1.Research on Female College Students Self-love and the Relation between Self-love and Parental Rearing Method;女大学生自爱及其与父母养育方式关系研究
2.Otherlove which looks to direct other s profit from its outcome actually does for himself to his feeling and must be based upon self-love given it origins from one s perception and needs.自爱作为人的本能需要,它是爱己与爱人的立足点。

1.He that is iii to himself will Be good to noBody.不能自爱,焉能爱人。
2.He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody.〔谚语〕不能自爱,焉能爱人。
3.Goodness and philosophy are two distinct things;自爱和自知是两回事。
4.Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all学会自尊自爱,这就是最崇高的爱!
5.They love others more than themselves.他们爱别人胜过爱自己。
6.Because thou hast the power and own'st the grace自傲,敢于呼唤:“爱,我的爱
7.As the saying goes, @The love of liberty is the love of others;俗云:“爱自由就是爱他人,
8.He avowed himself a patriot.他自称自己是爱国者。
9.Excessive love or admiration of oneself.自我陶醉对自己的过高热爱或爱慕
10.One who loves, supports, and defends one's country.爱国者热爱、支持和保卫自己国家的人
11.You may spoil your children or be spoiled yourself.你也许会溺爱你的孩子或宠爱自己。
12.I love liberty in the west; I love filial piety in the east.吾爱西方之自由,吾亦爱东方之孝道。
13.He who loves not his country, can love nothing.-Byron不爱自己祖国的人,一无所爱。--拜伦
14.She was deeply attached to her husband.她深爱着自己的丈夫。
15.You're in love with yourself.你爱上的是你自个儿。
16.He is always airing his knowledge.他总爱炫耀自己的学问。
17.He hath ill neighbours that is fain to praise himself爱自夸的人没有好邻居
18.I was drawn to music from my earliest years.自幼我就喜爱音乐。

1.Self-respect,selfish and self-interest are three different concepts of ethics: self-respect is a basic virtue of people;selfish is the reflection in human s mind of social connection of injuring others and benefiting oneself;self-interest is the pursuit and satisfaction of some desires and interests from the needs of oneself.自爱、自私、利己是三个不同的伦理学概念:自爱是人的一种基本美德;自私是损人利己的社会关系在人的头脑中的反映;利己则是人从自己的需要出发,对一定欲望和利益的追求和满足。
2.Aiming at the teenagers neglect of self-respect awareness, this paper proposes the self-respect education and cultivation of self-respect character.自爱是人的基础性美德,是当前未成年人思想道德教育的一项内容,它关涉到对人的生命实体之爱和精神人格之爱。
3)self-respect and self-love自尊自爱
4)Self-esteem and self-control自爱自持
5)self-love and love for others自爱而爱人
6)love the nature珍爱自然

自爱【自爱】 (术语)爱自身,是凡夫之欲情也,故自此生种种之苦。金光明经一曰:“若自爱者便起追求,由追求故受众苦恼。诸佛如来除自爱故,永绝追求。无追求故,名为涅槃。