商贸旅游,commercial tourism
1)commercial tourism商贸旅游
1.The paper talks about the work of commercial tourism department in our college to make a modest spur to induce others to come forward with the construction of national model college.本文对我院商贸旅游系在这一办学模式方面加以管窥,作抛砖之见,以为我院国家示范校建设工作引玉之用。

1.Writing Article about Shang Word,Developing the Business Tour--about the market positioning of the tour development for Shangqiu;在“商”字上做文章,发展商贸旅游——商丘市旅游发展的市场定位
3.Study on environmental education of Kunming city in the 21th century;21世纪昆明国际商贸旅游城市环境教育初探
4.Deepen Work-study Combination Mode to Improve Fast and Sound Development of Commercial Tourism Department深化“工学结合”办学模式,推动商贸旅游系又好又快发展
5.Translation of Publicity Materials of Tourism and Trade of Changde;常德市旅游、商贸宣传品的英译探讨
6.Research on Tourist Enterprise International E-commerce Strategic Alliance;旅游服务贸易企业国际电子商务战略联盟研究
7.The mutual extension of visa-free period will surely be beneficial to trade, business, investment and tourism between our two places.互相给予两地旅游人士延长免签证期,对两地商贸往来、投资和旅游定有裨益。
8.Tourism Development of Traditional Business Blocks --Taking old Street Luqiao, Taizhou as an Example;传统商贸老街旅游开发研究——以台州市路桥老街为例
9.Creating New Advantages of Service Industry Development by Means of New Pattern of "Grand Tourism,Flourishing Business and Booming Logistics"以“大旅游、大商贸、大物流”新格局打造服务业发展新优势
10.With tourism paving the way for economic and trading activities旅游搭台,经贸唱戏
11.Canadian Tourism Service Trade and the Development of Tourism Service Trade between China and Canada;加拿大旅游服务贸易现状及中加旅游贸易发展
12."The tertiary industry, such as finance, commerce, trade, real estate, tourism, and information consultancy, has become a new hot spot for foreign investment"金融、商贸、房地产、旅游、信息咨询等第三产业已成为外商投资的新热点。
13.A Study on the Travel Behavior Mode of China s Foreign Commercial Tourist;旅华外国商务游客旅游行为模式研究
14.The elementary research on the combination of the commerce and in the cities of tourist;旅游城市商业与旅游互动的初步研究
15.Innovation of Tourism Information Service-Tourism E-Business;论旅游信息服务的创新——旅游电子商务
16.They arranged with the travel agent for a June passage.他们和旅游代理商商定6月的旅行。
17.They arranged with the travel agent for a June passage .他们和旅游代理商商定六月的旅行。
18.(II) Tourist Products and Commodities(二)旅游产品和商品

Travel business旅游商贸
3)commerce tourist area商贸旅游区
4)Tourism-Commerce-Trade Zone旅游商贸区
1.Based on this,they bring forward the guidelines and propose that Haikou Tourism-Commerce-Trade Zone should be built in Haikou instead of Qiongzhou Strail Tourist Holiday Zone.在此基础上提出了解决问题的指导思想 ,并建议兴建海口旅游商贸区 ,而不是琼州海峡旅游度假区 ,作为摆脱目前海口旅游业发展困境的科学、可行的抉
5)Border trade travels边贸旅游
6)tour trade旅游贸易
1.This paper analyzes the present situation, the existing problems and the effects on tour trade of our country after its accession to WTO, Then it proposes countermeasures to promote tour trade.展望21世纪,旅游贸易将在世界经济舞台中发挥越来越重要的作用。

国内旅游业与国际旅游业国内旅游业与国际旅游业 国内旅游业与国际旅游业国内旅游业是为国内居民提供旅游服务的行业。它的服务对象是国内旅游者.旅游者支付的是国内货币。国内旅游业的兴起与发展同一国社会经济发展水平紧密相关一方面,随着经济的发展和居民收入的增加.人们的基本生活有了保障之后,产生了更高层次的需求,从而把收入的一部分用于集物质享受与精神享受于一体的旅游活动。另一方面.随着社会生产力的提高和科学技术的进步,社会基础设施和文化环境的改善,为居民进行旅游活动创造了便利条件。国内旅游业的发展不仅可以丰富居民的物质文化生活,增加政府的财政收入,对具有旅游资源的边远落后地区的经济发展和当地居民生活的改善也会起促进作用国际旅游业包括:①组织国内居民赴国外旅游。②接待国外旅游者来国内旅游。前者的服务对象是本国居民,后者的服务对象是国外旅游者。国际旅游业的发展是全球经济和科学技术发展的结果。发展国际旅游业,可以为国家赚取外汇收入,利于平衡国际收支和购买国外先进技术产品.也能促进与国外经济、文化、科学、技术的交流,还可以增进各国人民之间的相互了解和友谊,有利于世界和平