
1.A solo with or without accompaniment.唱,奏伴奏或无伴奏的唱或
2.Parti independent des travailleurs劳工立党(立党)
3.South Sudan Independence Movement南苏丹立运动(运)
4.Independent Citizens Movement立公民运动(立民运)
5.United National Independence Party联合民族立党(民党)
6.Commonwealth of Independent States [CIS]立国家联合体〔联体〕
7.He was not popular, and he was very lonely.他落落寡合,来。
8."Perform a solo ( a piano solo, a pop song solo ) "唱(钢琴奏,流行歌唱)
9.To live alone and keep house as a bachelor.过身生活男子自生活并自持家
10.Of or relating to celibacy.身的身的或与身有关的
11.A canoe made by hollowing out a tree trunk;a dugout.木舟将树干中心挖空制成的木舟;木舟
12.The Solitude in One Hundred Years of Solitude朝圣道路上孤的行进者——《百年孤》之孤探析
13.and sings a solo at a concert --开始唱的时候??
14.-- Exclusive merchandise.——家经营的商品。
15.IV. Listen and answer听白,回答问题。
16.. Unique positioning.·一无二的定位。
17.Of, relating to, or characteristic of a dictator or dictatorship; autocratic.裁的具有专制裁者特征的或裁的;断专行的
18.The Protestant Reformation's distinctives: only the Bible, saved only by grace, only through faith in Christ only.宗教改革的特征﹕圣经,人得救唯靠恩典,唯藉信心,唯信基督。

single pillar and pier独柱独墩
3)rambling alone独往独来
4)solitary creation孤独独创
6)By oneself; alone单独;独自

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