旅游规制,tourism regulation
1)tourism regulation旅游规制
1.However,the market failure,caused by natural monopoly and resource indivisibility,need the government intervention through tourism regulation.而国家级旅游资源的自然垄断性和资源不可分割特征引起的市场失灵需要政府通过旅游规制手段进行调节。

1.On the Tourism Regulatory Innovation Based on the Shift of Value Orientation in Tourism Development基于旅游发展价值取向转移的旅游规制创新刍议
2.Fabrication of serial tourism plan map based on MapInfo;基于MapInfo的旅游区旅游规划系列图制作研究
3.On the Practice of Cooperative Compilation of Tourism Planning between China and Foreign Countries;中外合作编制旅游规划的实践与体会
4.Application of Theories of Tourist Development Dynamic Mechanism in Tourist Planning of Zouma Town;旅游发展动力机制理论在走马镇旅游规划中的实践
5.The Tourism Market Failure and Competing Regulations on Tourism-Also on the Development of Zhejiang Tourism Industry;旅游市场失效与市场竞争规制──兼论浙江省旅游业的发展
6.Tourism Planning Calls for New Ideas--The Third Discussion on Tourism Planning;旅游规划需要新理念——旅游规划三议
7.Dynamics and Administration of Rural Tourism and Sustainability;乡村旅游可持续发展的动力机制与政府规制
8.On Regulating the Chinese Outbound Tourism to Vietnam in the Perspective of the Government's Regulation政府规制下规范大陆游客赴越南旅游市场的研究
9.Philosophy and Planning Methodology of Tourism --Tourism·Tourism Resources·Tourism Planning;旅游哲学观与规划方法论——旅游·旅游资源·旅游规划
10.Research on the Regulation of the Tourism Exploitation under the Community Participation Driven by the Interest;利益驱使下的社区参与旅游开发规制研究
11.The Study on the Index System of the Tourist Area Regulatory;旅游景区控制性详细规划指标体系研究
12.Comparative Study of Plans for the Development of Regional Tourism Under Two Different Economic Systems;两种经济体制下区域旅游发展规划的对比研究
13.On Institutional Environment and Innovation of China s Tourism Planning;中国旅游规划的制度环境及其创新探讨
14.The Research on Government Regulation of Public Tourism Resources' Development and Protection公共性旅游资源开发与保护政府规制研究
15.The Study of Management by Project (MBP) Mechanism of Chinese Tourism Planning Enterprises我国旅游规划企业项目化管理机制研究
16.The Control Planning of Tourism Areas of Xuanzhong Temple in Shibi Valley,Jiaocheng County交城石壁沟玄中寺旅游景区控制性规划方案
17.A Preliminary Discussion about the Evolutionary Mechanism of Tourism Destinations Based on System Science基于系统科学的旅游地演化机制及规律性初探

the compilation of tourism planning编制旅游规划
3)tourism planning旅游规划
1.On Tourism Planning of Nature Reserve in Our Countryu;论我国自然保护区的旅游规划
2.The Application of Computer-aided Design in Tourism Planning;计算机辅助设计在旅游规划当中的应用
3.Typical problem analysis in tourism planning;旅游规划典型问题剖析——以《昌平区旅游总体规划(2004~2015)征求意见稿》为例
4)Tourism programming旅游规划
1.In the last few years,it has been widely applied in the fields of land-resource programming,city strategic development programming,tourism programming and so on.近几年来该方法逐渐在国土资源规划、城市战略发展规划、旅游规划等方面得到了广泛应用。
2.At the time of judging a tourism programming,the clients,organizers and judges of the plan always debate about it,which bring series of latent rules.旅游规划评审时甲方、乙方与评委会三方“博弈”,派生出一系列“不足为外人道”的潜规则。
5)tourism plan旅游规划
1.It has been widely applied in the fields of land-resource planning, urban strategy planning, tourism planning, etc.该方法近几年来逐渐在国土资源规划、城市战略发展规划、旅游规划等方面得到了广泛应用。
2.In order to develop the tourism resource in reason, scientific and reasonable tourism plan graphics method is going to be seriously considered by both government and specialists.为了合理开发旅游资源,科学合理的旅游规划制图方法越来越受到广大政府与专家的重视。
3.It draws a clear distinction between tourism plan and protection plan, and sums up three points upon force stimulating the development of tourism in traditional village.通过对云南省元阳县箐口村哈尼族村寨旅游规划从规划前到实施后全过程的思索,分析了传统村落发展与保护的矛盾、对策;介绍了规划对指导思想、规划方法、生态保护途径、风貌保护措施的探索;阐明了旅游规划与保护规划的差别,传统村落旅游发展动力的不同情况,以及对箐口村未来发展与保护的思考意见。
6)tourist planning旅游规划
1.Pondering over Tourist Plotting & Tourist Planning;对旅游策划和旅游规划的思考
2.Study on Tourist Planning Strategic Environmental Assessment--A Case Study of Jinpingshan Tourist Planning;旅游规划战略环境评价研究——以章丘市锦屏山旅游规划为例
3.This article explains briefly the “super-tourism” planning theory and takes the practice of the tourist planning in Yunyang County as example to expound on the ways of applying “super-tourism” planning theory in the making of local and regional tourist planning.简述了“超旅游”规划理论 ,并以编制云阳县的旅游规划的实践为例 ,阐述了在地方或区域旅游规划的编制中 ,如何应用“超旅游”规划理

旅游规划旅游规划是一门新兴的交叉学科。在gb/t 18971-2003 旅游规划通则中,国家旅游局将旅游规划定义为:1 旅游发展规划是根据旅游业的历史、现状和市场要素的变化所制定的目标体系,以及为实现目标体系在特定的发展条件下对旅游发展的要素所做的安排。2 旅游区规划是指为了保护、开发、利用和经营管理旅游区,使其发挥多种功能和作用而进行的各项旅游要素的统筹部署和具体安排。