正义感,sense of justice
1)sense of justice正义感
1.With the negative effects of society,family,college and themselves,some college students show a lack of sense of justice,which runs in the opposite direction against the requirements of times.当前,在社会、家庭、学校以及自身多方面因素的作用下,部分大学生的正义感呈缺失状态,这与时代的要求背道而驰。
2.In the modern society, the citizens spirit of law observance is mainly manifested in three aspects, namely regulation awareness which includes top priority for regulations, attention to procedures and restriction of power; sense of justice which includes awareness of rights and reciprocity of justice; and public rationality which is the nuclear element of the spirit of law observance.二是正义感,包括权利意识和相互性两个方面。
3.As a senior sense of morality, sense of justice is chiefly a special ability of the social members participating in the social life of politics and economy.正义感作为人的一种高级道德情感,主要是指社会成员参与政治、经济生活的一种特殊能力。

1.build up a just nation使国民逐步树立正义感
2.He is equipped with a deep sense of justice.他具有深切的正义感
3.Baseball builds character through personal responsibility, teamwork, truthfulness and honor!棒球培养责任感、团队精神、正义感和自信。
4.A man who is dead to the justice is not reliable.一个没有正义感的人是靠不住的。
5.This politician is equipped with a deep sense of justice.这位政治家具有深切的正义感
6.He has full confidence in the right-mindedness of his fellow men.他深信他的同胞都有正义感
7.If everyone has a sense of justice, society will be perfect.如果大家都有正义感, 社会将是美好的!
8.On the Deficiency and Cultivation of Sense of Justice in the Contemporary Society论当代社会正义感的缺失及其培育
9.Be guided by your sense of what be right and just做事要有是非观念和正义感
10.Be guided by your sense of what is right and just.做事要有是非观念和正义感.
11.Their sense of justice gave them armor against the contempt of others.他们的正义感保护他们不被别人轻视。
12.Such an act is abhorrent to my sense of right.这种行为是我的正义感所不能容忍的。
13.The Injustice Sense of Property Rights: Its Harms,Origins and Solutions财产权不正义感:危害·成因·克服
14.They love stoutness in standing for your right, in declining money or promotion that costs any concession.他们热爱维护民众权利的正义感,热爱拒绝钱权交易的正义之举。
15.7. Inspirational appeals: using emotionally charged and symbolic language to appeal to another person's sense of loyalty or justice.7. 激发感情:用感情充沛和富有象征意义的语言激发他人的忠诚感或正义感
16.Old Jolyon's sense of justice had risen, as it were, from bed.老乔里恩的正义感好象从九泉下升了起来。
17.He can exchange with people easily, and has comparatively more of a sense of what is right and feelings of empathy.他容易跟别人交流, 而且比较有正义感、同情心。
18.The fundamental fault of the female character is that it has not any sense of justice. --Arthur Schopenhauer女人性格的根本错误是没有正义感。——叔本华

the sense of injustice不正义感
3)the sense of justice富有正义感
1.He depicted the intelligent,the sense of justice and enthusiastic of Hongniang on the contradictory conflict.作者用巧妙的艺术手法,以老夫人、莺莺、张生作比较,在矛盾冲突中刻画了红娘富有正义感,乐于助人,勇敢机智,冲破封建礼教,促成了崔、张美满的婚事。
4)the individual sense of justice个体正义感
1.Divided by the subject of undertaking the morality, sense of justice has the individual sense of justice and the soc.从指向来看,正义感既表现为社会成员对生活于其中的社会制度的评价与态度,又表现为社会成员对正义行为与非正义行为的评价与态度;从承担主体来看,正义感有个体正义感和社会正义感之分。
5)the social sense of justice社会正义感
6)have a sense of justice具有正义感
