个体主体性,individual subjectivity
1)individual subjectivity个体主体性
1.The essential inclusion of literature subjectivity theory lies in ratifying and emphasizing individual subjectivity.文学主体论的根本性蕴涵在于对个体主体性的确证和伸张。
2.The subjectivity style developing from the individual subjectivity to the mankind subjectivity,is an inevitable logic result.从个体主体性发展到类主体性,是主体性形态自身发展的必然逻辑结果。
3.The suspension of the external world in the stream of consciousness novel reveals the crisis of individual subjectivity, while the foregrounding of individual consciousness symbolizes its reconstruction.意识流小说中外部世界的悬置揭示了个体主体性的危机,自我意识的凸显标志着个体主体性的重建。

1.Development from Individual Subjectivity to Mankind Subjectivity;从个体主体性到类主体性——当代主体性形态转换研究
2.From Subjectivity of Mankind to Subjectivity of Individual:the Notion of Subjectivity in Li Zehou s Practice Aesthetics;从人类主体性到个体主体性——论李泽厚实践美学的主体性观念
3.On the Creation Mechanism of Individual Subjectivity Based on Practical Materialism;个体主体性生成机制的实践唯物主义探讨
4.The Stream of Consciousness Novel: A Utopia of Individual Subjectivity Ridden with Crises;意识流小说:危机重重的个体主体性的乌托邦
5.Promoting Students all-round Development by Arousing Their Individual Initiative;素质教育应致力于学生个体主体性教育上
6.On the Surpassing of the Inter-subjected Education over the Individual-subjected Education;主体间性教育对个人主体性教育的超越
7.Virtue means moral elements that have come into a person's quality.德性是主体化为个体品质的道德单元。
8.Adopting student-oriented approach, promoting individualized autonomous learning;以学生为主体,促进个性化自主学习
9.Theory Of Subject Education:From Subjectivity To Inter-subjectivity;主体教育理论:从主体性到主体间性
10.From Subjectivity to Intersubjectivity--A Postmodernist Investigation of the History of Development of Western Philosophy;从主体性到主体间性——对西方哲学发展史的一个后现代性考察
11.The Analysis of the Individual Subjective Character and the Collectivism under the Condition of the Socialistic Market Economy;社会主义市场经济条件下的个人主体性与集体主义
12.On Several Factors of Influencing the Construction of Principle Part in P.E Teaching;试论影响体育教学学生主体性构建的几个因素
13.From Abstract Subjectivity to Concrete Subjectivity;从“抽象主体性”到“具体主体性”
14.On psychological model of writing subject individualization - widening - individualization;论写作主体“个性化-泛化-个性化”的心理模型
15.A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions of Beloved-from the Perspective of Translator s Subjectivity;从译者主体性视角解读Beloved两个中译本
16.Comparison of Four English Versions of Tao Te Ching: From the Perspective of Translator s Subjectivity;《道德经》四个英译本的译者主体性分析
17.Individual and Institutional:the Dual Dimension of Teacher Autonomy;个体与组织:教师自主性的二重维度
18.Elaboration of Students Principal Part Character in Individualized Instruction;个别化教学中学生主体性作用的发挥

subjective character主体个性
1.In the paper, the author regards that subjective character, writing character and literary style are three stages of literary style development.主体个性——创作个性——文学风格 ,这是文学风格攀升的三个阶段。
3)individual subjectivity个人主体性
1.It is the demand of contemporary society for the nature of human beings to develop from individual subjectivity to inter subjectivity, and it is also the inevitability of the subjectivity development.从个人主体性到主体间性是现代社会对人性发展的要求 ,也是主体性发展的必然。
4)the individual subjectivity个人主体性
1.In the recent times and the modern times, the educational scientism has hindered a man in the growth of personality, and humanism has preached exaggeratedly the individual subjectivity but neglected the social values of the education.近现代教育科学主义遏制人在教育中的个性 ,人本主义片面张扬个人主体性 ,忽视教育的社会价值。
1.In the terms of Ontology,normal instruction communication makes conscious subject(human being) to gain and develop individual-subjectivity,inter-subjectivity.在本体论意义下正常的教学交往促使有意识的主体(人)获得并发展主体间性、个人主体性。
2.Inter-subjectivity,as a new category cited by modern western philosophy,is based on reflection upon drawbacks of individual-subjectivity.主体间性是当代西方哲学在对个人主体性弊端反思的基础上提出的范畴,主体间性作为一种新的人的生存方式和人学理念的世界观对教育理论与实践具有深远影响。
6)individuality subject theory个性主体论
