1.Honneth s Theory of Recognition and the Paradigm Shift of Critical Theory;霍耐特承认理论与批判理论范式转型
2.Honneth s Critical Reflection of Early Critical Theory;霍耐特对早期批判理论的批判性反思
3.From Linguistic Theory to Theory of Recognition: Honneth s Reflections upon and Reconstruction of Habermas Communication Theory;从语言理论到承认理论——霍耐特对哈贝马斯交往理论的反思与重构

1.Honneth s Theory of Recognition and the Paradigm Shift of Critical Theory;霍耐特承认理论与批判理论范式转型
2.Honneth s Critical Reflection of Early Critical Theory;霍耐特对早期批判理论的批判性反思
3.Honneth’s "Theory of Recognition" :A path for the Studying of Communication Theory霍耐特“承认理论”:传播研究的一个重要视角
4.The Modern Transformation of the Critical Theory--from Juergen Habermas to Axel Honneth从哈贝马斯到霍耐特——批判理论的现代转型
5.From Linguistic Theory to Theory of Recognition: Honneth s Reflections upon and Reconstruction of Habermas Communication Theory;从语言理论到承认理论——霍耐特对哈贝马斯交往理论的反思与重构
6.From Struggles for Recognition to a Plural Concept of Justice从为承认而斗争到多元正义构想——阿克塞尔·霍耐特访谈录
7.The Moral Socialization Enlightenment of Axel Honneth’s View on Recognized Morality to the Students of Vocational College霍耐特承认道德观对高职大学生道德社会化的启示
8.In Which Sense Did Carl Marx Talk about "Mutual Recognition" between Subjects--A topic originating in the so-called "Honneth's puzzle"马克思在何意义上谈主体间的“相互承认”——从所谓“霍耐特式困惑”说开去
9.Hegel's Philosophy of Law as Theory of Normative Justice:Interpretation and Restructuring of Honneth on Hegel's Philosophy of Law黑格尔法哲学:作为规范的正义理论——霍耐特对黑格尔法哲学的诠释与重构
10.Drug Resistance of Burkholderia cepacia:Clinical Characteristics and Current Status洋葱伯克霍尔德菌临床感染特点与耐药现状
11.Analysis of clinical distribution and drug resistance of Burkholder cepacia infection in children儿童感染洋葱伯克霍尔德菌的临床分布特点及耐药性分析
12.The Uto-Aztecan language of the Hopi.霍皮语霍皮人的犹他一阿兹特克语言
13.Consecutive 6-year Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance of Vibrio Cholera霍乱弧菌耐药性连续六年监测研究
14.Drug Resistance Heredity Analysis of Vibrio Cholera Sporadic Strains霍乱弧菌散发菌株的耐药遗传分析
15.Analysis of antibiotic resistance of Vibrio cholera O139 strains in Chongqing重庆市O139型霍乱弧菌耐药性监测分析
16.Horley Sedgley water-finder霍来-舍特来测水仪
17.Whitehorse Mining Initiative Accord怀特霍斯采矿倡议协定
18.Hottell and Hawthorn Model霍特尔和豪索恩模型

Gerard t Hooft特霍夫特
3)The Hobbit《霍比特人》
1.This paper concerns with the comparative study with an archetypal approach on Journey to The West by Wu Chengen and The Hobbit by J.在世界文学的宝藏中,吴承恩的《西游记》和英国文学家托尔金的《霍比特人》给东西方文学带来了深远的影响。
4)Hortega method霍特加法
5)white horse怀特霍斯

特非那定, 特非定,特而利,特西利药物名称:特非那定英文名:Terfenadine别名: 丁苯哌丁醇;叔哌丁醇;司立泰;敏迪;得敏功;特非那定, 特非定,特而利,特西利外文名: Terfenadine, Tamagon ,Teldane适应症: 用于季节性和非季节性过敏性鼻炎和荨麻疹。 用量用法: 成人:60mg/次,每日2次。 儿童6~12岁:30~60mg/次,每日2次。 3~5岁:15mg/次,每日2次。均于饭后服用。 注意事项: 偶见头痛、胃肠功能紊乱、皮疹、口干等。 药物相互作用: 不宜与红霉素、酮康唑、依曲康唑同时服用。不宜与能引起心律失常的药物同用。 规格: 片剂:60mg。混悬剂:30mg/5ml。 类别:抗组胺药