1.Stranger :Bourdieu s Life Trajectory and The Genesis of His Academic Habitus;陌生人:布迪厄的生活轨迹与学术性情的发生
2.In the 20s and 30s, Chinese poets roamed about in the metropolises as strangers, and showed duality upon metropolitan culture: wantonness and decadence.20世纪二三十年代中国诗人以陌生人的身份流浪在都市中,对都市文化的态度呈现着二重性:纵情于都市文化的物质繁荣,但又在孤寂与颓废中把都市看成是“恶之花”。
3.The image of the stranger serves as a basic line that goes through Mark Twains works.从马克·吐温的“陌生人”形象入手,重新审视了马克·吐温的作品及其在现代美国文学领域中的地位。

1.Put'em up, Stranger!@a seven-year-old boy said right in front of Charley.“举起手来,陌生人
2.Oh, you stranger, don't be sore.啊,陌生人,别难过。
3.Susan is not accessible to strangers.陌生人无法接近苏珊。
4.They loved to pull a stranger's leg.他喜欢作弄陌生人
5.unduly familiar with strangers.对陌生人过分地熟悉的
6.was at ease with strangers.轻松的与陌生人相处。
7.The stranger fastened on my arm.陌生人抓住我的臂。
8.Don' treat me as a stranger.别把我当做陌生人
9.gave a warmhearted welcome to the stranger.给予陌生人热心的欢迎。
10.Asking a Stranger for Help在校外向陌生人求助
11.The sentry challenged the stranger at the gate.哨兵盘问门口的陌生人
12.Some children are wary of strangers.有些小孩怕陌生人
13.You should not show your hand to a stranger .对陌生人切忌坦腹相向。
14.He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers.他经常与陌生人搭讪.
15.He broached the subject to the stranger.他对陌生人提起那话题。
16.The dog growled at the stranger.那条狗对着陌生人狂吠。
17.The dog made for the stranger.狗向陌生人扑了过去。
18.The dog grinned at the stranger.狗对陌生人咧嘴露牙。

1.Comparing Personal Relationships of "Acquaintances" and "Strangers";“熟人”与“陌生人”的人际关系比较
2.And in the perspective of contemporary, preschool teachers culture survival appears as strangers.从历时态的意义上讲,幼儿园教师的文化身份经历了从养护者、启蒙者到专业人的一个身份演变;从共时态的意义上讲,“陌生人”是幼儿园教师当下的文化生存状态,这种陌生化的过程是相对于儿童、制度、教师群体、专家以及教师自己而言的。
3.In the meantime,the urban development,the accelerating pace of life,the lack of culture and the space programs of cities result in a great number of "strangers",which is not conducive to moral construction in the cities.而与此同时,城市的发达、生活节奏的加快、文化的缺失及城市空间的规划产生了越来越多的不利于城市道德建设的"陌生人"。
3)strange woman陌生女人
1.A letter from a strange woman" by Stefan Zweig is not just an expression and concern about those women .茨威格·斯蒂芬创作的《一个陌生女人的来信》并不是如一般论者所指出的观照表现激情的力量 ,并给这些富有牺牲精神的女性以关怀和悲悯。
4)unfamiliar faces陌生人面孔
1.Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging(fMRI) was used to collect the data of six subjects who participated in identifying famous and unfamiliar faces.实验结果显示,名人面孔身份识别主要激活了额颞区和梭状回等,陌生人面孔识别主要激活了脑岛和梭状回。
5)the ethic of strangers陌生人伦理
6)A Discovery of Strangers《发现陌生人》
1.In his A Discovery of Strangers, Rudy Wiebe employs a multi-level narrative structure to unveil distinguished world experiences, streams of consciousness, and distinct worldviews.加拿大作家鲁迪·威伯在《发现陌生人》中运用了复杂的叙事结构 ,用多重叙事者和多角度展现不同的生活经历、心理过程和意识活动 ,以及不同的世界观和价值取向。
