基督教伦理,Christian ethics
1)Christian ethics基督教伦理
1.Principle of Human Relationship and Principle of Christian:A Comparative Analysis of Confucian Ethics and Christian Ethics;人伦之道与基督之道——儒家伦理与基督教伦理比较研究的一个视角
2.The paper from social ethics point of view,asserted that the rising of the western world is closely linked with Christian ethics.西方世界的兴起是多种历史因素的产物,文章从社会伦理学角度认为西方世界的兴起与基督教伦理息息相关。
3.Originated in the western legal culture and based on Christian ethics and civil spirit,restorative justice is a transformation of the traditional criminal justice.恢复性司法是传统刑事司法理念的转换,诞生于西方的法律文化之中,以基督教伦理和市民精神为支柱。

1.Principle of Human Relationship and Principle of Christian:A Comparative Analysis of Confucian Ethics and Christian Ethics;人伦之道与基督之道——儒家伦理与基督教伦理比较研究的一个视角
2.How to Accelerate the Convergence of Confucian Ethics and that of Christianity;如何推进儒教伦理与基督教伦理的融合
3.Sin and Redemption: Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter from a Christian Ethical Perspective;罪与救赎:霍桑《红字》的基督教伦理解读
4.A Brief Discussion about the Support Role of Christian Ethics to the Operation of American Democratic System;论基督教伦理对美国民主机制运行的支撑作用
5.On Relation of Doctrinal and Ethical Nature of Christianity to Social Harmony;基督教的教义性、伦理性与社会和谐
6.Ethic,Status and Identity:The Ethical Life of Christians in Contemporary China;伦理·身份·认同——中国当代基督教徒的伦理生活
7.On the Confucian "Benevolence" and the Christian "Universal Love;儒家"仁爱"伦理与基督教"博爱"伦理思想比较研究
8.Economic Ethic Ideas of Christianity and Their Current Significance;基督教的经济伦理思想及其当代价值
9.A Reflection of Christian Ecological Ethics in the Vision of Eco-criticism on The Grapes of Wrath从《愤怒的葡萄》看基督教生态伦理观
10.Comparison of sexual ethical outlooks between early Christianity and Taoism in the Han and Jin Dynasties;早期基督教与汉晋道教的性伦理观比较
11.The Significance of Christian "Forgiveness" in Modern Ethics;基督宗教“宽恕观”对现代社会伦理的意义
12.The Ethical Study of Christian Marriage Systems and Their Modern Development;浅析基督教婚姻伦理制度及其现代发展
13.The Christian Super-consanguineous Ethic and Its Origin:From the Old Testament to the New Testament;基督教超血亲伦理及其起源——从《旧约》到《新约》
14.The Adaptation of Chinese Christian Leader of Sichuan to Traditional Chinese Culture--On Bishop Song Chengzhi S Christian Ethic;“采中补洋”的四川基督教领袖——四川圣公会会督宋诚之伦理观述评
15.To teach the principles of Christian dogma, discipline, and ethics by means of questions and answers.用问答法教学以问答方式教授基督教义、纪律和道德伦理
16.Ethic Characteristics of Religious Transcendental Ideas on Human Death: an Case Study of Christianity and Buddhism;论宗教超越人之死亡的伦理学特征——以基督教与佛教为例
17.On the Historical Evolution and the Pluralistic Development of Western Modern Christian Ethical Thoughts;试论现代西方基督宗教伦理思想的历史演绎、多元发展与理论困难
18.International Council of Christian Churches国际基督教会理事会(基督教会理事会)

traditional christian ethics基督教传统伦理
3)Christian social ethics基督教社会伦理
4)Christian marital ethic基督教婚姻伦理
5)Christianity ethics基督教伦理学
6)the moral ethics of the Christian religion基督教道德伦理观

基督教心理治疗基督教心理治疗Christian psychotherapy  墓督教心理治疗(c h ristian psyehotherapy)以基督教《圣经》中的教义为准则来解决冲突和控制行为的一种疗法。此疗法受启发于教堂牧师的咨询治疗作用,按《圣经》把人分为肉体、心灵和精神三部分,以上帝为主宰。该学派认为所有疾病都是由于人违背于上帝,如对上帝若即若离可造成空虚和生活无意义感,故强调祈祷、内省及自我牺牲作为治疗的基本原则。据称此种方法对酒精中毒、药瘾、庶症性格和神经症等有效,对躁狂抑郁症及精神分裂症无效。 (徐云撰梁宝勇审)