1.Humanity has entered into the era of Cyber-technology, in which we have to face such an ethic dilemma: Cyber-technology has given rise to a series of brand-new social ethical problems along with great convenience it brought us, but these social ethical problems apparently can not all be handled appropriately enough on the basis of existing policies and regulations.人类已经进入赛博技术时代,在这个时代,我们不得不面对这样的一种伦理困境:赛博技术在带给我们很多便利的同时也引发了一系列全新的社会伦理问题,然而,以目前的政策法规处理这些伦理问题显得有些捉襟见肘。
1.This paper expounds the definition,characteristics and present development situation of Techblog,and considers that Techblog is not only the space where Bloger can express his personal thoughts,but also a supplementary means with which Internet technicians can communicate the work experience and research technology.阐述了技术博客的定义、特点以及发展的现状,认为技术博客不仅是博主表达个人思想的空间,也成了技术人员在互联网上交流工作经验与研究技术的辅助手段。
3)technical competition技术比赛
4)competition technique比赛技术

1.Analysis of Technique Application in Home and Guest Matches of Group A of Chinese Football Major League in Competition Season of 1998;1998赛季甲A足球联赛主客场比赛技术运用分析
2.The Analysis on Women s Technical Characteristics in the 37~(th) Gymnastics Competition;第37届世界体操锦标赛女子比赛技术分析
3.Clairvoyance Sparring Match Technology and Tactics Development from Sparring King Contend for Hegemony Match;从散打王争霸赛透视散手比赛技战术
4.On Chinese Performance in the World Female Volleyball Great Prix Competition;世界女排大奖赛总决赛参赛队技术比较分析
5.New Technique and Game Rule Change about the Competitive Gear of Alpine Skiing;高山滑雪比赛新器材对技术和比赛规则的影响
6.Comparison and Analysis of Chopping and Attacking Techniques Used by World Top-level Table-tennis Chopping Players;削球手在比赛中技术使用的比较分析
7.There are three major sets of techniques in judo competition:throwing, groundwork and striking.柔道比赛有三大技术体系:投技、寝技和当技。
8.Any of various meets at which contests are held to test the skill of the competitors, as in equestrianship, gymnastics, or sports car racing.竞技表演各种用来检验参赛者技能的比赛,如马术,体操和赛车等
9.An arena for equestrian shows.竞技场,赛马场骑术表演的比赛或活动场所
10.A Study on the Relationship between Conventional Technical Statistics and Success or Failure during the 2004~2005 Season of NBA;NBA2004~2005赛季常规技术统计与比赛胜负关系的研究
11.Discuss the effects of stealing skills in the FIFA World Youth Championship;从2005世青赛看足球抢断技术在比赛中的作用
12.On the Effects of Sanda Competition Rules on Contest Applied Skills;试论散打竞赛规则对比赛中技术应用的影响
13.The Analysis of the Techniques and Capability of Attack and Defense in the CBA 2001-2002Match Season s Final Between Xin Lang Team and August 1 st Team;对CBA 2001-2002赛季新浪队与八一队比赛的技术分析
14.A technical knockout occurs when the referee stops the fight.技术获胜是指裁判员停止比赛的情况。
15.His driving wasn’t quite up to par and he lost the race.他的驾驶技术不够好,因此输掉了比赛。
16.Research on Key Technology in RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation;Robocup 3D仿真比赛关键技术的研究
17.The Objectivity and Evaluation of Competitive Wushu Routine Competition;竞技武术套路比赛的客观性及其评价
18.Influence of Individual Defensive Technique on Basketball Match;浅析个人防守技术对篮球比赛的影响

1.This paper expounds the definition,characteristics and present development situation of Techblog,and considers that Techblog is not only the space where Bloger can express his personal thoughts,but also a supplementary means with which Internet technicians can communicate the work experience and research technology.阐述了技术博客的定义、特点以及发展的现状,认为技术博客不仅是博主表达个人思想的空间,也成了技术人员在互联网上交流工作经验与研究技术的辅助手段。
3)technical competition技术比赛
4)competition technique比赛技术
5)technology contest技术竞赛
1.To impel the health and sustainable development of technology,it is necessary to choose the contest item reasonably and formulate contest goal and regulation scientifically,maximize favourable factors and minimize unfavourable ones,when organizing the technology contest.技术竞赛一直是推动技术发展的重要动力,其推动作用主要表现在:技术竞赛是比较和检验创新技术优劣的重要手段;技术竞赛推动新技术的产生和发展;推动技术的产业化发展;推进了技术人才的培养。
6)competing skills and strategies比赛技、战术

RP技术和基于RP技术的RT技术摘要:介绍了快速成形技术的原理和几种典型成形方法。同时,还介绍了基于快速成形技术的快速模具技术在模具制造业中的应用,以及快速成形技术的现状和发展趋势。 关键词:快速成形;快速模具;直接快速制模;间接快速制模。引言 快速成形(Rapid Prototyping , RP.)技术,也叫快速原型技术,20世纪80年代后期起源于美国。该技术是一种集计算机辅助设计、机械、数控、检测、激光技术和材料学等为一体的先进制造技术。传统的制造方法是基于材料去除的概念,而 RP 技术突破了这种工艺方法,它是一种“使材料生长”的制造过程,是一种全新的制造技术,所以被誉为是近20年来制造技术领域的一项重大突破。RP技术 1、原理 RP 技术是基于离散/堆积的原理。在计算机的控制下快速成型机的成形头选择性地固化一层层的液体材料(或选择性的切割一层层的纸、烧结一层层的粉末材料、喷涂一层层的热熔性材料等),形成各个截面轮廓并逐步顺序叠加成三维工件实体。其工艺步骤为: (1)切片 把三维CAD模型转化为快速原型系统能够接受的数据格式,运用切片软件将模型切成一系列指定厚度的薄片。 (2)扫描 通过数控装置控制激光或其他作业装置,在当前工作层上扫描出切片的截面形状。 (3)进给 把工作台沿着某一方向下降每次成形厚度那样一个距离。重复上一步骤和本步骤,直到工件完全成形。 (4)后处理 根据不同应用场合的需要,分别对零件进行后固化、上漆、烧结、渗铜等处理。 2、类型 目前RP的方法有几十种,但商品化较好的主要有:光固化立体成形(Stereo Lithogra- phy Apparatus, SLA)、分层实体制造(Laminated Objected Manufacturing ,LOM)、选择性激光烧结(Selected Laser Sintering , SLS)、熔融沉积造型(Fused Deposition Modeling , FDM)、三维印刷(Three Dimensional Printing , TDP)等。另外,很有潜力的激光气相沉积(Laser Vapor Deposition , LVP)法正在试验之中。 (1)SLA SLA法是出现最早,技术最成熟和应用最广泛的RP 技术,由美国的3D Systems 公司推出。SLA法是用激光束按照截面轮廓的形状,沿液态光敏树脂的表面进行扫描来固化光敏树脂,从而成形工件。工件的表面质量较好,尺寸精度较高(相对于其他RP 方法),可确保工件的尺寸精度在0.1mm以内,但树脂会因吸收空气中的水分而收缩、弯曲、卷翘,产生应力,适合成形中小型工件。