecological environment protection and sustainable development,in the strict sense of eco-tourists in the psychological characteristics of the act on obvious features.生态旅游因追求可持续发展的理念、倡导负责任的旅行,极大地推动了旅游区生态环境的保护和可持续发展,严格意义上的生态旅游者在心理行为特征上具有明显特征。
6)ecological tourist生态旅游者
1.Our research shows that how to deal with the relationship between different interest-related subjects involved in ecological travel,in which the local governments and residents,tourism businessmen and ecological tourists are included,and their respective understanding of ecological travel appears very important for the realization of ecological travel in its true sense.研究表明,要真正实现严格意义上的生态旅游,如何处理生态旅游所涉及的不同利益相关主体之间的关系及各自对生态旅游的认知显得尤为重要,而这个利益相关主体主要包括当地政府、当地居民、旅游经营者和生态旅游者。

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。