1.To avoid his problem,we have to accept the relative existence of mental states and non-deterministic mental causal power,namely,accept some kind of emergentist mentalism.为了避免塞尔的问题,我们只能承认心灵状态存在的相对独立性以及心对身的非决定论性质的因果作用,即接受某种新显主义的心灵主义

1.mentalistic linguistics心灵主义语言学 心灵主义语言学
2.Mentalist View of Adult SLA and Its Implications for English Language Teaching基于心灵主义理论的英语教学若干问题讨论(英文)
3.The belief that some mental phenomena cannot be explained by physical laws.心灵主义认为一些精神现象是不能用物理法则来加以解释的观点
4.a mind imbued with liberalism受自由主义薰陶的心灵
5.Marxism is Soul of the Socialist Value System;马克思主义是社会主义核心价值体系的灵魂
6.The Beauty of Tess s Soul--The Analysis of Tess on the Basis of Feminism.;苔丝的心灵美——女权主义的一种分析
7.Will “Mind” Impacted by Science Exist;科学冲击下的“心灵”尚能存否——对当代“强物理主义”心灵观的评述
8.The Identity Theory and Contemporary Reconstruction of Marxist Mental Concept;同一理论与马克思主义心灵观念的当代重构
9.An Analysis on The Front Arguments of Computationalism in The Philosophy of Mind;计算主义在心灵哲学中的两大前沿论题评析
10.A Soul in the Purgatory--Humanism in The Heart of the Matter;炼狱中的灵魂——《问题的核心》中的人文主义研究
12.A Critical View of Imperialism in Heart of Darkness and A Passage to India论《黑暗的心灵》及《印度之行》中的帝国主义
13.The Computational Theory of Mind and Contemporary Development of Marxism Philosophy s Theory of Mind;心灵的计算理论与马克思主义心智学说的当代发展
14.Millennium Paradox:from "Spiritual Eye" to Naked Eye--About Optical Centrality千年悖论:从“心灵之眼”到肉眼——关于“视觉中心主义”的思考
15.Soon after the completion of his college course, his whole nature was kindled into one intense and passionate effervescence of romantic passion.大学刚毕业时,他心灵中燃烧着一股强烈而炽热的浪漫主义的激情。
16.His whole nature was kindled into one intense and passionate effervescence of romantic passion.他心灵中燃烧着一股强烈而炽热的浪漫主义激情。
17.Contemporary Western Philosophy of Mind and Thoughts on Developing Marxist Theory of Consciousness;当代西文心灵哲学与发展马克思主义意识论的若干思考
18.Aestheticism,the Beauty of the Soul--Wilde′s Pursuit of Aestheticism and His The Picture of Dorian Gray;唯美,尤其美在心灵——王尔德的唯美主义追求及其《道连·格雷的画像》

mentalistic linguistics心灵主义语言学
4)the internal theory of spiritualism心灵主义的内在论
1.The strengthening theorty of mechanism","the internal theory of spiritualism"and "the theory of knowledge"are deeply compared and analyzed from different angles,which greatly have influenced our foreign language teaching,so that we can fully understand and approach the law of foreign language teaching ,and raise the idea of foreign language teaching reform.从不同角度对曾经对我国外语教学产生过重大影响的“机械主义的强化论”、“心灵主义的内在论”和“认知论”进行深刻地比较、分析 ,全面认识和探讨外语教学的规律 ,提出外语教学改革的设
1.But Hegel’s philosophy becomes the representation of modern Gnosticism, and not only deviates from the original meaning of Christianity, but also deviates from the original meaning of philosophy.但在这种思辨综合中黑格尔哲学却成为现代灵知主义的代表,既背离了基督教的原初意义,也背离了哲学的原初意义。
2.Therefore, according to the connotation of modernity, the Gnosticism is not any academic argument opposing Christian doctrine, which Marcion developed from the antagonism between the New Testament and the Old Testament, Hellenism and Christianism, Gnosis and divine illumination etc.但根据现代性的含义 ,马克安在新约与旧约、古希腊与基督教、善与恶、认识与神性光照的对立中所开启出来的灵知主义其实并非异教反对基督信仰的学理根据 ,而是圣徒保罗思想的激进表达 ,是一种“革命的灵知” ,因此才为韦伯、布洛赫、哈纳克、蒂利希、本雅明等现代思想家所激赏。
6)subjective mind主观心灵
1.Zhu Ziqing and Yu Dafu had the same objective living world but different subjective minds.朱自清、郁达夫生活的客观世界相似,但主观心灵不同,一个信奉“中和主义”,一个具有“达夫气质”。
