2)social belief社会信仰
1.The main status of Marxist belief is being challenged and the weakening of its social belief control has various kind of expressing forms.当前,由于马克思主义信仰的主导地位受到挑战而引起的社会信仰控制力弱化的表现形式多样,主要表现为信仰物化、信仰冲突和信仰缺失。
2.By means of the questionnaires filled by 1100 university students, we yielded the following: (1) social belief ranked the first, pragmatistic belief the second, and supernatural belief the last; (2) ethnocism, life worship and nationalism ranked the first; religion, money worship and deity worship ranked the last.本研究首次关注大学生的精神信仰 ,通过问卷对 1 1 0 0名大学生调查 ,发现大学生精神信仰存在如下特点 :社会信仰占优势 ,其次依次为实用信仰和超自然信仰 ;民族主义、生命崇拜和国家主义位居前三位 ,宗教信仰、金钱崇拜和神灵崇拜位居后三位。
3.The theory of social belief is the basic theories for the formation, the development, the conflicts, the crisis and the construction of social belief.社会信仰论是关于社会信仰的形成、发展、冲突、危机与建构的基本理论。

1.Nonreligion Movement and Changes of Socical Faith in Huan Revier Valley--Conrelation on Revolution and Fork Faith;非宗教运动与洹河流域的社会信仰变迁——兼论革命与民间信仰
2.On Social and Cultural Implication of Belief;论信仰的社会文化内蕴——“马克思主义信仰学”论二
3.An army is an expression of a society and its beliefs;军队是一个社会及其信仰的一种表现;
4.Her Boyfriend Believes in socialism.她的男朋友信仰社会主义。
5.On the Folk Religion of the Early Chinese Community in Singapore and Malaya新马早期华人社会的民间信仰初探
6.Development of Grand Uncle Belief of Hakkas Society in Southeast Asia客家社会大伯公信仰在东南亚的发展
7.On Faith in Village God and the Control of Grass-Roots Society in the Song Dynasty论宋代土地神信仰与基层社会控制
8.On the Civil Belief in the Silkworm God in Huzhou and its Social Influence论湖州民间蚕神信仰及其社会影响
9.Anthropology is the study of human society, customs, and beliefs.人类学是研究人类社会、习俗和信仰的。
10.Why might there be less religion in more complex societies?为什么信仰在复杂的社会中在减少?
11.Their society was built around a belief in God.他们的社会建立在信仰上帝的基础上。
12.In folk society vicissitude legal belief crisis ponder;乡土社会变迁中法律信仰危机的思考
13.Outline the Influence of Folk Belief on Folk Custom in Han Dynasty;略论汉代民间信仰对社会习俗的影响
14.Philosophical Review on Irrational Beliefs in Contemporary Chinese Society;当前中国社会非理性信仰的哲学观照
15.Religion of Wa Ethnic Group Women in the Eye of Social Gender;社会性别视野下的佤族妇女宗教信仰
16.Multi-theism and the Spiritual Motivation for Guangzhou s Social Development;杂神信仰与广州社会发展的精神动力
17.Anthropological Analysis on the Cultural Function of Mazu Belief;妈祖信仰文化社会功能的人类学分析
18.Research in the Education of Social and Political Beliefs for the University Students in This New Era;新时期大学生社会政治信仰教育探究

social belief社会信仰
1.The main status of Marxist belief is being challenged and the weakening of its social belief control has various kind of expressing forms.当前,由于马克思主义信仰的主导地位受到挑战而引起的社会信仰控制力弱化的表现形式多样,主要表现为信仰物化、信仰冲突和信仰缺失。
2.By means of the questionnaires filled by 1100 university students, we yielded the following: (1) social belief ranked the first, pragmatistic belief the second, and supernatural belief the last; (2) ethnocism, life worship and nationalism ranked the first; religion, money worship and deity worship ranked the last.本研究首次关注大学生的精神信仰 ,通过问卷对 1 1 0 0名大学生调查 ,发现大学生精神信仰存在如下特点 :社会信仰占优势 ,其次依次为实用信仰和超自然信仰 ;民族主义、生命崇拜和国家主义位居前三位 ,宗教信仰、金钱崇拜和神灵崇拜位居后三位。
3.The theory of social belief is the basic theories for the formation, the development, the conflicts, the crisis and the construction of social belief.社会信仰论是关于社会信仰的形成、发展、冲突、危机与建构的基本理论。
3)construction of faith信仰建构
4)Socialization of religion信仰社会化
5)On Social Belief社会信仰论
6)Social construction社会建构
1.Engineering is the process and result of social construction which is based on the possibility provided by engineering technology,and it is also the organic unity of technological and social factors.工程是在工程技术提供的可能性基础上社会建构的过程和结果,是技术因素和社会因素的有机统一体。
2.Its theoretical core is social shaping of technology(SST) of social construction of technology.新技术社会学兴起于20世纪80年代的欧美,其理论核心是“技术的社会形成”(SST)或“技术的社会建构”。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决