1.What′s more, it can be elucidated as self-introspection, self-creation and self-transcendence.然而在历史发展中 ,这种告诫逐渐被人遗忘 ,现在 ,人类在因失去它而带来的沉痛教训面前 ,应重识“认识你自己”,并把它诠释为 :自我反省、自我创造、自我超越。
2)The Creation of Self创造自我

1.Self of Memory--how self creates memory and how memory creates self;记忆自我——关于自我如何创造记忆与记忆如何创造自我
2.The Relationship among Postgraduates' Creative Motivation, Creative Self-Efficacy and Creative Performances硕士研究生创造性动机、创造性自我效能与创造性表现的关系
3.Analysis on Obstacle of Enterprise From Made in China To Created in China;从制造到创造的跨越——我国制造业自主技术创新的价值链分析
4.All of us bear witness to the dissolution of our piece of creation.我们都眼见自己创造物的变化消亡。
5.Independence Innovation of China s Equipment Manufacturing and Revenue Policy;我国装备制造业自主创新与税收政策
6.Research on Creative Leadership Based on Self-actualized Need;基于自我实现需要的创造性领导研究
7.Mining Self-style-on the Re-creation of Chinese Oil Paintings挖掘自我风格——论中国油画的再创造
8.Analysis on Creative Self of Denver in Toni Morrison's Beloved试析《宠儿》中丹芙的“创造性自我”
9.The Relationship between Creative Self-efficacy and Creativity under Stress Context压力情境下创意自我效能感与创造力的关系
10.Miracles are spontaneous, I can't, but we done!奇迹是自然而生的,一个人不能创造它,但是我们正在创造!
11.Self-fulfillment and Arousing Creativity;自我实现与创造性的激发——马斯洛的创造观及其对当代教育的启示
12.- You know what I like to say.- "You make your own history."-你晓得我喜欢怎么说的-我知道,"创造自己的历史"
13.We are absolutely free to create ourselves and our values--"existence precedes essence."我们享有绝对自由去创造我们自己和我们的价值——“存在先于本质”。
14.A change in the weather is sufficient to create the world and ourselves anew.天气的改变就足以创造新世界及新自我。
15.Firms later created smaller“ Mini Me” versions of the parent company across the world.随后公司在全世界创造母公司的自我迷你版。
16.You are a person building a unique and personal identity你创造了一个独一无二、个性十足的自我品牌。
17.Nature makes penicillin,@ he said, @I just found it.“大自然创造了青霉素,”他说,“我只是发现了它。”
18.The Research of Decision on OEM or Creating Brand Belonging to Ourselves in Chinese Manufacture Industry;我国制造业企业OEM或自创品牌的决策研究

The Creation of Self创造自我
3)creating self创造性自我
1.And Individual psychology put forward creating self and Life Style Theory Which have important effect on personality development point.阿德勒(Alfred Adler,1870-1937)是奥地利著名的心理学家和精神病医生,其创建的个体心理学把人从古典精神分析的泛性论中解放出来,强调了遗传和环境对人格形成的双重作用,提出了创造性自我和生活风格理论等重要的人格发展观点,对人格心理学的发展有着重要的影响。
6)self-realizing creativity自我实现的创造力
1.The emphasis of creative cultivation in general art education is the training of self-realizing creativity.普通美术教育中的创造力培养,重点是教育工具意义上的"自我实现的创造力"培养,这也是素质教育的重点。

自我实现创造力自我实现创造力creativeness of selfactualization  自我实现创造力(ereativeness of self-actualization)又称“一般的创造力,,、“自我开发的创造力”。指每个正常人都具有的潜在的创造力。由这种创造力所进行的创造对社会或他人来说可能并不是新的创造,但对本人来说却是新的发现和创造。这种创造力在一定条件下会向特殊才能的创造力方向发展。在幼儿的创造性教育中就是要开发他们的创造潜力,培养该种创造力,为发展幼儿特殊才能创造力打下基础。 (张明撰租们吴万森审)